< 2 Korinterne 13 >
1 Det er nu tredje Gang, jeg kommer til eder. Paa to og tre Vidners Mund skal enhver Sag staa fast.
This is my third visit to you. “Any charge must be verified by two or three witnesses.”
2 Jeg har sagt det forud og siger det forud, ligesom da jeg anden Gang var nærværende, saaledes ogsaa nu fraværende til dem, som forhen have syndet, og til alle de øvrige, at, om jeg kommer igen, vil jeg ikke skaane,
I already warned those of you who were sinning when I visited the second time. Even though I'm not there, I'm warning them again—and all the rest of you—that when I visit I won't hesitate to act against them,
3 efterdi I fordre Bevis paa, at Kristus taler i mig, han, som ikke er magtesløs over for eder, men er stærk iblandt eder.
since you're demanding proof that Christ is speaking through me. He is not weak in the way he relates to you; rather he works powerfully among you.
4 Thi vel blev han korsfæstet i Magtesløshed, men han lever ved Guds Kraft; og ogsaa vi ere svage i ham, men vi skulle leve med ham ved Guds Kraft over for eder.
Even though he was crucified in weakness, now he lives through the power of God. We too are weak in him, but you will see that we live with him through the power of God.
5 Ransager eder selv, om I ere i Troen; prøver eder selv! Eller erkende I ikke om eder selv, at Jesus Kristus er i eder? ellers ere I udygtige.
Examine yourselves to see if you are trusting God. Put yourselves to the test. Don't you yourselves realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless you have failed the test…
6 Men jeg haaber, at I skulle kende, at vi ere ikke udygtige.
However, I hope that you realize that we have not failed the test.
7 Men vi bede til Gud om, at I intet ondt maa gøre; ikke for at vi maa vise os dygtige, men for at I maa gøre det gode, vi derimod staa som udygtige.
We pray to God that you won't do anything bad—not so we can show we passed the test, but so you can do what is good, even if we appear to be failures.
8 Thi vi formaa ikke noget imod Sandheden, men for Sandheden.
We can't do anything against the truth, only for the truth.
9 Thi vi glæde os, naar vi ere magtesløse, og I ere stærke; dette ønske vi ogsaa, at I maa blive fuldkommengjorte.
We're happy when we are weak, and you are strong—we pray that you may continue to improve.
10 Derfor skriver jeg dette fraværende, for at jeg ikke nærværende skal bruge Strenghed, efter den Magt, som Herren har givet mig til Opbyggelse, og ikke til Nedbrydelse.
That is why I write about this while I'm not with you, so that when I am with you I won't have to treat you harshly by imposing my authority. The Lord gave me authority for building up, not for tearing down.
11 I øvrigt, Brødre! glæder eder, bliver fuldkommengjorte, lader eder formane, værer enige, værer fredsommelige, og Kærlighedens og Fredens Gud skal være med eder.
Finally, brothers and sisters, I say goodbye. Continue to improve spiritually. Encourage one another. Be in agreement. Live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.
12 Hilser hverandre med et helligt Kys!
Greet each other with Christian affection.
13 Alle de hellige hilse eder.
All the believers here send their greetings.
14 Den Herres Jesu Kristi Naade og Guds Kærlighed og den Helligaands Samfund være med eder alle!
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.