< Anden Krønikebog 25 >

1 Amazia var fem og tyve Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede ni og tyve Aar i Jerusalem, og hans Moders Navn var Joadan fra Jerusalem.
Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem: and his mother's name was Jehoaddan, of Jerusalem.
2 Og han gjorde det, som var ret for Herrens Øjne, dog ikke af fuldt Hjerte.
He did that which was right in the eyes of Jehovah, but not with a perfect heart.
3 Og det skete, der Riget befæstedes under ham, da slog han sine Tjenere ihjel, som havde ihjelslaget Kongen, hans Fader.
Now it happened, when the kingdom was firmly in his grasp, that he killed his servants who had killed his father the king.
4 Men han dræbte ikke deres Børn; thi han gjorde, saaledes som er skrevet i Loven i Moses Bog, det, som Herren bød, sigende: Forældre skulle ikke dø for Børnene, og Børnene skulle ikke dø for Forældrene; men de skulle dø hver for sin Synds Skyld.
But he did not put their children to death, but did according to that which is written in the law in the scroll of Moses, as Jehovah commanded, saying, "The fathers shall not die for the children, neither shall the children die for the fathers; but every man shall die for his own sin."
5 Og Amazia samlede Juda og opstillede dem efter deres Fædres Hus, efter Øverster over tusinde og efter Øverster over hundrede, hele Juda og Benjamin; og han talte dem, fra tyve Aar gamle og derover, og fandt af dem tre Hundrede Tusinde udvalgte, som kunde drage ud i Strid, og som kunde føre Spyd og Skjold.
Moreover Amaziah gathered Judah together, and ordered them according to their fathers' houses, under captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, even all Judah and Benjamin: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upward, and found them three hundred thousand chosen men, able to go forth to war, who could handle spear and shield.
6 Tilmed lejede han af Israel hundrede Tusinde, vældige til Strid, for hundrede Centner Sølv.
He hired also one hundred thousand mighty men of valor out of Israel for one hundred talents of silver.
7 Men der kom en Guds Mand til ham og sagde: O Konge! lad ikke Israels Hær drage med dig; thi Herren er ikke med Israel eller med nogen af Efraims Børn.
A man of God came to him, saying, "O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you; for Jehovah is not with Israel, with all the people of Ephraim.
8 Men kom du alene, udfør det selv, styrk dig til Krigen: Gud skulde ellers lade dig falde for Fjendens Ansigt, thi der er Kraft i Gud til at hjælpe og til at lade falde.
But if you will go, take action, be strong for the battle. God will overthrow you before the enemy; for God has power to help, and to overthrow."
9 Og Amazia sagde til den Guds Mand: Hvad skal man da gøre med de hundrede Centner, som jeg har givet den Trop af Israel? Og den Guds Mand sagde: Herren har meget mere at give dig end dette.
Amaziah said to the man of God, "But what shall we do for the hundred talents which I have given to the army of Israel?" The man of God answered, "Jehovah is able to give you much more than this."
10 Da fraskilte Amazia den Trop, som var kommen til ham af Efraim, for at de kunde gaa til deres Hjem; men deres Vrede optændtes saare imod Juda, og de vendte tilbage til deres Hjem med fnysende Vrede.
Then Amaziah separated them, the army that had come to him out of Ephraim, to go home again: therefore their anger was greatly kindled against Judah, and they returned home in fierce anger.
11 Og Amazia viste sig stærk og førte sit Folk ud og drog til Saltdalen og slog af Sejrs Børn ti Tusinde.
Amaziah took courage, and led forth his people, and went to the Valley of Salt, and struck ten thousand of the people of Seir.
12 Tilmed fangede Judas Børn ti Tusinde levende og førte dem op paa Klippens Top, og de kastede dem ned fra Klippens Top, saa de alle sammen bleve knuste.
The people of Judah carry away ten thousand alive, and brought them to the top of the rock, and threw them down from the top of the rock, so that they all were broken in pieces.
13 Men de Folk af den Trop, som Amazia lod vende tilbage, at de ikke skulde drage i Krig med ham, de faldt ind i Judas Stæder fra Samaria og indtil Beth-Horon, og de sloge af dem tre Tusinde og gjorde et stort Bytte.
But the men of the army whom Amaziah sent back, that they should not go with him to battle, fell on the cities of Judah, from Samaria even to Beth Horon, and struck of them three thousand, and took much spoil.
14 Thi det skete, der Amazia kom tilbage efter at have slaaet Edomiterne, at han førte Sejrs Børns Guder med sig og tog sig dem til Guder og tilbad for deres Ansigt og gjorde Røgelse for dem.
Now it happened, after that Amaziah had come from the slaughter of the Edomites, that he brought the gods of the people of Seir, and set them up to be his gods, and bowed down himself before them, and burned incense to them.
15 Da optændtes Herrens Vrede imod Amazia, og han sendte en Profet til ham, og han sagde til ham: Hvorfor søger du det Folks Guder, som ikke kunde redde deres Folk af din Haand?
Therefore the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Amaziah, and he sent to him a prophet, who said to him, "Why have you sought after the gods of the people, which have not delivered their own people out of your hand?"
16 Men det skete, der han talte til ham, da sagde han til ham: Mon vi have sat dig til Kongens Raadgiver? lad du af! hvorfor skulle de slaa dig ihjel? Da lod Profeten af og sagde: Jeg fornemmer, at Gud har besluttet at ødelægge dig, fordi du gjorde dette og ikke adlød mit Raad.
It happened, as he talked with him, that the king said to him, "Have we made you one of the king's counselors? Stop. Why should you be struck down?" Then the prophet stopped, and said, "I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this, and have not listened to my counsel."
17 Og Amazia, Judas Konge, holdt Raad og sendte Bud til Joas, en Søn af Joakas, der var en Søn af Jehu, Israels Konge, og lod sige: Kom og lader os se hinandens Ansigt!
Then Amaziah king of Judah consulted his advisers, and sent to Joash, the son of Jehoahaz the son of Jehu, king of Israel, saying, "Come, let us look one another in the face."
18 Men Joas, Israels Konge, sendte til Amazia, Judas Konge, og lod sige: Tornebusken, som er paa Libanon, sendte til Cedertræet, som er paa Libanon, og lod sige: Giv min Søn din Datter til Hustru; men vilde Dyr paa Marken, som vare paa Libanon, gik over og nedtraadte Tornebusken.
Joash king of Israel sent to Amaziah king of Judah, saying, "The thistle that was in Lebanon sent to the cedar that was in Lebanon, saying, 'Give your daughter to my son as his wife; then a wild animal that was in Lebanon passed by, and trampled down the thistle.
19 Du siger: Se, du har slaget Edomiterne, og dit Hjerte gør dig hovmodig, saa du vil æres; nu, bliv i dit Hus; hvi søger du Ulykke, at du skal falde, du og Juda med dig?
You say to yourself that you have struck Edom; and your heart lifts you up to boast. Now stay at home. Why should you meddle with trouble, that you should fall, even you, and Judah with you?'"
20 Men Amazia adlød ikke; thi det var af Gud, for at give dem i Fjendehaand, fordi de havde søgt Edomiternes Guder.
But Amaziah would not listen; for it was of God, that he might deliver them into the hand of their enemies, because they had sought after the gods of Edom.
21 Saa drog Joas, Israels Konge, op, og de saa hinandens Ansigt, han og Amazia, Judas Konge, ved Beth-Semes, som hører til Juda.
So Joash king of Israel went up; and he and Amaziah king of Judah looked one another in the face at Beth Shemesh, which belongs to Judah.
22 Men Juda blev slagen for Israels Ansigt, og de flyede hver til sine Telte.
Judah was defeated by Israel; and they fled every man to his tent.
23 Og Joas, Israels Konge, fangede Amazia, Judas Konge, en Søn af Joas, der var en Søn af Joakas, ved Beth-Semes; og han førte ham til Jerusalem og nedrev Jerusalems Mur fra Efraims Port indtil Hjørneporten, et Stykke paa fire Hundrede Alen.
Joash king of Israel took Amaziah king of Judah, the son of Joash the son of Jehoahaz, at Beth Shemesh, and brought him to Jerusalem, and broke down the wall of Jerusalem from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate, six hundred eighty-nine feet.
24 Og han tog alt Guldet og Sølvet og alle Redskaber, som fandtes i Guds Hus, hos Obed-Edom, og Skattene i Kongens Hus og Gidslerne, og han vendte tilbage til Samaria.
He took all the gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found in God's house with Obed-Edom, and the treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.
25 Og Amazia, Joas's Søn, Judas Konge, levede efter Joas's, Joakas's Søns, Israels Konges Død, femten Aar.
Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah lived after the death of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel fifteen years.
26 Men det øvrige af Amazias Handeler, de første og de sidste, se, ere de Ting ikke skrevne i Judas og Israels Kongers Bog?
Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, first and last, look, aren't they written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel?
27 Og fra den Tid, der Amazia veg af fra Herren, da indgik de et Forbund imod ham i Jerusalem, og han flyede til Lakis; da sendte de efter ham til Lakis og dræbte ham der.
Now from the time that Amaziah turned away from following Jehovah, they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem. He fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish, and killed him there.
28 Og de førte ham paa Heste og begrove ham hos hans Fædre i Judas Stad.
They brought him on horses, and buried him with his fathers in the City of David.

< Anden Krønikebog 25 >