< Anden Krønikebog 21 >

1 Og Josafat laa med sine Fædre og blev begraven hos sine Fædre i Davids Stad, og hans Søn Joram blev Konge i hans Sted.
Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in David’s city; and Jehoram his son reigned in his place.
2 Og han havde Brødre, Sønner af Josafat: Asaria og Jehiel og Sakaria og Asaria og Mikael og Sefatja; alle disse vare Josafats, Israels Konges, Sønner.
He had brothers, the sons of Jehoshaphat: Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah. All these were the sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel.
3 Og deres Fader gav dem mange Gaver af Sølv og af Guld og kostbare Sager, tillige med faste Stæder i Juda; men Riget gav han Joram, thi han var den førstefødte.
Their father gave them great gifts of silver, of gold, and of precious things, with fortified cities in Judah; but he gave the kingdom to Jehoram, because he was the firstborn.
4 Og der Joram havde overtaget sin Faders Rige og havde befæstet sig, slog han alle sine Brødre ihjel med Sværdet, ja ogsaa nogle af de Øverste i Israel.
Now when Jehoram had risen up over the kingdom of his father, and had strengthened himself, he killed all his brothers with the sword, and also some of the princes of Israel.
5 Joram var to og tredive Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede otte Aar i Jerusalem.
Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eight years in Jerusalem.
6 Og han vandrede i Israels Kongers Vej, ligesom Akabs Hus gjorde; thi Akabs Datter var hans Hustru; og han gjorde det, som var ondt for Herrens Øjne.
He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, as did Ahab’s house, for he had Ahab’s daughter as his wife. He did that which was evil in Yahweh’s sight.
7 Dog vilde Herren ikke ødelægge Davids Hus for den Pagts Skyld, som han havde gjort med David, og saaledes som han havde sagt, at han vilde give ham og hans Sønner et Lys alle Dage.
However Yahweh would not destroy David’s house, because of the covenant that he had made with David, and as he promised to give a lamp to him and to his children always.
8 I hans Dage faldt Edom af fra Judas Herredømme, og de satte en Konge over sig.
In his days Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah, and made a king over themselves.
9 Derfor drog Joram over med sine Øverster og alle Vognene med ham, og han gjorde sig rede om Natten og slog Edom, som var trindt omkring ham, og de Øverste for deres Vogne.
Then Jehoram went there with his captains and all his chariots with him. He rose up by night and struck the Edomites who surrounded him, along with the captains of the chariots.
10 Dog faldt Edom af fra Judas Herredømme indtil denne Dag; da faldt ogsaa Libna paa samme Tid af fra hans Herredømme; thi han forlod Herren, sine Fædres Gud.
So Edom has been in revolt from under the hand of Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time from under his hand, because he had forsaken Yahweh, the God of his fathers.
11 Han gjorde ogsaa Høje paa Judas Bjerge og forførte Indbyggerne i Jerusalem til at bole, ja han drev Juda dertil.
Moreover he made high places in the mountains of Judah, and made the inhabitants of Jerusalem play the prostitute, and led Judah astray.
12 Og der kom en Skrivelse til ham fra Elias, Profeten, hvori han sagde: Saa siger Herren, din Fader Davids Gud: Fordi du ikke har vandret i din Fader Josafats Veje, ej heller i Asas, Judas Konges, Veje;
A letter came to him from Elijah the prophet, saying, “Yahweh, the God of David your father, says, ‘Because you have not walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat your father, nor in the ways of Asa king of Judah,
13 men du har vandret i Israels Kongers Vej og forført Juda og Jerusalems Indbyggere til at bole efter Akabs Hus's Bolerier, og du tilmed har ihjelslaget dine Brødre af din Faders Hus, hvilke vare bedre end du:
but have walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and have made Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to play the prostitute like Ahab’s house did, and also have slain your brothers of your father’s house, who were better than yourself,
14 Se, derfor skal Herren slaa dit Folk og dine Børn og dine Hustruer og alt dit Gods med stor Plage
behold, Yahweh will strike your people with a great plague, including your children, your wives, and all your possessions;
15 og dig selv med mange Smerter, ved en Sygdom i dine Indvolde, indtil dine Indvolde gaa ud formedelst Smerten, der skal vare fra Dag til Dag.
and you will have great sickness with a disease of your bowels, until your bowels fall out by reason of the sickness, day by day.’”
16 Saa opvakte Herren imod Joram Filisternes Aand og de Arabers, som bo ved Siden af Morianerne.
Yahweh stirred up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and of the Arabians who are beside the Ethiopians;
17 Og de droge op i Juda og brøde ind derudi og bortførte alt Godset, som fandtes i Kongens Hus og tilmed hans Sønner og hans Hustruer; og han beholdt ikke en Søn tilovers uden Joakas, den yngste af hans Sønner.
and they came up against Judah, broke into it, and carried away all the possessions that were found in the king’s house, including his sons and his wives, so that there was no son left to him except Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons.
18 Og efter alt dette plagede Herren ham i hans Indvolde med Smerte, saa at der var ingen Lægedom.
After all this Yahweh struck him in his bowels with an incurable disease.
19 Og det holdt ved fra Dag til Dag, og ved Enden af det andet Aar, da gik hans Indvolde ud under hans Sygdom, saa at han døde i gruelige Smerter; og hans Folk brændte intet til hans Ære, saaledes som de havde gjort for hans Fædre.
In process of time, at the end of two years, his bowels fell out by reason of his sickness, and he died of severe diseases. His people made no burning for him, like the burning of his fathers.
20 Han var to og tredive Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede otte Aar i Jerusalem, og han vandrede saa, at ingen havde Længsel efter ham, og de begrove ham i Davids Stad, men ikke iblandt Kongernes Grave.
He was thirty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years. He departed with no one’s regret. They buried him in David’s city, but not in the tombs of the kings.

< Anden Krønikebog 21 >