< Anden Krønikebog 19 >

1 Men Josafat, Judas Konge, kom tilbage til sit Hus med Fred til Jerusalem.
And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned unto his own house in peace, to Jerusalem.
2 Og Jehu, Hananis Søn, Seeren, gik ud imod ham og sagde til Kong Josafat: Skal du hjælpe den ugudelige og elske dem, som hade Herren? derfor er der Vrede over dig fra Herrens Ansigt.
And there came out to meet him, Jehu son of Hanani, the seer, who said unto King Jehoshaphat, Unto the lawless, was it [right] to give help? and, on them who hate Yahweh, to bestow thy love? For this cause, therefore, is there wrath against thee, from before Yahweh;
3 Dog er der nogle gode Ting fundne hos dig, at du har borttaget Astartebillederne af Landet og beredet dit Hjerte til at søge Gud.
howbeit, good things, are found with thee, -for that thou hast consumed the Sacred Stems out of the land, and hast fixed thy heart to seek God.
4 Saa blev Josafat i Jerusalem; og han drog ud igen iblandt Folket fra Beersaba indtil Efraims Bjerg og førte dem tilbage til Herren, deres Fædres Gud.
So Jehoshaphat dwelt in Jerusalem, —and he again went forth among the people, from Beersheba as far as the hill country of Ephraim, and brought them back unto Yahweh, the God of their fathers.
5 Og han beskikkede Dommere i Landet, i alle Judas faste Stæder, i hver Stad.
And he stationed judges in the land, throughout all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city;
6 Og han sagde til Dommerne: Ser til, hvad I gøre, thi I holde ikke Dom for et Menneske, men for Herren; og han er med eder i Dommens Handel.
and said unto the judges, See what, ye, are doing, inasmuch as, not for man, must ye judge, but for Yahweh, —who will be with you, in the word of justice.
7 Derfor lader nu Herrens Frygt være over eder; tager eder i Agt, i hvad I gøre; thi der er ingen Uret hos Herren vor Gud, ej heller Persons Anseelse, ej heller Gavers Annammelse.
Now, therefore, let the dread of Yahweh be upon you, —observe and do, for there is, with Yahweh our God, neither perversity nor respect of persons nor the taking of bribes.
8 Tilmed beskikkede Josafat ogsaa i Jerusalem nogle af Leviterne og Præsterne og af Øversterne for Fædrenehusene iblandt Israel til at dømme i Herrens Sager og i Tvistigheder. Og de vendte tilbage til Jerusalem.
And, even in Jerusalem, did Jehoshaphat station some of the Levites and the priests, and of the ancestral chiefs of Israel, to pronounce the just sentence of Yahweh, and to settle disputes, —when they returned to Jerusalem.
9 Og han bød dem og sagde: Gører saa i Herrens Frygt, trolig og med et retskaffent Hjerte!
And he laid charge upon them, saying, —Thus, shall ye act, in the fear of Yahweh, faithfully and with an undivided heart.
10 Og ved alle Tvistigheder, som komme for eder og fra eders Brødre, som bo i deres Stæder, imellem Blod og Blod, imellem Lov og Bud, Skikke og Forskrifter, skulle I paaminde dem, at de ikke blive skyldige for Herren, og der maatte komme en Vrede over eder og over eders Brødre; gører saa, da skulle I ikke blive skyldige.
Any dispute that shall come in unto you from among your brethren who are dwelling in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment and statutes and regulations, then shall ye warn them, that they may not become guilty against Yahweh, and so wrath come upon you and upon your brethren, —Thus, shall ye act, and not incur guilt.
11 Og se, Ypperstepræsten Amaria er over eder i alle Herrens Sager og Sebadja, Ismaels Søn, Fyrsten i Judas Hus, i alle Kongens Sager, saa ere og Leviterne Fogeder for eders Ansigt; værer frimodige og gører dette, og Herren skal være med den gode.
And lo! Amariah the chief priest, is over you as to every matter of Yahweh, and Zebadiah son of Ishmael the chief ruler for the house of Judah, as to every matter of the king, and, as officers, the Levites are before you, —Be strong and act, and Yahweh be with the good!

< Anden Krønikebog 19 >