< Anden Krønikebog 12 >
1 Og det skete, der Roboams Rige var befæstet, og der han var bleven mægtig, da forlod han og hele Israel med ham Herrens Lov.
And it was when established [the] kingdom of Rehoboam and according to strengthening his he forsook [the] law of Yahweh and all Israel with him.
2 Og det skete i Kong Roboams femte Aar, da drog Sisak, Kongen af Ægypten, op imod Jerusalem (thi de havde forsyndet sig imod Herren)
And it was in the year fifth of the king Rehoboam he came up Shishak [the] king of Egypt on Jerusalem for they had acted unfaithfully against Yahweh.
3 med tusinde og to Hundrede Vogne og med tresindstyve Tusinde Ryttere, og der var ikke Tal paa det Folk, som kom med ham af Ægypten: Libyer, Sukiter og Morianer.
With one thousand and two hundred chariot[s] and with sixty thousand horsemen and not number [belonged] to the people which they came with him from Egypt Libyans Sukkites and Cushites.
4 Og han indtog de faste Stæder, som hørte til Juda, og kom til Jerusalem.
And he captured [the] cities of fortifications which [belonged] to Judah and he came to Jerusalem.
5 Da kom Semaja, Profeten, til Roboam og til de Øverste i Juda, som havde samlet sig til Jerusalem for Sisaks Skyld, og sagde til dem: Saa sagde Herren: I have forladt mig, og jeg har derfor overladt eder i Sisaks Haand.
And Shemaiah the prophet he came to Rehoboam and [the] leaders of Judah who they had gathered to Jerusalem because of Shishak and he said to them thus he says Yahweh you you have abandoned me and also I I have abandoned you in [the] hand of Shishak.
6 Da ydmygede de Øverste udi Israel sig tillige med Kongen, og de sagde: Herren er retfærdig.
And they humbled themselves [the] leaders of Israel and the king and they said [is] righteous - Yahweh.
7 Og der Herren saa, at de ydmygede sig, da skete Herrens Ord til Semaja og sagde: De have ydmyget sig, jeg vil ikke ødelægge dem; men om en kort Tid vil jeg lade dem undkomme, og min Fortørnelse skal ikke udøses over Jerusalem ved Sisak.
And when saw Yahweh that they had humbled themselves it came [the] word of Yahweh to Shemaiah - saying they have humbled themselves not I will destroy them and I will give to them like a little deliverance and not it will pour forth rage my on Jerusalem by [the] hand of Shishak.
8 Dog skulle de vorde hans Tjenere, at de kunne fornemme, hvad det er at tjene mig og at tjene Landenes Riger.
For they will become of him subjects so they may know service my and [the] service of [the] kingdoms of the lands.
9 Saa drog Sisak, Kongen af Ægypten, op imod Jerusalem, og han tog Liggendefæet i Herrens Hus og Liggendefæet i Kongens Hus, han tog alting bort; og han tog de Skjolde af Guld, som Salomo havde ladet gøre.
And he came up Shishak [the] king of Egypt on Jerusalem and he took [the] treasures of [the] house of Yahweh and [the] treasures of [the] house of the king everything he took and he took [the] shields of gold which he had made Solomon.
10 Og Kong Roboam lod gøre Kobberskjolde i deres Sted og betroede dem i de øverste Drabanters Haand, som toge Vare paa Døren for Kongens Hus.
And he made the king Rehoboam in place of them shields of bronze and he entrusted [them] on [the] hand of [the] commanders of the runners who guarded [the] entrance of [the] house of the king.
11 Og det skete, saa tidt Kongen gik ind i Herrens Hus, da kom Drabanterne og bare dem ud, og de bare dem tilbage i Drabanternes Kammer.
And it was as often as came the king [the] house of Yahweh they came the runners and they carried them and they returned them to [the] guardroom of the runners.
12 Og da han ydmygede sig, blev Herrens Vrede vendt af fra ham, thi han vilde ikke ødelægge ham aldeles; thi der var ogsaa nogle gode Ting i Juda.
And when he humbled himself it turned back from him [the] anger of Yahweh and not to destroy to complete destruction and also in Judah it was things good.
13 Og Kong Roboam befæstede sig i Jerusalem og regerede; thi Roboam var et og fyrretyve Aar gammel, der han blev Konge, og regerede sytten Aar i Jerusalem, i den Stad, som Herren af alle Israels Stammer havde udvalgt for der at sætte sit Navn; og hans Moders Navn var Naema, den ammonitiske.
And he strengthened himself the king Rehoboam in Jerusalem and he reigned for [was] a son of forty and one year[s] Rehoboam when became king he and seven-teen year[s] - he reigned in Jerusalem the city where he had chosen Yahweh to put name his there from all [the] tribes of Israel and [the] name of mother his [was] Naamah the Ammonite [woman].
14 Og han gjorde det, som var ondt; thi han beredte ikke sit Hjerte til at søge Herren.
And he did evil for not he had directed heart his to seek Yahweh.
15 Men Roboams Handeler, de første og de sidste, ere de ikke skrevne i Profeten Semajas Krønikers Bog og hos Seeren Iddo, hvor han opregner Slægtregistrene? og der var Krige imellem Roboam og Jeroboam alle Dage.
And [the] matters of Rehoboam former and latter ¿ not [are] they written in [the] words of Shemaiah the prophet and Iddo the seer for genealogical enrollment and [the] wars of Rehoboam and Jeroboam [were] all the days.
16 Og Roboam laa med sine Fædre, og blev begraven i Davids Stad; og Abia, hans Søn, blev Konge i hans Sted.
And he lay down Rehoboam with ancestors his and he was buried in [the] city of David and he became king Abijah son his in place of him.