< Anden Krønikebog 1 >

1 Og Salomo, Davids Søn, vandt Magt i sit Rige; og Herren, hans Gud, var med ham og gjorde ham overmaade stor.
Then Solomon, the son of David, was strengthened in his reign, and the Lord his God was with him, and he magnified him on high.
2 Og Salomo gav Befaling til al Israel, til Øversterne over tusinde og hundrede og til Dommerne og til alle Øversterne for al Israel, Øversterne for Fædrenehusene,
And Solomon instructed the whole of Israel, the tribunes, and the centurions, and the rulers, and the judges over all of Israel, and the leaders of the families.
3 og de gik hen, Salomo og hele Forsamlingen med ham, til Højen, som var i Gibeon; thi der var Guds Forsamlings Paulun, hvilket Mose, Herrens Tjener, havde gjort i Ørken.
And he went away with the entire multitude to the high place of Gibeon, where the tabernacle of the covenant of the Lord was, which Moses, the servant of God, made in the wilderness.
4 Men David havde ført Guds Ark op fra Kirjath-Jearim til Stedet, som David havde beredt til den; thi han havde opslaaet et Paulun til den i Jerusalem.
For David had brought the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim, to the place that he had prepared for it, and where he had pitched a tabernacle for it, that is, in Jerusalem.
5 Og det Kobberalter, som Bezaleel, en Søn af Uri, Hurs Søn, havde forfærdiget, var sat foran Herrens Tabernakel; og Salomo og Forsamlingen søgte hen til det.
Also, the altar of brass, which Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had constructed, was there before the tabernacle of the Lord. And so Solomon sought it, with the entire assembly.
6 Og Salomo ofrede for Herrens Ansigt paa Kobberalteret, som var for Forsamlingens Paulun, og han ofrede paa det tusinde Brændofre.
And Solomon ascended to the bronze altar, before the tabernacle of the covenant of the Lord, and he offered upon it one thousand victims.
7 I samme Nat aabenbarede Gud sig for Salomo og sagde til ham: Begær, hvad jeg skal give dig.
But behold, during that night God appeared to him, saying, “Request what you wish, so that I may give it to you.”
8 Og Salomo sagde til Gud: Du har gjort stor Miskundhed imod David, min Fader, og gjort mig til Konge i hans Sted.
And Solomon said to God: “You have shown great mercy to my father David. And you have appointed me as king in his place.
9 Lad nu, Herre, Gud! dit Ord til min Fader David blive Sandhed; thi du har gjort mig til Konge over et Folk, som er talrigt som Støv paa Jorden.
Now therefore, O Lord God, let your word be fulfilled, which you promised to my father David. For you have made me king over your great people, who are as innumerable as the dust of the earth.
10 Giv mig nu Visdom og Kundskab, at jeg kan gaa ud og gaa ind for dette Folk; thi hvo kan ellers dømme dette dit store Folk?
Give to me wisdom and understanding, so that I may enter and depart before your people. For who is able worthily to judge this, your people, who are so great?”
11 Da sagde Gud til Salomo: Efterdi dette var i dit Hjerte, at du ikke har begæret Rigdom, Gods og Ære, eller deres Liv, som hade dig, og end ikke har begæret et langt Liv, men begæret dig Visdom og Kundskab, at du kan dømme mit Folk, over hvilket jeg har gjort dig til Konge:
Then God said to Solomon: “Since this is the choice that pleased your heart, and you did not request wealth and substance and glory, nor the lives of those who hate you, nor even many days of life, since instead you requested wisdom and knowledge so that you may be able to judge my people, over whom I have appointed you as king:
12 Saa være Visdom og Kundskab givet dig; tilmed vil jeg give dig Rigdom og Gods og Ære, saadant som de Konger, der have været før dig, ikke have haft, og som ingen efter dig skal have.
wisdom and knowledge are granted to you. And I will give to you wealth and substance and glory, so that none of the kings either before you or after you will be similar to you.”
13 Og Salomo kom til Jerusalem fra Højen, som var i Gibeon, fra Forsamlingens Paulun, og regerede over Israel.
Then Solomon went from the high place of Gibeon to Jerusalem, before the tabernacle of the covenant, and he reigned over Israel.
14 Og Salomo samlede Vogne og Ryttere, og han havde tusinde og fire Hundrede Vogne og tolv Tusinde Ryttere; og han lod dem blive i Vognstæderne og hos Kongen i Jerusalem.
And he gathered to himself chariots and horsemen. And they brought to him one thousand four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen. And he caused them to be in the cities of the chariots, and with the king in Jerusalem.
15 Og Kongen gjorde Sølvet og Guldet i Jerusalem som Stenene, og Cedertræerne gjorde han som Morbærtræerne, der ere i Lavlandet i Mangfoldighed.
And the king offered silver and gold in Jerusalem as if they were stones, and cedar trees as if they were sycamores, which grow in the plains in a great multitude.
16 Og Udførselen af Heste skete for Salomo fra Ægypten; og en Skare af Kongens Købmænd hentede en Skare for rede Penge.
Then horses were brought to him from Egypt and from Kue, by the negotiators of the king, who went and bought for a price:
17 Og de droge op og udførte fra Ægypten en Vogn for seks Hundrede Sekel Sølv, og en Hest for hundrede og halvtredsindstyve; og saaledes førte de dem ud til alle Hethithernes Konger og til Kongerne i Syrien ved egen Haand.
a four-horse chariot for six hundred pieces of silver, and a horse for one hundred fifty. A similar offer to purchase was made known among all the kingdoms of the Hittites, and among the kings of Syria.

< Anden Krønikebog 1 >