< 1 Samuel 5 >
1 Og Filisterne toge Guds Ark, og de førte den fra Eben-Ezer til Asdod.
And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Abenezer to Azotus.
2 Og Filisterne toge Guds Ark og førte den ind i Dagons Hus, og de satte den hos Dagon.
And the Philistines took the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
3 Men Asdoditerne stode tidlig op den næste Dag, og se, Dagon var falden paa sit Ansigt til Jorden foran Herrens Ark; og de toge Dagon og satte ham paa sit Sted igen.
And the people of Azotus rose early, and entered into the house of Dagon; and looked, and behold, Dagon had fallen on his face before the ark of the Lord: and they lifted up Dagon, and set him in his place. And the hand of the Lord was heavy upon the Azotians, and he plagued them, and he struck them in their secret parts, Azotus and her coasts.
4 Og de stode den næste Dag tidlig op om Morgenen, og se, Dagon var falden paa sit Ansigt til Jorden foran Herrens Ark; og Dagons Hoved og begge hans Hænder laa afhugne paa Dørtærskelen, kun Dagons Krop stod der endnu.
And it came to pass when they rose early in the morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on his face before the ark of the covenant of the Lord; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands [were] cut off each before the threshold, and both the wrists of his hands had fallen on the floor of the porch; only the stump of Dagon was left.
5 Derfor træde hverken Dagons Præster eller nogen af dem, som gaa ind i Dagons Hus, paa Dagons Dørtærskel i Asdod indtil denne Dag.
Therefore the priests of Dagon, and every one that enters into the house of Dagon, do not tread upon the threshold of the house of Dagon in Azotus until this day, for they step over.
6 Og Herrens Haand blev svar over Asdoditerne, og han ødelagde dem; og han slog Folket i Asdod og i dens Landemærker med Bylder.
And the hand of the Lord was heavy upon Azotus, and he brought evil upon them, and it burst out upon them into the ships, and mice sprang up in the midst of their country, and there was a great and indiscriminate mortality in the city.
7 Der Folket i Asdod saa, at det gik saaledes til, da sagde de: Israels Guds Ark skal ikke blive hos os; thi hans Haand er svar over os og over Dagon, vor Gud.
And the men of Azotus saw that [it was] so, and they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide with us, for his hand [is] heavy upon us and upon Dagon our god.
8 Og de sendte hen og samlede alle Filisternes Fyrster til sig og sagde: Hvad skulle vi gøre med Israels Guds Ark? Og de sagde: Lader Israels Guds Ark flyttes om til Gath; og de bragte Israels Guds Ark om.
And they send and gather the lords of the Philistines to them, and say, What shall we do to the ark of the God of Israel? and the Gittites say, Let the ark of God come over to us; and the ark of the God of Israel came to Geth.
9 Og det skete, efter at de havde bragt den om, da var Herrens Haand mod Staden med en saare stor Forstyrrelse, og han slog Folket i Staden, baade smaa og store, og der brød Bylder ud paa dem.
And it came to pass after it went about to Geth, that the hand of the Lord comes upon the city, a very great confusion; and he struck the men of the city small and great, and struck them in their secret parts: and the Gittites made to themselves images of tumours.
10 Da sendte de Guds Ark til Ekron; og det skete, der Guds Ark kom til Ekron, da raabte Ekroniterne og sagde: De have baaret Israels Guds Ark om til mig for at slaa mig og mit Folk ihjel.
And they send away the ark of God to Ascalon; and it came to pass when the ark of God went into Ascalon, that the men of Ascalon cried out, saying, Why have you brought back the ark of the God of Israel to us, to kill us and our people?
11 Saa sendte de hen og samlede alle Filisternes Fyrster og sagde: Sender Israels Guds Ark hen, at den kan komme igen til sit Sted og ikke slaa mig og mit Folk ihjel; thi der var en døds Forstyrrelse i hele Staden; Guds Haand var der meget svar.
And they send and gather the lords of the Philistines, and they said, Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it lodge in its place; and let it not kill us and our people.
12 Og de Mennesker, som ikke døde, bleve slagne med Bylder; og Skriget fra Staden steg op til Himmelen.
For there was a very great confusion in all the city, when the ark of the God of Israel entered there; and those, who lived and died not were struck with tumours; and the cry of the city went up to heaven.