< 1 Samuel 24 >

1 Og det skete, der Saul kom tilbage fra Filisterne, da forkyndte de ham og sagde: Se, David er i Engedi Ørk.
And it comes to pass, when Saul has turned back from after the Philistines, that they declare to him, saying, “Behold, David [is] in the wilderness of En-gedi.”
2 Da tog Saul tre Tusinde Mand, udvalgte af al Israel, og gik hen for at opsøge David og hans Mænd paa Stengedernes Klipper.
And Saul takes three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and goes to seek David and his men, on the front of the rocks of the wild goats,
3 Og der han kom til Faarestierne ved Vejen, da var der en Hule, og Saul gik ind for at tildække sine Fødder; men David og hans Mænd sade i det inderste af Hulen.
and he comes to folds of the flock, on the way, and there [is] a cave, and Saul goes in to cover his feet; and David and his men are abiding in the sides of the cave.
4 Da sagde Davids Mænd til ham: Se, dette er den Dag, om hvilken Herren har sagt dig: Se, jeg giver dig din Fjende i din Haand, at du skal gøre med ham, som godt er for dine Øjne; og David stod op og afskar hemmelig en Flig af Kappen, som Saul havde paa.
And the men of David say to him, “Behold, the day of which YHWH said to you, Behold, I am giving your enemy into your hand, and you have done to him as it is good in your eyes”; and David rises and cuts off the skirt of the upper robe which [is] on Saul with stealth.
5 Og det skete derefter, da slog Davids Hjerte ham, fordi han havde afskaaret Fligen, som hørte Saul til.
And it comes to pass afterward that the heart of David strikes him, because that he has cut off the skirt which [is] on Saul,
6 Og han sagde til sine Mænd: Herren lade det være langt fra mig, at jeg skulde gøre denne Gerning ved min Herre, Herrens Salvede, at lægge min Haand paa ham; thi han er Herrens Salvede.
and he says to his men, “Far be it from me, by YHWH; I do not do this thing to my lord—to the anointed of YHWH—to put forth my hand against him, for he [is] the anointed of YHWH.”
7 Og David holdt sine Mænd i Ave med Ord og tilstedte dem ikke at staa op imod Saul. Og Saul stod op af Hulen og gik hen ad Vejen.
And David subdues his men by words, and has not permitted them to rise against Saul; and Saul has risen from the cave, and goes on the way;
8 Men derefter stod David op og gik ud af Hulen, og raabte efter Saul og sagde: Min Herre Konge! Da saa Saul sig tilbage, og David bøjede sit Ansigt til Jorden og kastede sig ned.
and David rises afterward, and goes out from the cave, and calls after Saul, saying, “My lord, O king!” And Saul looks attentively behind him, and David bows—face to the earth—and pays respect.
9 Og David sagde til Saul: Hvorfor hører du paa de Menneskers Ord, som sige: Se, David søger efter din Ulykke?
And David says to Saul, “Why do you hear the words of man, saying, Behold, David is seeking your calamity?
10 Se, dine Øjne have set paa denne Dag, at Herren har givet dig i Dag i min Haand i Hulen, og man talede til mig om, at jeg skulde slaa dig ihjel, men jeg sparede dig; thi jeg sagde: Jeg vil ikke lægge Haand paa min Herre, thi han er Herrens Salvede.
Behold, this day your eyes have seen how that YHWH has given you into my hand today in the cave; and [one] said to slay you, and [my eye] has pity on you, and I say, I do not put forth my hand against my lord, for he [is] the anointed of YHWH.
11 Og min Fader, se! se dog Fligen af din Kappe i min Haand; thi af det, at jeg afskar Fligen af din Kappe og ikke slog dig ihjel, kan du kende og se, at der ikke er Ondskab eller Overtrædelse i min Haand, jeg har heller ikke syndet imod dig, og du jager efter mit Liv for at borttage det.
And my father, see, indeed see the skirt of your upper robe in my hand; for by cutting off the skirt of your upper robe, and I have not slain you, know and see that there is not evil and transgression in my hand, and I have not sinned against you, and you are hunting my soul to take it!
12 Herren skal dømme imellem mig og imellem dig, og Herren skal hævne mig paa dig, men min Haand skal ikke være paa dig;
YHWH judges between me and you, and YHWH has avenged me of you, and my hand is not on you;
13 ligesom man siger i et gammelt Ordsprog: Fra Ugudelige skal udgaa Ugudelighed; men min Haand skal ikke være paa dig.
as the allegory of the ancients says, Wickedness goes out from the wicked, and my hand is not on you.
14 Efter hvem er Israels Konge udgangen? hvem jager du efter? efter en død Hund, efter en Loppe?
After whom has the king of Israel come out? After whom are you pursuing? After a dead dog! After one flea!
15 Men Herren skal være Dommer og dømme imellem mig og imellem dig, og han skal se og udføre min Sag og dømme mig fri for din Haand.
And YHWH has been for judge, and has judged between me and you, indeed, He sees and pleads my cause, and delivers me out of your hand.”
16 Og det skete, der David havde fuldendt at tale disse Ord til Saul, da sagde Saul: Er dette din Røst, min Søn David? Og Saul opløftede sin Røst og græd.
And it comes to pass, when David completes to speak these words to Saul, that Saul says, “Is this your voice, my son David?” And Saul lifts up his voice, and weeps.
17 Og han sagde til David: Du er retfærdigere end jeg; thi du har betalt mig godt, men jeg har betalt dig ondt.
And he says to David, “You [are] more righteous than I; for you have done me good, and I have done you evil;
18 Og du har givet til Kende i Dag, at du har gjort mig godt; thi Herren havde overgivet mig i din Haand, og du slog mig ikke ihjel.
and you have declared today how that you have done good with me, how that YHWH shut me up into your hand, and you did not slay me,
19 Naar en Mand finder sin Fjende, skulde han da sende ham paa en god Vej? Men Herren skal betale dig godt for denne Dag, for det, som du har gjort mig.
and that a man finds his enemy, and has sent him away in a good manner; and YHWH repays you good for that which you did to me this day.
20 Og nu se, jeg ved, at du skal blive Konge, og Israels Rige skal stadfæstes i din Haand.
And now, behold, I have known that you certainly reign, and the kingdom of Israel has stood in your hand;
21 Saa sværg mig nu ved Herren, at du ikke vil udrydde min Sæd efter mig, og at du ikke vil udslette mit Navn af min Faders Hus.
and now, swear to me by YHWH [that] you do not cut off my seed after me, nor do you destroy my name from the house of my father.”
22 Da tilsvor David Saul dette, og Saul gik til sit Hus, men David og hans Folk gik op i Befæstningen.
And David swears to Saul, and Saul goes to his house, and David and his men have gone up to the fortress.

< 1 Samuel 24 >