< 1 Samuel 10 >

1 Og Samuel tog en Oliekrukke og øste paa hans Hoved og kyssede ham og sagde: Mon det ikke være saa, at Herren har salvet dig til en Fyrste over hans Arv?
And Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured [it] on his head, and kissed him, and said to him, Has not the Lord anointed you for a ruler over his people, over Israel? and you shall rule amongst the people of the Lord, and you shall save them out of the hand of their enemies; and this [shall be] the sign to you that the Lord has anointed you for a ruler over his inheritance.
2 Naar du gaar fra mig i Dag, da skal du finde to Mænd ved Rakels Grav i Benjamins Landemærke i Zelza; og de skulle sige til dig: De Aseninder ere fundne, som du gik at lede efter, og se, din Fader har ladet Sagen om Aseninderne fare og er bekymret for eder og siger: Hvad skal jeg gøre for min Søn?
[As soon] as you shall have departed this day from me, you shall find two men by the burial-place of Rachel on the mount of Benjamin, exulting greatly; and they shall say to you, The asses are found which you went to seek; and, behold, your father has given up the matter of the asses, and he is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
3 Og naar du gaar frem derfra og bedre frem og kommer til Thabors Lund, da skulle tre Mænd finde dig der, som gaa op til Gud i Guds Hus: En, som bærer tre Kid, og en, som bærer tre hele Brød, og en, som bærer en Flaske Vin.
And you shall depart thence, and shall go beyond that as far as the oak of Thabor, and you shall find there three men going up to God to Baethel, one bearing three kids, and another bearing three vessels of bread, and another bearing a bottle of wine.
4 Og de skulle hilse dig og give dig to Brød, og du skal annamme dem af deres Haand.
And they shall ask you how you do, and shall give you two presents of bread, and you shall receive them of their hand.
5 Derefter skal du komme til Guds Høj, hvor Filisternes Besætninger ere; og det skal ske, naar du kommer der til Staden, da skal du møde en Hob Profeter, som komme ned fra Højen, og foran dem skal være Salter og Tromme og Pibe og Harpe, og de skulle profetere.
And afterward you shall go to the hill of God, where is the encampment of the Philistines; there [is] Nasib the Philistine: an it shall come to pass when you shall have entered into the city, that you shall meet a band of prophets coming down from the Bama; and before them will be lutes, and a drum, and a pipe, and a harp, and they shall prophesy.
6 Og Herrens Aand skal komme heftig over dig, at du skal profetere med dem; og du skal omskiftes til en anden Mand.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall come upon you, and you shall prophesy with them, and shall be turned into another man.
7 Og det skal ske, naar disse Tegn indtræffe for dig, saa skal du udføre, hvad du lægger Haand paa; thi Gud er med dig.
And it shall come to pass when these signs shall come upon you, —[then] do you whatever your hand shall find, because God [is] with you.
8 Og du skal gaa ned for mit Ansigt til Gilgal, og se, jeg vil komme ned til dig til at ofre Brændoffer og at slagte Takofre; syv Dage skal du bie, indtil jeg kommer til dig, saa vil jeg lade dig vide, hvad du skal gøre.
And you shall go down in front of Galgal, and behold, I come down to you to offer a whole burnt offering and peace-offerings: seven days shall you wait until I shall come to you, and I will make known to you what you shall do.
9 Og det skete, der han vendte Ryggen for at gaa fra Samuel, da gav Gud ham et helt andet Hjerte; og alle disse Ting indtraf samme Dag.
And it came to pass when he turned his back to depart from Samuel, God gave him another heart; and all these signs came to pass in that day.
10 Og de kom derhen til Højen, se, da kom en Hob Profeter imod ham, og Guds Aand kom heftig øver ham, og han profeterede midt iblandt dem.
And he comes thence to the hill, and behold a band of prophets opposite to him; and the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied in the midst of them.
11 Og det skete, der alle de, som kendte ham tilforn, saa det, og se, han profeterede med Profeterne, da sagde Folket, hver til sin Næste: Hvad er det, som er Kis' Søn vederfaret? er og Saul iblandt Profeterne?
And all that had known him before came, and saw, and behold, he [was] in the midst of the prophets: and the people said every one to his neighbour, What [is] this that has happened to the son of Kis? [is] Saul also amongst the prophets?
12 Da svarede en Mand derfra og sagde: Hvo er dog deres Fader? Derfor blev det til et Ordsprog: Er og Saul iblandt Profeterne?
And one of them answered and said, And who [is] his father? and therefore it became a proverb, [Is] Saul also amongst the prophets?
13 Der han havde holdt op med at profetere, da kom han til Højen.
And he ceased prophesying, and comes to the hill.
14 Og Sauls Farbroder sagde til ham og til hans Dreng: Hvor gik I hen? Og han sagde: At lede efter Aseninderne, og der vi saa, at de ikke vare nogensteds, kom vi til Samuel.
And his kinsman said to him and to his servant, Whither went you? and they said, To seek the asses; and we saw that they were lost, and we went in to Samuel.
15 Da sagde Sauls Farbroder: Kære, kundgør mig, hvad sagde Samuel til eder?
And his kinsman said to Saul, Tell me, I pray you, What did Samuel say to you?
16 Og Saul svarede sin Farbroder: Han gav os til Kende, at Aseninderne vare fundne; men Ordet om Kongedømmet, som Samuel havde sagt, tilkendegav han ham ikke.
And Saul said to his kinsman, he verily told me that the asses were found. But the matter of the kingdom he told him not.
17 Og Samuel lod Folket kalde til Hobe til Herren i Mizpa.
And Samuel summoned all the people before the Lord to Massephath.
18 Og han sagde til Israels Børn: Saa sagde Herren Israels Gud: Jeg førte Israel op af Ægypten, og jeg friede eder af Ægypternes Haand og af alle de Rigers Haand, som fortrykte eder.
And he said to the children of Israel, Thus has the Lord God of Israel spoken, saying, I brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt, and I rescued you out of the hand of Pharao king of Egypt, and out of all the kingdoms that afflicted you.
19 Men I have i Dag forkastet eders Gud, ham, som frelste eder af alt eders onde og eders Trængsler, og I sagde til ham: Du skal sætte en Konge over os; og nu stiller eder frem for Herrens Ansigt efter eders Stammer og efter eders Tusinder.
And you have this day rejected God, who is himself your Deliverer out of all your evils and afflictions; and you said, Nay, but you shall set a king over us: and now stand before the Lord according to your tribes, and according to your families.
20 Og Samuel lod alle Israels Stammer komme frem, da blev Benjamins Stamme ramt.
And Samuel brought near all the tribes of Israel, and the tribe of Benjamin is taken by lot.
21 Der han lod Benjamins Stamme komme frem efter dens Slægter, da blev Matris Slægt ramt; og Saul, Kis' Søn blev ramt; og de ledte efter ham, men han fandtes ikke.
And he brings near the tribe of Benjamin by families, and the family of Mattari is taken by lot: and they bring near the family of Mattari, man by man, and Saul the son of Kis is taken; and he sought him, but he was not found.
22 Da adspurgte de Herren ydermere: Kommer der endnu Nogen herhid? Og Herren sagde: Se, han er skjult ved Tøjet.
And Samuel asked yet again of the Lord, Will the man come here? and the Lord said, Behold, he is hid amongst the stuff.
23 Da løb de og hentede ham derfra, og han stillede sig midt iblandt Folket; og han var højere end alt Folket fra sin Skulder og derover.
And he ran and took him thence, and he set him in the midst of the people; and he was higher than all the people by his shoulders and upwards.
24 Og Samuel sagde til alt Folket: Ser I den, som Herren har udvalgt? thi ingen er som han iblandt alt Folket. Da raabte alt Folket og sagde: Kongen leve!
And Samuel said to all the people, Have you seen whom the Lord has chosen to himself, that there is none like to him amongst you all? And all the people took notice, and said, Let the king live!
25 Og Samuel talede til Folket om Kongedømmets Ret og skrev den i en Bog og lod den blive for Herrens Ansigt; saa lod Samuel alt Folket fare, hver til sit Hus.
And Samuel told the people the manner of the king, and wrote it in a book, and set it before the Lord: and Samuel sent away all the people, and each went to his place.
26 Og Saul gik ogsaa til sit Hus til Gibea; og de af Skaren, hvis Hjerte Gud rørte, gik med ham.
And Saul departed to his house to Gabaa; and there went with Saul mighty men whose hearts God had touched.
27 Men nogle Belials Børn sagde: Hvad! skal denne frelse os? Og de foragtede ham og bragte ham ikke Skænk; men han var, som han havde været døv.
But evil men said, Who [is] this man [that] shall save us? and they despised him, and brought him no gifts.

< 1 Samuel 10 >