< Første Kongebog 20 >

1 Og Benhadad, Kongen i Syrien samlede hele sin Hær, og der var to og tredive Konger med ham og Heste og Vogne; og han drog op og belejrede Samaria og stred imod den.
Then Benhadad, the king of Syria, gathered together his entire army. And there were thirty-two kings with him, with horses and chariots. And ascending, he fought against Samaria, and he besieged it.
2 Og han sendte Bud til Akab, Israels Konge, til Staden.
And sending messengers into the city, to Ahab, the king of Israel,
3 Og han lod ham sige: Saa siger Benhadad: Dit Sølv og dit Guld, det er mit, og dine smukkeste Hustruer og Børn, de ere mine.
he said: “Thus says Benhadad: Your silver and your gold is mine. And your wives and your best sons are mine.”
4 Og Israels Konge svarede og sagde: Efter dine Ord skal det være, min Herre Konge! jeg er din og alt det, jeg har.
And the king of Israel responded, “In agreement with your word, my lord the king, I am yours, with all that is mine.”
5 Derefter kom Budene igen og sagde: Saa siger Benhadad: Efterdi jeg sendte til dig og lod sige: Du skal give mig dit Sølv og dit Guld og dine Hustruer og dine Børn:
And the messengers, returning, said: “Thus says Benhadad, who sent us to you: Your silver and your gold, and your wives and your sons, you shall give to me.
6 Saa vil jeg sende mine Tjenere til dig i Morgen paa denne Tid, og de skulle ransage i dit Hus og i dine Tjeneres Huse, og det skal ske, alt det, som er lysteligt for dine Øjne, skulle de lægge i deres Hænder og tage det bort.
Therefore, tomorrow, at this same hour, I will send my servants to you, and they will search your house and the houses of your servants. And all that pleases them, they will put in their hands and take away.”
7 Da kaldte Israels Konge ad alle Landets ældste og sagde: Kære, mærker og ser, at denne søger det, som ondt er; thi han sendte til mig om mine Hustruer og om mine Børn og om mit Sølv og om mit Guld, og jeg har ikke nægtet ham det.
Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and he said: “Let your souls take heed, and see that he commits treachery against us. For he sent to me for my wives and sons, and for silver and gold. And I did not refuse.”
8 Da sagde alle de ældste og alt Folket til ham: Du skal ikke adlyde og ikke samtykke.
And all those greater by birth, with all the people, said to him, “You should neither listen, nor acquiesce to him.”
9 Da sagde han til Benhadads Bud: Siger min Herre Kongen: Alt det, du sendte til din Tjener første Gang om, vil jeg gøre, men denne Gerning kan jeg ikke gøre, og Budene gik og bragte ham Svar igen.
And so, he responded to the messengers of Benhadad: “Tell my lord the king: Everything about which you sent to me in the beginning, I your servant will do. But this thing, I am not able to do.”
10 Da sendte Benhadad til ham og lod sige: Guderne gøre mig nu og fremdeles saa og saa, om Støvet af Samaria skal blive nok til, at alt Folket, som er i Følge med mig, skal kunne føre hver en Haandfuld derfra.
And returning, the messengers took this to him, and he sent again and said, “May the gods do these things to me, and may they add these other things, if the dust of Samaria is enough to fill the hands of all the people who follow me.”
11 Da svarede Israels Konge og sagde: Siger: Den, som ombinder Bæltet, skal ikke rose sig som den, der løser det.
And responding, the king of Israel said, “Tell him that one who is girded should not boast the same as one who is ungirded.”
12 Og det skete, der han hørte dette Ord, medens han drak, han og Kongerne i Teltene, da sagde han til sine Tjenere: Sætter an; og de satte an imod Staden.
Then it happened that, when Benhadad had heard this word, he and the kings were drinking in a pavilion. And he said to his servants, “Encircle the city.” And they encircled it.
13 Og se, en Profet gik frem til Akab, Israels Konge, og sagde: Saa sagde Herren: Har du set hele denne store Hob? se, jeg vil give den i Dag i din Haand, at du skal fornemme, at jeg er Herren.
And behold, one prophet, drawing near to Ahab, the king of Israel, said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Certainly, you have seen this entire exceedingly great multitude? Behold, I will deliver them into your hand today, so that you may know that I am the Lord.”
14 Og Akab sagde: Ved hvem? og han sagde: Saa siger Herren: Ved Landshøvdingenes Drenge; og han sagde: Hvem skal begynde Striden? og han sagde: Du.
And Ahab said, “By whom?” And he said to him: “Thus says the Lord: By the footmen of the leaders of the provinces.” And he said, “Who should begin to do battle?” And he said, “You should.”
15 Saa talte han Landshøvdingenes Drenge, og de vare to Hundrede og to og tredive; og efter dem talte han hele Folket, alle Israels Børn, syv Tusinde.
Therefore, he took a count of the servants of the leaders of the provinces. And he found the number to be two hundred thirty-two. And he set them in order after the people, all the sons of Israel, who were seven thousand.
16 Og de droge ud om Middagen; og Benhadad drak og var drukken i Teltene, han og Kongerne, nemlig de to og tredive Konger, som hjalp ham.
And they went out at midday. But Benhadad was drinking; he was inebriated in his pavilion, and the thirty-two kings with him, who had arrived in order to assist him.
17 Og Landshøvdingenes Drenge droge først ud; og Benhadad sendte nogle hen, og de gave ham til Kende og sagde: Der drager Mænd ud fra Samaria.
Then the servants of the leaders of the provinces went out to the first place, at the front. And so, Benhadad sent, and they reported to him, saying: “Men have gone out from Samaria.”
18 Og han sagde: Dersom de ere uddragne for Freds Skyld, saa griber dem levende, og dersom de ere uddragne for Krigs Skyld, saa griber dem levende!
And he said: “If they have arrived for peace, apprehend them alive; if to do battle, capture them alive.”
19 Da de vare uddragne af Staden, nemlig Landshøvdingenes Drenge og Hæren, som fulgte dem:
Therefore, the servants of the leaders of the provinces went out, and the remainder of the army was following.
20 Da sloge de hver sin Mand, og Syrerne flyede, og Israel forfulgte dem; og Benhadad, Kongen af Syrien, undkom paa en Hest med Rytterne.
And each one struck down the man who came against him. And the Syrians fled, and Israel pursued them. Also, Benhadad, the king of Syria, fled on a horse, with his horsemen.
21 Og Israels Konge drog ud og slog Heste og Vogne og slog Syrerne med et stort Slag.
But the king of Israel, going out, struck the horses and the chariots, and he struck the Syrians with a great slaughter.
22 Da gik Profeten frem til Israels Konge og sagde til ham: Gak, forstærk dig, og vid og se, hvad du skal gøre; thi naar Aaret er omme, vil Kongen af Syrien drage op imod dig.
Then a prophet, drawing near to the king of Israel, said to him: “Go and be strengthened. And know and see what you are doing. For in the following year, the king of Syria will rise up against you.”
23 Og Kongen af Syriens Tjenere sagde til ham: Deres Guder ere Bjergenes Guder, derfor ere de stærkere end vi; men lader os stride imod dem paa det jævne Land; hvad gælder det, om vi ikke skulle blive stærkere end de?
Then truly, the servants of the king of Syria said to him: “Their gods are the gods of the mountains; because of this, they have overwhelmed us. But it is better that we fight against them in the plains, and then we will prevail over them.
24 Og gør denne Gerning: Tag Kongerne bort, hver fra sin Plads, og sæt Statholdere i deres Sted!
Therefore, you should do this word: Remove each of the kings from your army, and set commanders in their place.
25 Og tæl dig en Hær, som denne Hær var, som er falden for dig, og Heste som de Heste og Vogne som de Vogne, og lader os stride imod dem paa det jævne Land; hvad gælder det, om vi ikke skulle blive stærkere end de? og han adlød deres Røst og gjorde saa.
And replace the number of soldiers who have been cut down of yours, and the horses, in accord with the earlier number of horses, and the chariots, in accord with the number of chariots that you had before. And we will fight against them in the plains, and you will see that we will prevail over them.” And he trusted in their counsel, and he did so.
26 Og det skete, der Aaret var omme, da talte Benhadad Syrerne og drog op til Afek, til Krigen imod Israel.
Therefore, after the passing of the year, Benhadad took a count of the Syrians, and he ascended to Aphek, so that he might fight against Israel.
27 Og Israels Børn bleve talte og forsynede, og de droge imod dem; og Israels Børn lejrede sig imod dem som to smaa Gedehjorde; men Syrerne havde opfyldt Landet.
Then the sons of Israel were numbered, and taking provisions, they set out to the opposite side. And they stretched out the camp facing them, like two little flocks of goats. But the Syrians filled the land.
28 Og der kom en Guds Mand frem og talte til Israels Konge og sagde: Saa sagde Herren: Fordi Syrerne have sagt: Herren er Bjergenes Gud og ikke Dalenes Gud, derfor har jeg givet hele denne store Hob i din Haand, for at I skulle fornemme, at jeg er Herren.
And one man of God, drawing near, said to the king of Israel: “Thus says the Lord: Because the Syrians have said, ‘The Lord is the God of the mountains, but he is not the God of the valleys,’ I will deliver this entire great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”
29 Og disse lejrede sig over for dem syv Dage, og det skete paa den syvende Dag, da begyndte Slaget, og Israels Børn sloge Syrerne, hundrede Tusinde Fodfolk paa een Dag.
And for seven days, both sides arranged each of their battle lines. Then, on the seventh day, the war was undertaken. And the sons of Israel struck down, from the Syrians, one hundred thousand foot soldiers in one day.
30 Og de, som bleve tilovers, flyede til Afek ind i Staden, og Muren faldt paa syv og tyve Tusinde Mænd, som vare blevne tilovers; og Benhadad flyede og kom i Staden, fra et Kammer til et andet.
Then those who had remained fled to Aphek, into the city. And the wall fell upon twenty-seven thousand men of those who had remained. Then Benhadad, fleeing, entered the city, into a room that was inside another room.
31 Da sagde hans Tjenere til ham: Kære, se, vi have hørt, at Israels Konger ere naadige Konger; kære, lader os lægge Sække om vore Lænder og Reb om vore Hoveder og gaa ud til Israels Konge, maaske han lader din Sjæl leve.
And his servants said to him: “Behold, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel show clemency. And so, let us put sackcloth around our waists, and ropes on our heads, and let us go out to the king of Israel. Perhaps he will save our lives.”
32 Og de bandt Sække om deres Lænder og Reb om deres Hoveder, og de kom til Israels Konge og sagde: Benhadad, din Tjener siger: Kære, lad min Sjæl leve; og han sagde: Lever han endnu? han er min Broder.
So they wrapped sackcloth around their waists, and they placed ropes on their heads. And they went to the king of Israel, and they said to him: “Your servant, Benhadad, says: ‘I beg you to let my soul live.’” And he replied, “If he is still alive, he is my brother.”
33 Og Mændene udlagde sig det til det gode og skyndte sig med at faa ham til at sige, om det var hans Alvor, og de sagde: Benhadad er din Broder; og han sagde: Gaar ind, henter ham hid; da gik Benhadad ud til ham, og han lod ham stige op paa Vognen.
The men accepted this as a good sign. And hastily, they took up the word from his mouth, and they said, “Benhadad is your brother.” And he said to them, “Go, and bring him to me.” Therefore, Benhadad went out to him, and he lifted him onto his chariot.
34 Og Benhadad sagde til ham: Jeg vil give dig igen de Stæder, som min Fader tog fra din Fader, og du maa anlægge dig Gader i Damaskus, ligesom min Fader anlagde i Samaria; og jeg, sagde Akab, vil med den Pagt lade dig fare. Saa gjorde han en Pagt med ham og lod ham fare.
And he said to him: “The cities that my father took from your father, I will return. And you may make streets for yourself in Damascus, just as my father made in Samaria. And after we have made a pact, I will withdraw from you.” Therefore, he formed a pact with him, and he released him.
35 Og en Mand af Profeternes Børn sagde til sin Næste ved Herrens Ord: Kære, slaa mig; men Manden vægrede sig ved at slaa ham.
Then a certain man from the sons of the prophets said to his associate, by the word of the Lord, “Strike me.” But he was not willing to strike.
36 Da sagde han til ham: Fordi du ikke adlød Herrens Røst, se, da skal en Løve slaa dig, naar du gaar fra mig; og han gik fra ham, og en Løve traf ham og slog ham.
And he said to him: “Because you were not willing to heed the voice of the Lord, behold, you will depart from me, and a lion will slay you. And when he had departed a short distance from him, a lion found him, and slew him.
37 Og han traf en anden Mand og sagde: Kære, slaa mig; og Manden slog ham haardt og saarede ham.
But upon finding another man, he said to him, “Strike me.” And he struck him, and wounded him.
38 Da gik Profeten og stod for Kongen paa Vejen og gjorde sig ukendelig med et Klæde over sine Øjne.
Then the prophet departed. And he met the king along the way, and he changed his appearance by sprinkling dust around his mouth and eyes.
39 Og det skete, da Kongen drog forbi, at han raabte til Kongen og sagde: Din Tjener var dragen ud midt i Krigen, og se, en Mand veg af Vejen og førte en Mand til mig og sagde: Forvar denne Mand; dersom han savnes, da skal dit Liv være i Stedet for hans Liv, eller du skal betale et Centner Sølv.
And when the king had passed by, he cried out to the king, and he said: “Your servant went out to do battle in close quarters. And when one man had fled, a certain person brought him to me, and he said: ‘Guard this man. For if he slips away, your life will take the place of his life, or you will weigh out one talent of silver.’
40 Og det skete, der din Tjener havde at gøre her og der, da var han ikke mere der; og Israels Konge sagde til ham: Saa er din Dom, du har selv fældet den.
And while I was distracted, turning one way and another, suddenly, he was not to be seen.” And the king of Israel said to him, “This is your judgment, that which you yourself have decreed.”
41 Da skyndte han sig og tog Klædet bort fra sine Øjne, og Israels Konge kendte ham, at han var en af Profeterne.
Then immediately, he wiped away the dust from his face, and the king of Israel recognized him, that he was one of the prophets.
42 Og han sagde til ham: Saa sagde Herren: Fordi du slap den Mand, som jeg har sat i Band, af din Haand, da skal din Sjæl være i Stedet for hans Sjæl, og dit Folk i Stedet for hans Folk.
And he said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Because you have released from your hand a man worthy of death, your life will take the place of his life, and your people will take the place of his people.”
43 Saa drog Israels Konge til sit Hus, ilde tilfreds og vred; og han kom til Samaria.
And so the king of Israel returned to his house, unwilling to listen, and a fury entered into Samaria.

< Første Kongebog 20 >