< 1 Korinterne 1 >

1 Paulus, Jesu Kristi kaldede Apostel ved Guds Villie, og Broderen Sosthenes
Paul called apostle Christ Jesus through/because of will/desire God and Sosthenes the/this/who brother
2 til Guds Menighed, som er i Korinth, helligede i Kristus Jesus, hellige ifølge Kald tillige med alle dem, der paa ethvert Sted paakalde vor Herres Jesu Kristi, deres og vor Herres Navn:
the/this/who assembly the/this/who God the/this/who to be in/on/among Corinth to sanctify in/on/among Christ Jesus called holy: saint with all the/this/who to call (on)/name the/this/who name the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ in/on/among all place it/s/he (and/both *k*) and me
3 Naade være med eder og Fred fra Gud vor Fader og den Herre Jesus Kristus!
grace you and peace away from God father me and lord: God Jesus Christ
4 Jeg takker min Gud altid for eder, for den Guds Naade, som blev given eder i Kristus Jesus,
to thank the/this/who God me always about you upon/to/against the/this/who grace the/this/who God the/this/who to give you in/on/among Christ Jesus
5 at I ved ham ere blevne rige i alt, i al Tale og al Kundskab,
that/since: since in/on/among all to enrich in/on/among it/s/he in/on/among all word and all knowledge
6 ligesom Vidnesbyrdet om Kristus er blevet stadfæstet hos eder,
as/just as the/this/who testimony the/this/who Christ to confirm in/on/among you
7 saa at I ikke staa tilbage i nogen Naadegave, idet I forvente vor Herres Jesu Kristi Aabenbarelse,
so you not to lack in/on/among nothing gift to expect the/this/who revelation the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ
8 han, som ogsaa skal stadfæste eder indtil Enden som ustraffelige paa vor Herres Jesu Kristi Dag.
which and to confirm you until goal/tax irreproachable in/on/among the/this/who day the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ
9 Trofast er Gud, ved hvem I bleve kaldede til Samfund med hans Søn, Jesus Kristus, vor Herre.
faithful the/this/who God through/because of which to call: call toward participation the/this/who son it/s/he Jesus Christ the/this/who lord: God me
10 Men jeg formaner eder, Brødre! ved vor Herres Jesu Kristi Navn, at I alle skulle føre samme Tale, og at der ikke maa findes Splittelser iblandt eder, men at I skulle være forenede i det samme Sind og i den samme Mening.
to plead/comfort then you brother through/because of the/this/who name the/this/who lord: God me Jesus Christ in order that/to the/this/who it/s/he to say all and not to be in/on/among you split to be then to complete in/on/among the/this/who it/s/he mind and in/on/among the/this/who it/s/he resolution
11 Thi det er blevet mig fortalt om eder, mine Brødre! af Kloes Husfolk, at der er Splidagtighed iblandt eder.
to make clear for me about you brother me by/under: by the/this/who Chloe that/since: that quarrel in/on/among you to be
12 Jeg mener dette, at enhver af eder siger: Jeg hører Paulus til, og jeg Apollos, og jeg Kefas, og jeg Kristus.
to say then this/he/she/it that/since: that each you to say I/we on the other hand to be Paul I/we then Apollos I/we then Cephas I/we then Christ
13 Er Kristus delt? mon Paulus blev korsfæstet for eder? eller bleve I døbte til Paulus's Navn?
to divide the/this/who Christ not Paul to crucify above/for you or toward the/this/who name Paul to baptize
14 Jeg takker Gud for, at jeg ikke døbte nogen af eder, uden Krispus og Kajus,
to thank the/this/who God that/since: that none you to baptize if: not not Crispus and Gaius
15 for at ikke nogen skal sige, at I bleve døbte til mit Navn.
in order that/to not one to say that/since: that toward the/this/who I/we name (to baptize *N(K)O*)
16 Dog, jeg døbte ogsaa Stefanas's Hus; ellers ved jeg ikke, om jeg døbte nogen anden.
to baptize then and the/this/who Stephanas house: household henceforth no to know if one another to baptize
17 Thi Kristus sendte mig ikke for at døbe, men for at forkynde Evangeliet, ikke med vise Ord, for at Kristi Kors ikke skulde tabe sin Kraft.
no for to send me Christ to baptize but to speak good news no in/on/among wisdom word in order that/to not to empty the/this/who cross the/this/who Christ
18 Thi Korsets Ord er vel for dem, som fortabes, en Daarskab, men for dem, som frelses, for os er det en Guds Kraft.
the/this/who word for the/this/who the/this/who cross the/this/who on the other hand to destroy foolishness to be the/this/who then to save me power God to be
19 Thi der er skrevet: „Jeg vil lægge de vises Visdom øde, og de forstandiges Forstand vil jeg gøre til intet.”
to write for to destroy the/this/who wisdom the/this/who wise and the/this/who understanding the/this/who intelligent to reject
20 Hvor er der en viis? hvor er der en skriftklog? hvor er der en Ordkæmper af denne Verden? har Gud ikke gjort Verdens Visdom til Daarskab? (aiōn g165)
where? wise where? scribe where? debater the/this/who an age: age this/he/she/it not! be foolish the/this/who God the/this/who wisdom the/this/who world (this/he/she/it *k*) (aiōn g165)
21 Thi efterdi Verden ved sin Visdom ikke erkendte Gud i hans Visdom, behagede det Gud ved Prædikenens Daarskab at frelse dem, som tro,
since for in/on/among the/this/who wisdom the/this/who God no to know the/this/who world through/because of the/this/who wisdom the/this/who God to delight the/this/who God through/because of the/this/who foolishness the/this/who preaching to save the/this/who to trust (in)
22 eftersom baade Jøder kræve Tegn, og Grækere søge Visdom,
since and Jew (sign *N(K)O*) to ask and Greek, Gentile wisdom to seek
23 vi derimod prædike Kristus som korsfæstet, for Jøder en Forargelse og for Hedninger en Daarskab,
me then to preach Christ to crucify Jew on the other hand stumbling block (Gentiles *N(K)O*) then foolishness
24 men for selve de kaldede baade Jøder og Grækere, Kristus som Guds Kraft og Guds Visdom.
it/s/he then the/this/who called Jew and/both and Greek, Gentile Christ God power and God wisdom
25 Thi Guds Daarskab er visere end Menneskene, og Guds Svaghed er stærkere end Menneskene.
that/since: since the/this/who foolish the/this/who God wise the/this/who a human to be and the/this/who weak the/this/who God strong the/this/who a human (to be *k*)
26 Thi ser, Brødre! paa eders Kaldelse, at I ere ikke mange vise efter Kødet, ikke mange mægtige, ikke mange fornemme;
to see for the/this/who calling you brother that/since: that no much wise according to flesh no much able no much of noble birth
27 men det, som var Daarskab for Verden, udvalgte Gud for at beskæmme de vise, og det, som var svagt for Verden, udvalgte Gud for at beskæmme det stærke;
but the/this/who foolish the/this/who world to select the/this/who God in order that/to to dishonor the/this/who wise and the/this/who weak the/this/who world to select the/this/who God in order that/to to dishonor the/this/who strong
28 og det for Verden uædle og det ringeagtede, det, som intet var, udvalgte Gud for at gøre det, som var noget, til intet,
and the/this/who lowly the/this/who world and the/this/who to reject to select the/this/who God (and *ko*) the/this/who not to be in order that/to the/this/who to be to abate
29 for at intet Kød skal rose sig for Gud.
that not to boast all flesh before the/this/who (God *N(K)O*)
30 Men ud af ham ere I i Kristus Jesus, som blev os Visdom fra Gud, baade Retfærdighed og Helliggørelse og Forløsning;
out from it/s/he then you to be in/on/among Christ Jesus which to be wisdom me away from God righteousness and/both and holiness and redemption
31 for at, som der er skrevet: „Den, som roser sig, rose sig af Herren!”
in order that/to as/just as to write the/this/who to boast in/on/among lord: God to boast

< 1 Korinterne 1 >