< Žalmy 1 >

1 Blahoslavený ten muž, kterýž nechodí po radě bezbožných, a na cestě hříšníků nestojí, a na stolici posměvačů nesedá.
[God] is pleased with those who do not do what [MET] wicked people advise them to do, and who do not imitate the behavior of [MET] sinful people, and who do not join in with people who (ridicule/sneer at) [God].
2 Ale v zákoně Hospodinově jest líbost jeho, a v zákoně jeho přemýšlí dnem i nocí.
Those whom God is pleased with delight in doing the things that he has instructed/taught us to do. They read and think about Yahweh’s requirements, day and night.
3 Nebo bude jako strom štípený při tekutých vodách, kterýž ovoce své vydává časem svým, jehožto list nevadne, a cožkoli činiti bude, šťastně mu se povede.
They [constantly produce/do things that please God] just like fruit trees that have been planted along the banks of a stream produce fruit at the right time every year. [Like] trees that never wither, they succeed in everything that they do.
4 Ne takť budou bezbožní, ale jako plevy, kteréž rozmítá vítr.
But wicked people are not like that! Wicked people are [as worthless as] chaff that is blown away by the wind.
5 A protož neostojí bezbožní na soudu, ani hříšníci v shromáždění spravedlivých.
Therefore, wicked people (will not be acquitted/will be condemned) [LIT] when [God] judges people, and furthermore, sinful people will not even be present when [God] gathers righteous people together,
6 Neboť zná Hospodin cestu spravedlivých, ale cesta bezbožných zahyne.
because he guides and protects righteous people, but the path that the wicked walk on leads them to where they will be destroyed/punished [by God forever].

< Žalmy 1 >