< 4 Mojžišova 12 >

1 A mluvila Maria i Aron proti Mojžíšovi příčinou manželky Madianky, kterouž sobě vzal; nebo byl pojal manželku Madianku.
[Moses’/My older sister] Miriam and [his/my older brother] Aaron were saying this: “Is Moses the only one to whom Yahweh has spoken messages to tell to us [RHQ]? Does Yahweh not speak messages to us two also?” [They told people that] they were saying that because Moses/I had married a woman who was a descendant of the Cush people-group, [but they were really saying that because they (were jealous/did not want Moses/me to be the only leader of the Israeli people)]. But Yahweh heard what they were saying.
2 A řekli: Zdaliž jen toliko skrze Mojžíše mluvil Hospodin? Zdaž také nemluvil skrze nás? I slyšel to Hospodin.
3 (Byl pak Mojžíš člověk nejtišší ze všech lidí, kteříž byli na tváři země).
[The truth was that] Moses/I was very humble. He/I was more humble than anyone else on the earth [and Moses/I had not appointed himself/myself to be their leader].
4 A ihned řekl Hospodin Mojžíšovi a Aronovi i Marii: Vyjděte vy tři k stánku úmluvy. I vyšli toliko oni tři.
So immediately Yahweh spoke to Moses/me and to Aaron and Miriam. He said, “All three of you must go and stand at the Sacred Tent.” So they/we did that.
5 Tedy sstoupil Hospodin v sloupu oblakovém, a stál u dveří stánku. I zavolal Arona a Marie, a vyšli oba dva.
Then Yahweh descended to the entrance of the tent in a cloud [that resembled a huge white] pillar. He told Aaron and Miriam to step forward, so they did.
6 Jimž řekl: Slyšte nyní slova má: Prorok když jest mezi vámi, já Hospodin u vidění ukáži se jemu, ve snách mluviti budu s ním.
Then he said to them, “Listen to me! When a prophet is among you, I [usually] reveal myself to him by allowing him to see visions, and I speak to him in dreams.
7 Ale není takový služebník můj Mojžíš, kterýž ve všem domě mém věrný jest.
But that is not the way I speak to my servant Moses. I trust that he will lead my people [well].
8 Ústy k ústům mluvím s ním, ne u vidění, ani v zavinutí, a podobnost Hospodinovu spatřuje. Pročež jste tedy neostýchali se mluviti proti služebníku mému Mojžíšovi?
So I talk to him face-to-face. I speak to him (clearly/using words that he will understand easily), not using parables. He has even seen what I look like. So you should be afraid to criticize my servant Moses!”
9 I roznícena jest prchlivost Hospodinova na ně, a odšel.
Yahweh was very angry with Miriam and Aaron, and he left.
10 Oblak také zdvihl se s stánku. A aj, Maria byla malomocná, bílá jako sníh. A pohleděl Aron na Marii, ana malomocná.
When the cloud rose up from the Sacred Tent, Aaron looked at Miriam, and he saw that her skin was [as white] as snow, because she now had leprosy.
11 Tedy řekl Aron Mojžíšovi: Poslyš mne, pane můj, prosím, nevzkládej na nás té pokuty za hřích ten, jehož jsme se bláznivě dopustili, a jímž jsme zhřešili.
Aaron said to Moses/me, “My master, please do not punish us for this sin that we have foolishly committed.
12 Prosím, ať není tato jako mrtvý plod, kterýž když vychází z života matky své, polovici těla jeho zkaženého bývá.
Do not allow Miriam to be like a baby that is already dead when it is born, whose flesh is already half decayed!”
13 I volal Mojžíš k Hospodinu, řka: Ó Bože silný, prosím, uzdraviž ji.
So Moses/I cried out to Yahweh, saying, “God, I plead with you to heal her!”
14 Odpověděl Hospodin Mojžíšovi: Kdyby otec její plinul jí na tvář, zdaž by se nemusila styděti za sedm dní? Protož ať jest vyobcována ven z stanů za sedm dní, a potom zase uvedena bude.
But Yahweh replied, “If her father had [rebuked her for doing something wrong by] spitting in her face, she would have been ashamed for seven days. [She should be ashamed because of what she has done]. So send her outside the camp for seven days. Then [she will not have leprosy any more, and] she may return to the camp.”
15 Tedy vyloučena jest Maria ven z stanů za sedm dní; a lid nehnul se odtud, až zase uvedena jest Maria.
So they sent her outside the camp for seven days. (The people/We) did not move [to another location] until she returned.
16 Potom pak bral se lid z Hazerot, a položil se na poušti Fáran.
But after [she returned], they/we left Hazeroth and moved [north] in the Paran Desert and set up their/our tents there.

< 4 Mojžišova 12 >