< Matouš 14 >
1 V tom čase uslyšel Herodes čtvrták pověst o Ježíšovi.
In that time Herodes Tetrarka heard the rumour concerning Jeshu;
2 I řekl služebníkům svým: To jest Jan Křtitel. Onť jest vstal z mrtvých, a protož se divové dějí skrze něho.
and he said to his servants, This is Juchanon the Baptizer: he hath risen from the house of the dead, therefore powerful works are wrought by him.
3 Nebo Herodes byl jal Jana a svázal jej a dal do žaláře pro Herodiadu manželku Filipa bratra svého.
For he, Herodes, had seized Juchanon, and bound him, and cast him (into) the house of the chained, because of Herodia the wife of Philip his brother.
4 Nebo byl řekl jemu Jan: Nesluší tobě míti jí.
for Juchanon had said to him, It is not lawful that she should be to thee a wife.
5 A chtěv zabíti jej, bál se lidu; nebo za proroka jej měli.
And he would have killed him, but he feared the people, because as a prophet they held him.
6 Když pak slaven byl den narození Herodesova, tancovala dcera Herodiady uprostřed hodovníků, i líbilo se to Herodesovi,
But at the birth-day of Herodes, the daughter of Herodia danced before those who reclined, and she pleased Herodes;
7 Tak že s přísahou zaslíbil jí dáti, zač by ho prosila.
wherefore with an oath he sware to her to give her whatever she should demand.
8 A ona jsuci prve navedena od mateře své, řekla: Dej mi zde na míse hlavu Jana Křtitele.
Then she, because instructed by her mother, said, Give me here in a dish the head of Juchanon the Baptizer.
9 I zarmoutil se král, ale pro přísahu a pro ty, kteříž spolu s ním stolili, rozkázal jí dáti.
And the king sickened, yet, on account of the oath and the guests, he commanded that it should be given to her.
10 A poslav kata, sťal Jana v žaláři.
And he sent cut off the head of Juchanon in the house of the chained.
11 I přinesena jest hlava jeho na míse, a dána děvečce. A ona nesla ji mateři své.
And his head was brought in a dish, and given to the girl, and she carried it herself to her mother.
12 A přišedše učedlníci jeho, vzali tělo jeho a pochovali je; a šedše, pověděli to Ježíšovi.
And his disciples came near, took up his corpse, buried (it), and came and showed Jeshu.
13 A uslyšev to Ježíš, plavil se odtud na lodičce na místo pusté soukromí. A uslyševše o tom zástupové, šli za ním pěšky z měst.
Then Jeshu, when he heard, removed from thence by ship to a desert place by himself; and when the multitude heard it, they came after him on dry land from the cities.
14 A vyšed Ježíš, uzřel zástup mnohý. I slitovalo mu se jich, a uzdravoval nemocné jejich.
And Jeshu came forth, and saw great multitudes, and felt compassion for them, and healed their diseases.
15 A když bylo k večerou, přistoupili k němu učedlníci jeho, řkouce: Pusté jest místo toto, a čas již pominul. Rozpusť zástupy, ať jdouce do městeček, nakoupí sobě pokrmů.
BUT when it was eventide, his disciples approached him, and said to him, The place is desert, and the time passed over; send away these multitudes of men, that they may go to the villages, and buy for themselves food.
16 Ježíš pak řekl jim: Není potřebí odcházeti, dejte vy jim jísti.
But he said to them, It is not needful that they should go; give you them to eat.
17 A oni řkou jemu: Nemáme zde, než pět chlebů a dvě rybě.
They said to him, We have nothing here but five cakes and two fishes.
18 Kterýžto dí jim: Přinestež mi je sem.
Jeshu said to them, Bring them hither to me.
19 A rozkázav zástupu posaditi se na trávě a vzav pět chlebů a dvě rybě, vzhléd v nebe, požehnal, a lámaje, dal učedlníkům chleby, a učedlníci zástupům.
And he directed the multitudes to recline upon the ground; and he took the five loaves and two fishes, and looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples themselves placed (it) before the multitudes.
20 I jedli všickni a nasyceni jsou. I sebrali pozůstalých drobtů, dvanácte košů plných.
And all did eat, and were satisfied; and they took up, of the abundance of the fragments, twelve baskets when full.
21 Těch pak, kteříž jedli, bylo okolo pěti tisíců mužů, kromě žen a dětí.
Now those men who had eaten were five thousand, besides women and children.
22 A ihned přinutil učedlníky své, aby vstoupili na lodí a předešli jej za moře, dokudž by nerozpustil zástupů.
And immediately he constrained his disciples to ascend into the bark, and proceed before him to the other shore, while he was dismissing the crowds.
23 A rozpustiv zástupy, vstoupil na horu soukromí, aby se modlil. A když byl večer, sám byl tam.
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up to a mountain by himself, to pray. AND when it was dark, he alone was there.
24 Lodí pak již byla uprostřed moře, zmítající se vlnami, nebo byl vítr odporný jim.
But the vessel was distant from the land many stadia, being greatly beaten with the waves, for the wind was against them.
25 Při čtvrtém pak bdění nočním bral se k nim Ježíš, jda po moři.
But in the fourth watch of the night, Jeshu came to them, walking upon the waters.
26 A vidouce jej učedlníci po moři jdoucího, zarmoutili se, řkouce: Obluda jest. A strachem křičeli.
And the disciples beheld him walking on the waters, and they were troubled, saying, That it was a spectre; and from fear they cried out.
27 Ale ihned Ježíš promluvil k nim, řka: Doufejtež, jáť jsem, nebojte se.
But Jeshu at once spoke to them, and said, Take courage, I am, fear not!
28 I odpověděv Petr, řekl: Pane, jsi-li ty, rozkažiž mi k sobě přijíti po vodě.
And Kipha answered, and said to him, My Lord, if it be thou, command me to come to thee upon the waters.
29 A on řekl: Pojď. A vystoupiv Petr z lodí, šel po vodě, aby přišel k Ježíšovi.
Jeshu said to him, Come. And Kipha descended from the ship, and walked on the waters to go to Jeshu.
30 Ale vida vítr tuhý, bál se. A počav tonouti, zkřikl, řka: Pane, pomoz mi.
But when he saw the furious wind, he feared, and began to sink; and he lifted up his voice, and said, My Lord, deliver me!
31 A ihned Ježíš vztáh ruku, ujal jej a řekl jemu: Malé víry, pročežs pochyboval?
And immediately our Lord reached forth his hand, and seized him, and said to him, Little of faith, why art thou divided (in mind)?
32 A jakž oni vstoupili na lodí, přestal vítr.
And when they had ascended into the ship, the wind was tranquil.
33 Ti pak, kteříž na lodí byli, přistoupivše, klaněli se jemu, řkouce: Jistě Syn Boží jsi.
And they who were in the ship, came and adored him, and said, Truly the Son thou art of Aloha.
34 A přeplavivše se, přišli do země Genezaretské.
And they rowed, and came to the land of Genésar;
35 A poznavše jej muži místa toho, rozeslali po vší té krajině vůkol, a shromáždili k němu všecky neduživé.
and the men of that country recognized him, and sent to all the villages that were about them, and they brought to him all those who were grievously afflicted,
36 A prosili ho, aby se aspoň podolka roucha jeho dotkli. A kteřížkoli dotkli se, uzdraveni jsou.
and besought from him that they might touch only the border of his mantle; and those who touched were healed.