< Plaè 5 >

1 Rozpomeň se, Hospodine, co se nám děje; popatř a viz pohanění naše.
Yahweh, think about what has happened to us. See that we have been disgraced.
2 Dědictví naše obráceno jest k cizím, domové naši k cizozemcům.
Foreigners have seized our property, [and now] they live in our homes.
3 Sirotci jsme a bez otce, matky naše jsou jako vdovy.
[Our enemies] have killed our fathers; they caused our mothers to become widows.
4 Vody své za peníze pijeme, dříví naše za záplatu přichází.
[Now] we are required to pay for water to drink, and we must pay [a lot of money] for firewood.
5 Na hrdle svém protivenství snášíme, pracujeme, nedopouští se nám odpočinouti.
[It is as though] those who pursue us are at our heels; we are exhausted, but they do not allow us to rest.
6 Egyptským podáváme ruky i Assyrským, abychom nasyceni byli chlebem.
In order to get enough food [to remain alive], we went to Egypt and Assyria and offered to work [for the people there].
7 Otcové naši hřešili, není jich, my pak trestáni po nich neseme.
Our ancestors sinned, and now they are dead, but we are being punished for the sins that they committed.
8 Služebníci panují nad námi; není žádného, kdo by vytrhl z ruky jejich.
[Officials from Babylon] who were [previously] slaves [now] rule over us, and there is no one who can rescue us from their power.
9 S opovážením se života svého hledáme chleba svého, pro strach meče i na poušti.
When we roam around in the desert searching for food, we are in danger of being killed, because people there kill strangers with their swords.
10 Kůže naše jako pec zčernaly od náramného hladu.
Our skin has become hot like [SIM] an oven, and we have a very high fever because we are extremely hungry.
11 Ženám na Sionu i pannám v městech Judských násilé činí.
[Our enemies] have raped the women in Jerusalem, [and they have done that to] the young women in [all] the towns of Judea.
12 Knížata rukou jejich zvěšena jsou, osoby starých nemají v poctivosti.
[Our enemies] have hanged our leaders, and they do not respect our elders.
13 Mládence k žernovu berou, a pacholata pod dřívím klesají.
They force our young men to grind [flour] with millstones, and boys stagger while they [are forced to] carry [heavy] loads of firewood.
14 Starci sedati v branách přestali a mládenci od zpěvů svých.
[Our] elders no longer sit at the city gates [to make important decisions]; the young men no longer play their musical [instruments].
15 Přestala radost srdce našeho, obrátilo se v kvílení plésání naše.
We [SYN] are no longer joyful; instead of dancing [joyfully], we now mourn.
16 Spadla koruna s hlavy naší; běda nám již, že jsme hřešili.
The wreaths [of flowers] have fallen off our heads. Terrible things have happened to us because of the sins that we committed.
17 Protoť jest mdlé srdce naše, pro tyť věci zatměly se oči naše,
We [SYN] are tired and discouraged [IDM], and we cannot see well because our eyes are [full of tears].
18 Pro horu Sion, že zpuštěna jest; lišky chodí po ní.
Jerusalem is [completely] deserted, and jackals/wolves prowl around it.
19 Ty Hospodine, na věky zůstáváš, a stolice tvá od národu do pronárodu.
But Yahweh, you rule forever! You continue to rule [MTY] from one generation to the next generation.
20 Proč se zapomínáš na věky na nás, a opouštíš nás za tak dlouhé časy?
[So] why [RHQ] have you forgotten us? Why [RHQ] have you abandoned us for a very long time?
21 Obrať nás, ó Hospodine, k sobě, a obráceni budeme; obnov dny naše, jakž byly za starodávna.
[Please] enable us to return to you, and enable us to prosper [MTY] as we did previously.
22 Nebo zdali všelijak zavržeš nás, a hněvati se budeš na nás velice?
Please do that, because we hope that [RHQ] you have not rejected us forever and that [RHQ] you do not continue to be extremely angry with us!

< Plaè 5 >