< Jonáš 3 >

1 I stalo se slovo Hospodinovo k Jonášovi podruhé, řkoucí:
And the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, saying,
2 Vstaň, jdi do Ninive města toho velikého, a kaž proti němu to, což já poroučím tobě.
Up! go to Nineveh, that great town, and give it the word which I have given you.
3 Tedy vstav Jonáš, šel do Ninive podlé slova Hospodinova. (Bylo pak Ninive město velmi veliké, cesty tří dnů.)
So Jonah got up and went to Nineveh as the Lord had said. Now Nineveh was a very great town, three days' journey from end to end.
4 A jakž počal byl Jonáš jíti po městě cestou dne jednoho a volati, pravě: Po čtyřidcíti dnech Ninive vyvráceno bude,
And Jonah first of all went a day's journey into the town, and crying out said, In forty days destruction will overtake Nineveh.
5 Tedy uvěřili Ninivitští Bohu, a vyhlásivše půst, oblékli se v žíně, od největšího z nich až do nejmenšího z nich.
And the people of Nineveh had belief in God; and a time was fixed for going without food, and they put on haircloth, from the greatest to the least.
6 Nebo jakž došla ta řeč krále Ninivitského, vstav s trůnu svého, složil s sebe oděv svůj, a přioděv se žíní, seděl v popele.
And the word came to the king of Nineveh, and he got up from his seat of authority, and took off his robe, and covering himself with haircloth, took his seat in the dust.
7 A dal provolati a oznámiti v Ninive z usouzení královského i knížat svých, takto řka: Lidé i hovada, volové i ovce, neokoušejte ničeho, nepaste se, ani vody nepíte.
And he had it given out in Nineveh, By the order of the king and his great men, no man or beast, herd or flock, is to have a taste of anything; let them have no food or water:
8 Ale přiodějte se žíněmi lidé i hovada, a volejte k Bohu horlivě, a odvrať se jeden každý od cesty své zlé, i loupeže, kteráž jest v rukou jeho.
And let man and beast be covered with haircloth, and let them make strong prayers to God: and let everyone be turned from his evil way and the violent acts of their hands.
9 Kdo ví, neobrátí-li se a nebude-li želeti toho Bůh; neodvrátí-li se, pravím, od prchlivosti hněvu svého, abychom nezahynuli.
Who may say that God will not be turned, changing his purpose and turning away from his burning wrath, so that destruction may not overtake us?
10 I viděl Bůh skutky jejich, že se odvrátili od cesty své zlé, a lítost měl Bůh nad tím zlým, kteréž řekl učiniti jim. A neučinil.
And God saw what they did, how they were turned from their evil way; and God's purpose was changed as to the evil which he said he would do to them, and he did it not.

< Jonáš 3 >