< Izaiáš 5 >
1 Zpívati již budu milému svému píseň milého svého o vinici jeho: Vinici má milý můj na vrchu úrodném.
[Now] I will sing a song about my dear friend, and about his vineyard. The vineyard was on a very fertile hillside.
2 Kterouž ohradil, a kamení z ní vybral, a vysadil ji vinným kmenem výborným, a ustavěl věži u prostřed ní, také i pres udělal v ní, a očekával, aby nesla hrozny, ale vydala plané víno.
My friend plowed the ground and cleared away the stones. Then he planted very good grapevines on that ground. In the middle of the vineyard, he built a watchtower, and he dug a (winepress/pit for squeezing the grapes). Then he waited [each year] to harvest some good grapes, but the vines produced [only] sour grapes.
3 Nyní tedy, obyvatelé Jeruzalémští a muži Judští, suďte medle mezi mnou a vinicí mou.
Now [this is what Yahweh says]: “You people of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, I [am like the friend, and you are like] my vineyard; [so] you judge which of us [has done what is right].
4 Což ještě činěno býti mělo vinici mé, ješto bych jí neučinil? Proč, když jsem očekával, aby nesla hrozny, plodila plané víno?
What more could I have done for you than what I have already done? I expected you to be doing good deeds [MET], so it is disgusting that [RHQ] you were [doing only evil things] like the vineyard that produced only sour grapes!
5 A protož oznámím vám, co já učiním vinici své: Odejmu plot její, a přijde na spuštění; rozbořím hradbu její, i přijde na pošlapání.
[So], I will now tell you what I will do to [Judah, the place that is like] my vineyard. I will cut down the hedges, and they will be destroyed. I will tear down the walls [of the cities] and allow [wild animals] to trample the land.
6 Zapustím ji, nebude řezána, ani kopána, i vzroste na ní bodláčí a trní; oblakům také zapovím, aby nevydávali více na ni deště.
I will cause it to become a wasteland where the vines are not pruned and the ground is not hoed. It will be a place where briers and thorns [DOU] grow. And I will command that no rain will fall on it.”
7 Vinice zajisté Hospodina zástupů dům Izraelský jest, a muži Judští révové milí jemu. Očekával pak soudu, a aj, nátisk; spravedlnosti, a aj, křik.
The nation of Israel is [like] [MET] the vineyard of the Commander of the armies of angels. The people of Judah are [like] the garden that was pleasing to him. He expected you to be doing what is just/fair, but instead, [what he saw was people] murdering [MTY] others. [He expected that you would be doing] righteous deeds, but instead, he heard cries from people who were being [attacked] violently.
8 Běda vám, kteříž připojujete dům k domu, a pole s polem spojujete, tak že místa jiným není, jako byste sami rozsazeni byli k přebývání u prostřed země.
Terrible things will happen to you who continually [illegally] acquire houses and fields. You force one family after another to leave their homes until you are the only ones [HYP] [still] living in the land.
9 V uši mé řekl Hospodin zástupů: Jistě žeť domové mnozí zpustnou, velicí a krásní bez obyvatele budou.
[But] I heard the Commander of the armies of angels solemnly declare this: “[Some day], many of those huge houses will be empty/deserted; no one will be living in those beautiful mansions.
10 Nadto deset dílců viničných vydá láhvici jednu, a semena chomer vydá efi.
The vines on ten acres of land will not produce enough grapes to make (six gallons/22 liters) [of juice/wine], and ten baskets of seed will produce only one basket [of grain].”
11 Běda těm, kteříž ráno vstávajíce, chodí po opilství, a trvají při tom do večera, až je víno i rozpaluje.
Terrible things will happen to those who get up early [each] morning to begin drinking alcoholic drinks, and who stay awake until late at night [drinking a lot of wine] until they are completely drunk.
12 A harfa, loutna a buben, a píšťalka, a víno bývá na hodech jejich; na skutky pak Hospodinovy nehledí, a díla rukou jeho nespatřují.
They have [big parties and provide lots of] wine. At their parties, there are [people playing] harps and lyres and tambourines and flutes, but they never think about what Yahweh does or appreciate what he has created.
13 Protož v zajetí půjde lid můj, nebo jest bez umění; a slavní jeho budou hladovití, a množství jeho žízní usvadne.
So, my people will be (exiled/taken to other countries) [far away] because they do not know [about me]. Those who are [now very important and] honored will starve, and the other people will die from thirst.
14 Pročež rozšířilo i peklo hrdlo své, a rozedřelo nad míru ústa svá, i sstoupí do něho slavní její a množství její, i hluk její, i ti, kteříž se veselí v ní. (Sheol )
[It is as though] [PRS] the place where the dead people are is eagerly looking for more Israeli people, opening its mouth to swallow them, and a huge number of people will be thrown into that place, including their leaders as well as a noisy crowd of people who enjoy living in Jerusalem. (Sheol )
15 A tak sehnut bude člověk, a ponížen muž, a oči pyšných sníženy budou,
[Yahweh] will get rid of a huge number of people; and he will humble [many more] people who [now] are proud/arrogant.
16 Hospodin pak zástupů vyvýšen bude v soudu, a Bůh silný a svatý ukáže se svatý v spravedlnosti.
But the Commander of the armies of angels will be exalted/praised because of his acting justly. God will show that he is holy by doing righteous/just deeds.
17 I pásti se budou beránkové podlé obyčeje svého, a ostatky těch tučných, navrátíce se, jísti budou.
Then lambs and fat sheep will [be able to] find good grass to eat, [even] among the ruins [of the houses of rich people].
18 Běda těm, kteříž táhnou nepravost za provazy marnosti, a jako provazem u vozu hřích;
Some people constantly tell lies, and [it is as though] they are dragging behind them the wrong things that they have done. Terrible things will happen to them!
19 Kteříž říkají: Nechať pospíší, a nemešká dílem svým, abychom viděli, a nechať se přiblíží, a přijde rada toho Svatého Izraelského, abychom zvěděli.
They [make fun of God and] say [to him, ] “Go ahead, do something [to punish us]! We want to see what you will do. You, the Holy One of Israel, should do what you are planning to do, because we want to know what it is.”
20 Běda těm, kteříž říkají zlému dobré, a dobrému zlé, kladouce tmu za světlo, a světlo za tmu, pokládajíce hořké za sladké, a sladké za hořké.
Terrible things will happen to those who say that evil is good, and that good is evil, that darkness is light and that light is darkness, that what is bitter is sweet and what is sweet is bitter.
21 Běda těm, kteříž jsou moudří sami u sebe, a vedlé zdání svého opatrní.
Terrible things will happen to those who think that they are wise and that they (are very clever/know everything).
22 Běda těm, kteříž jsou silní ku pití vína, a muži udatní k smíšení nápoje opojného;
Terrible things will happen to those who [think that] [IRO] they are great/heroes because they are able to drink [lots of] wine, and boast about being able to mix good alcoholic drinks.
23 Kteříž ospravedlňují bezbožného pro dary, spravedlnost pak spravedlivých odjímají od nich.
If people offer them bribes in order that they will enable wicked people not to be punished, they accept those bribes, and they cause people who are innocent to be punished.
24 Z té příčiny, jakož plamen ohně zžírá strniště, a plevy plamen v nic obrací, tak kořen jejich bude jako shnilina, a květ jejich jako prach vzejde; nebo zavrhli zákon Hospodina zástupů, a řečí svatého Izraelského pohrdli.
Therefore, just like [SIM] fires burn up stubble and dry grass shrivels up and quickly burns in flames, [it will be as though] those people have roots that will rot and have flowers that will wither. [That will happen] because they rejected the laws of the Commander of the armies of angels; they have despised the messages of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Pročež rozpáliv se prchlivostí Hospodin na lid svůj, a vztáh ruku svou na něj, porazil jej, tak že se hory zatřásly, a těla mrtvá jejich jako hnůj u prostřed ulic. V tom však ve všem neodvrátila se prchlivost jeho, ale předce ruka jeho jest vztažená.
That is why Yahweh is [extremely] angry [with his people]; [it is as though] his hand is raised [and he is ready to smash them]. [When he does that], the mountains will shake, and the corpses of people will be scattered in the streets like [SIM] manure. But even when that happens, Yahweh will still be very angry; he will be ready to punish his people [MET] again.
26 Nebo vyzdvihne korouhev národu dalekému, a zahvízdne naň od končin země, a aj, rychle a prudce přijde.
Yahweh will send a signal to summon [armies of] nations far away; [it is as though] he will whistle [to summon those soldiers who are] in very remote places on the earth. They will come very swiftly [DOU] [to Jerusalem].
27 Žádného ustalého ani klesajícího nebude mezi nimi; nebude dřímati ani spáti, aniž se rozepne pás bedr jeho, aniž se strhá řemen obuví jeho.
They will not get tired or stumble. They will not [stop to] rest or to sleep. None of their belts will be loose, and none of them will have sandals with broken straps, [so they will all be ready to fight in battles].
28 Střely jeho ostré, a všecka lučiště jeho natažená; kopyta koňů jeho jako škřemen souzena budou, a kola jeho jako vichřice.
Their arrows will be sharp, and their bows will be ready [to shoot those arrows in a battle]. [Because their horses pull the chariots fast], sparks will shoot out from their hooves, and the wheels of the chariots will spin like a whirlwind.
29 Řvání jeho jako řvání lva, a řváti bude jako lvíčata; a mumlati bude, a pochytí loupež a uteče, aniž bude, kdo by vydřel.
They will roar like [very strong] lions [DOU] that growl and [then] pounce on the animals they want to kill and carry them off, and no one is able to rescue them.
30 A zvučeti bude nad ním v ten den, jako zvučí moře. Tehdy pohledíme na zemi, a aj, mrákota a úzkost; nebo se i světlo zatmí při pohubení jejím.
[Similarly, your enemies] will roar when they see the people they are about to kill, like [SIM] the sea roars. [On that day], if someone looks across the land, he will see [only people who are in] darkness and distressed; [it will be as though] even the sunlight is hidden by dark clouds.