< Hozeáš 4 >

1 Slyšte slovo Hospodinovo, ó synové Izraelští, neboť má rozepři Hospodin s obyvateli země této, proto že není žádné věrnosti, ani žádného milosrdenství, ani žádné známosti Boží v této zemi.
You Israeli people, listen to this message from Yahweh! He is accusing you people who live in this country, [saying] “The people are not faithfully [doing what pleases me], they are not kind [to others], and they do not [even] know me!
2 Proklínání a lži a vraždy, a zlodějství i cizoložství na vrch zrostlo, a vražda vraždu postihá.
Everywhere in this land they curse [others], they murder [others], they steal, and they commit adultery. They act violently toward others and commit one murder after another.
3 Protož kvíliti bude tato země, a umdlí všecko, což v ní přebývá, živočichové polní i ptactvo nebeské, ano i ryby mořské zhynou.
It is because of their doing those things that there is no rain [MTY], the land has become dry, the people are mourning, and the people are dying [from hunger]. Even the wild animals and the birds and the fish in the sea are dying.
4 A však žádný jim nedomlouvej, aniž jich kdo tresci; nebo lid tvůj podobni jsou těm, kteříž se vadí s knězem.
But no one should accuse someone else and say it is his fault. It is you priests whom I am accusing.
5 Protož ve dne padneš, padne také i prorok s tebou v noci, zahladím i matku tvou.
So I will punish [MTY] you priests, night and day, and I will punish the prophets with you. I am going to destroy [Israel, the nation that is like] [MET] a mother to you.
6 Vyhlazen bude lid můj pro neumění. Poněvadž jsi ty pohrdl uměním, i tebou pohrdnu, abys mi kněžství nekonal; a že jsi zapomněl na zákon Boha svého, já také zapomenu se na syny tvé.
It is because my people do not know [about me] that they will be destroyed. And their not knowing about me is because you priests have refused [to teach them about me]; so I will no longer allow you to be my priests. You have forgotten the things that I taught you, so I will forget [to bless] your children.
7 Èím se více rozmohli, tím více hřešili proti mně; slávu jejich v pohanění směním.
As there are more and more priests, they have sinned against me more and more. So I will no longer allow them to be honored; instead, I will cause them to be disgraced.
8 Oběti za hřích lidu mého jedí, protož k nepravosti jejich duše své pozdvihují.
The priests get food from [the offerings that the] people [bring in order to be forgiven for having sinned], [so] the priests want the people to sin more and more [in order that the people will bring them more and more offerings].
9 Pročež stane se jakž lidu tak knězi. Nebo vyhledávati budu na něm cest jeho, a skutky jeho jemu vrátím.
The priests [are as sinful] as the [other] people, and I will punish [all of] them for what they have done; I will pay them back for the [evil] things that they have done.
10 I budou jísti, a však se nenasytí, smilniti budou, ale nerozmnoží se; nebo nechtějí pozoru míti na Hospodina.
[The priests] will eat, but they will still be hungry; they will have sex with prostitutes, but they will not have any children, because they have abandoned [me], Yahweh,
11 Smilství a víno a mest odjímá srdce.
and they are devoting themselves to sleeping with prostitutes, and to [drinking] old wine and new wine, which results in their not being able to think clearly.”
12 Lid můj dřeva svého se dotazuje, a hůl jeho oznamuje jemu; nebo je duch smilství v blud uvodí, aby smilnili, odcházejíce od Boha svého.
“[You] my people request wooden idols [to tell you what you should do]! Like prostitutes who have left/abandoned their husbands,
13 Na vrších hor obětují, a na pahrbcích kadí, pod doubím a topolím a jilmovím, nebo jest příhodný stín jejich; protož smilní dcery vaše, a nevěsty vaše cizoloží.
you have abandoned [me] your God, and you are chasing after [other gods] on the tops of hills and mountains; you burn incense under oak [trees], poplar [trees], and other trees where there is nice/pleasing shade. So your daughters have become prostitutes, and your daughters-in-law have committed adultery.
14 Nevyhledával-liž bych na dcerách vašich, že smilní, a na nevěstách vašich, že cizoloží, že tito s nevěstkami se oddělují, a s ženkami obětují? Anobrž lid, kterýž sobě nesrozumívá, padne.
But it is not [only] your daughters [whom I will punish] for having become prostitutes, and it is not [only] your daughters-in-law whom I will punish for committing adultery, because the men also are having sex with prostitutes, and they offer sacrifices with the prostitutes [who search for men at the] shrines [of the idols]. [They are all] foolish people, and they will [all] be ruined.
15 Jestliže smilníš ty Izraeli, nechažť nehřeší Juda. Protož nechoďtež do Galgala, aniž vstupujte do Betaven, aniž přisahejte: Živť jest Hospodin.
You Israeli [people] have abandoned me like [MET] those who commit adultery have abandoned their spouses. But do not cause [the people of] Judah to sin [also]. Do not go to Gilgal or go up to Beth-Aven [towns] [to worship idols there]. Do not make solemn promises [there, saying ‘Just as surely] as Yahweh lives, [I will do what I am promising].’
16 Nebo jako jalovice tvrdošijná tvrdošijný jest Izrael, jižť je pásti bude Hospodin jako beránka na prostranně.
You [people of Israel] are as stubborn as [SIM] a young cow. So there is no way [RHQ] that [I], Yahweh, will [provide food for them] [like a shepherd provides food for his] lambs [by leading them] to a nice meadow.
17 Efraim stovaryšil se s modlami, nechej ho.
The people of Israel have chosen to worship idols [MET], [so] allow them [to do what they want to do].
18 Zpurné je činí nápoj jejich, velice smilní, milují: Dejte. Ochráncové jeho jsou ohyzda.
When their rulers finish drinking [their wine], they go to find prostitutes; they love their disgraceful behavior.
19 Zachvátí je vítr křídly svými, i budou zahanbeni pro své oběti.
But they will disappear [as though] [MET] they were blown away by a whirlwind. They will become [very] ashamed because of their offering sacrifices [to idols].”

< Hozeáš 4 >