< 1 Mojžišova 25 >

1 Abraham pak opět pojal ženu jménem Ceturu.
In truth, Abraham took another wife, named Keturah.
2 Kterážto porodila jemu Zamrana, a Jeksana, a Madana, a Madiana, Jezbocha a Suecha.
And she bore to him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.
3 Jeksan potom zplodil Sábu a Dedana. Synové pak Dedanovi byli: Assurim, a Latuzim, a Laomim.
Likewise, Jokshan conceived Sheba and Dedan. The sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim.
4 Ale synové Madianovi: Efa, a Efer, a Enoch, a Abida, a Helda; všickni ti synové byli Cetury.
And truly, from Midian was born Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah. All these were the sons of Keturah.
5 I dal Abraham Izákovi všecko, což měl.
And Abraham gave everything that he possessed to Isaac.
6 Synům pak ženin svých dal Abraham dary, a odeslal je od Izáka syna svého, ještě živ jsa, k východu do země východní.
But to the sons of the concubines he gave generous gifts, and he separated them from his son Isaac, while he still lived, toward the eastern region.
7 Tito pak jsou dnové let života Abrahamova, v nichž byl živ: Sto sedmdesáte a pět let.
Now the days of Abraham’s life were one hundred and seventy-five years.
8 I skonal a umřel Abraham v starosti dobré, stár jsa a plný dnů; a připojen jest k lidu svému.
And declining, he died in a good old age, and at an advanced stage of life, and full of days. And he was gathered to his people.
9 Tedy pochovali ho Izák a Izmael synové jeho v jeskyni Machpelah, na poli Efrona, syna Sohar Hetejského, naproti Mamre,
And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the double cave, which was situated in the field of Ephron, of the son of Zohar the Hittite, across from the region of Mamre,
10 Na tom poli, kteréž byl koupil Abraham od synů Het; tu pochován jest Abraham i Sára manželka jeho.
which he had bought from the sons of Heth. There he was buried, with his wife Sarah.
11 Po smrti pak Abrahamově požehnal Bůh Izákovi synu jeho, a bydlil Izák u studnice Živého vidoucího mne.
And after his passing, God blessed his son Isaac, who lived near the well named ‘of the One who lives and who sees.’
12 Tito jsou pak rodové Izmaele syna Abrahamova, jehož porodila Agar Egyptská, děvka Sářina, Abrahamovi.
These are the generations of Ishmael, the son of Abraham, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s servant, bore to him.
13 A tato jsou jména synů Izmaelových, jimiž se jmenují po rodech svých: Prvorozený Izmaelův Nabajot, po něm Cedar, a Adbeel a Mabsan,
And these are the names of his sons according to their language and generations. The firstborn of Ishmael was Nebaioth, then Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,
14 A Masma, a Dumah a Massa,
likewise Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,
15 Hadar a Tema, Jetur, Nafis a Cedma.
Hadad, and Tema, and Jetur, and Naphish, and Kedemah.
16 Ti jsou synové Izmaelovi, a ta jména jejich, po vsech jejich, a po městech jejich, dvanáctero knížat po čeledech jejich.
These are the sons of Ishmael. And these are their names throughout their fortresses and towns: the twelve princes of their tribes.
17 (Bylo pak života Izmaelova sto třidceti a sedm let, i skonal; a umřev, připojen jest k lidu svému.)
And the years of the life of Ishmael that passed were one hundred and thirty-seven. And declining, he died and was placed with his people.
18 A bydlili od Hevilah až do Sur, jenž jest proti Egyptu, když jdeš do Assyrie; před tváří všech bratří svých položil se.
Now he had lived from Havilah as far as Shur, which overlooks Egypt as it approaches the Assyrians. He passed away in the sight of all his brothers.
19 Tito jsou také rodové Izáka syna Abrahamova: Abraham zplodil Izáka.
Likewise, these are the generations of Isaac, the son of Abraham. Abraham conceived Isaac,
20 Byl pak Izák ve čtyřidcíti letech, když sobě vzal za manželku Rebeku, dceru Bathuele Syrského, z Pádan Syrské, sestru Lábana Syrského.
who, when he was forty years old, took Rebekah, the sister of Laban, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian from Mesopotamia, as a wife.
21 I modlil se Izák pokorně Hospodinu za manželku svou; nebo byla neplodná. A uslyšel jej Hospodin; a tak počala Rebeka manželka jeho.
And Isaac beseeched the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. And he heard him, and he gave conception to Rebekah.
22 A když se děti potiskali v životě jejím, řekla: Má-liť tak býti, proč jsem já počala? Šla tedy, aby se otázala Hospodina.
But the little ones struggled in her womb. So she said, “If it was to be so with me, what need was there to conceive?” And she went to consult the Lord.
23 I řekl jí Hospodin: Dva národové jsou v životě tvém, a dvůj lid z života tvého se rozdělí; lid pak jeden nad druhý bude silnější, a větší sloužiti bude menšímu.
And responding, he said, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples will be divided out of your womb, and one people will overcome the other people, and the elder will serve the younger.”
24 A když se naplnili dnové její, aby porodila, a aj, blíženci byli v životě jejím.
Now the time had arrived to give birth, and behold, twins were discovered in her womb.
25 I vyšel první ryšavý všecken, a jako oděv chlupatý; i nazvali jméno jeho Ezau.
He who departed first was red, and entirely hairy like a pelt; and his name was called Esau. At once the other departed and he held his brother’s foot in his hand; and because of this he was called Jacob.
26 Potom pak vyšel bratr jeho, a rukou svou držel Ezau za patu; pročež nazváno jest jméno jeho Jákob. A byl Izák v šedesáti letech, když ona je porodila.
Isaac was sixty years old when the little ones were born to him.
27 A když dorostli ti děti, byl Ezau lovec umělý, chodě po polích; Jákob pak byl muž prostý a v staních bydlil.
And as adults, Esau became a knowledgeable hunter and a man of agriculture, but Jacob, a simple man, dwelt in tents.
28 I byl Izák laskav na Ezau, proto že z lovu jeho míval pokrm; ale Rebeka laskava byla na Jákoba.
Isaac was fond of Esau, because he was fed from his hunting; and Rebekah loved Jacob.
29 Uvařil pak Jákob krmičku. Tedy Ezau přišel z pole zemdlený,
Then Jacob boiled a small meal. Esau, when he had arrived weary from the field,
30 A řekl Jákobovi: Dej mi, prosím, jísti krmě té červené, nebo jsem umdlel. (Protož nazváno jest jméno jeho Edom.)
said to him, “Give me this red stew, for I am very tired.” For this reason, his name was called Edom.
31 Odpověděl Jákob: Prodej mi dnes hned prvorozenství své.
Jacob said to him, “Sell me your right of the firstborn.”
32 I řekl Ezau: Aj, já k smrti se blížím, k čemuž mi tedy to prvorozenství?
He answered, “Lo, I am dying, what will the right of the firstborn provide for me?”
33 Dí Jákob: Přisáhni mi dnes hned. I přisáhl mu, a prodal prvorozenství své Jákobovi.
Jacob said, “So then, swear to me.” Esau swore to him, and he sold his right of the firstborn.
34 Tedy Jákob dal Ezauchovi chleba a té krmě z šocovice. Kterýžto jedl a pil, a vstav, odšel; a tak pohrdl Ezau prvorozenstvím.
And so, taking bread and the food of lentils, he ate, and he drank, and he went away, giving little weight to having sold the right of the firstborn.

< 1 Mojžišova 25 >