< 1 Mojžišova 20 >

1 Odtud bral se Abraham do země polední, aby bydlil mezi Kádes a Sur; i byl pohostinu v Gerar;
Abraham traveled towards the Negev, staying between Kadesh and Shur. After that he moved on to live in Gerar.
2 Kdežto pravil Abraham o Sáře manželce své: Sestra má jest. Tedy poslav Abimelech, král Gerarský, vzal Sáru.
During his time there, when Abraham told people about his wife Sarah, he said, “She's my sister.” So Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent for Sarah and took her to become one of his wives.
3 Ale přišed Bůh k Abimelechovi ve snách v noci, řekl jemu: Aj, ty již umřeš pro ženu, kterouž jsi vzal, poněvadž jest vdaná za muže.
But God appeared to Abimelech in a dream and told him, “Listen! You're going to die because the woman you've taken is already married—she has a husband.”
4 Abimelech pak nepřiblížil se k ní; protož řekl: Pane, zdaž také spravedlivý národ zabiješ?
Abimelech hadn't touched Sarah, and he asked, “Lord, do you kill good people?
5 Zdaliž mi sám nepravil: Sestra má jest? A ona též pravila: Bratr můj jest. V upřímnosti srdce svého a v nevinnosti rukou svých učinil jsem to.
Didn't Abraham tell me himself, ‘She's my sister,’ and didn't Sarah also say, ‘He's my brother’? I did this in all innocence—my conscience is clear!”
6 I řekl jemu Bůh ve snách: Jáť také vím, že v upřímnosti srdce svého učinil jsi to, a já také zdržel jsem tě, abys nezhřešil proti mně; protož nedalť jsem se jí dotknouti.
God told him in the dream, “Yes, I know you did this in all innocence, so I prevented you from sinning against me. That's why I didn't let you touch her.
7 Nyní tedy, navrať ženu muži tomu; nebo prorok jest, a modliti se bude za tebe, a živ budeš. Pakli jí nenavrátíš, věz, že smrtí umřeš ty i všecko, což tvého jest.
Send the man's wife back to him. He's a prophet. He will pray for you, and you will live. But if you don't send her back to him, you should know for sure that you and all your family will die.”
8 A vstav Abimelech ráno, svolal všecky služebníky své, a vypravoval všecka slova ta v uši jejich. I báli se ti muži velmi.
Abimelech got up early in the morning and called all his servants together. He explained everything that had happened, and they were all terrified.
9 Potom povolav Abimelech Abrahama, řekl jemu: Co jsi nám to učinil? A co jsem zhřešil proti tobě, že jsi uvedl na mne a na království mé hřích veliký? Učinils mi, čehož jsi učiniti neměl.
Then Abimelech summoned Abraham and asked him “What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you should treat me like this, bringing this terrible sin on me and my kingdom? You've done things to me that no one should ever do!”
10 A řekl opět Abimelech Abrahamovi: Cos myslil, žes takovou věc učinil?
Then Abimelech asked Abraham “What were you thinking when you did this?”
11 Odpověděl Abraham: Řekl jsem: Jistě že není bázně Boží na místě tomto, a zabijí mne pro ženu mou.
“Well, I thought to myself, ‘Nobody respects God in this place. They'll kill me just to get my wife,’” Abraham replied.
12 A také v pravdě jest sestra má, dcera otce mého, však ne dcera matky mé; a pojal jsem ji sobě za manželku.
“Anyway, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father but not my mother, and I married her.
13 Když pak vyvedl mne Bůh z domu otce mého, abych pohostinu bydlil, tedy řekl jsem jí: Toto mi dobrodiní učiníš: Na každém místě, kamž půjdeme, prav o mně: Bratr můj jest.
Since my God made me move far away from my family home, I told her, ‘If you really love me, then wherever you go with me you must tell people: He's my brother.’”
14 Tedy vzav Abimelech ovce a voly, služebníky také a děvky, dal je Abrahamovi; a navrátil mu Sáru manželku jeho.
Then Abimelech gave Abraham gifts of sheep, cattle, and male and female slaves, and returned his wife Sarah to him.
15 A řekl Abimelech: Aj, země má před tebou; kdežť se koli příhodné býti vidí, tu přebývej.
Abimelech told him, “Look over my land. You can choose to live anywhere you like.”
16 Sáře pak řekl: Aj, dal jsem tisíc stříbrných bratru tvému, hle, onť jest tobě zástěrou očí u všech, kteříž jsou s tebou. A všemi těmito věcmi Sára poučena byla.
Abimelech also told Sarah, “Notice that I'm giving your brother a thousand pieces of silver. This is to compensate you for the wrong done to you in the eyes of everyone with you, and to make sure that your name is publicly cleared.”
17 I modlil se Abraham Bohu, a uzdravil Bůh Abimelecha, a ženu jeho, a děvky jeho; i rodily.
Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female slaves, so that they could have children again.
18 Nebo byl zavřel Hospodin každý život ženský v domě Abimelechově, pro Sáru manželku Abrahamovu.
For the Lord had made all the women unable to have children because Abraham's wife, Sarah, had been taken.

< 1 Mojžišova 20 >