< 1 Mojžišova 14 >
1 Stalo se pak ve dnech těch, že Amrafel král Sinearský, Arioch král Elasarský, Chedorlaomer král Elamitský, a Thádal král Goimský,
And it was in [the] days of Amraphel [the] king of Shinar Arioch [the] king of Ellasar Kedorlaomer [the] king of Elam and Tidal [the] king of Goyim.
2 Vyzdvihli válku proti Bérovi králi Sodomskému, a proti Bersovi králi Gomorskému, a Senábovi králi Adamatskému, a Semeberovi králi Seboimskému, a králi Bélamskému, to jest Ségorskému.
They made war with Bera [the] king of Sodom and with Birsha [the] king of Gomorrah Shinab - [the] king of Admah and Shemeber [the] king of (Zeboiim *Q(k)*) and [the] king of Bela that [is] Zoar.
3 Všickni tito sjeli se do údolí Siddim, to jest již moře solné.
All these they joined together to [the] valley of Siddim that [is] [the] Sea of Salt.
4 Dvanácte let sloužili Chedorlaomerovi, třináctého pak léta zprotivili se.
Two [plus] ten year[s] they had served Kedorlaomer and thir-teen year they rebelled.
5 Protož léta čtrnáctého přitáhl Chedorlaomer a králové, kteříž byli s ním, a pobili Refaimské v Astarotu Karnaimských, a Zuzimské v Cham, a Eminské na rovinách Kariataimských,
And in four-teen year he came Kedorlaomer and the kings who [were] with him and they defeated [the] Rephaites in Ashteroth Karnaim and the Zuzites in Ham and the Emites in Shaveh Kiriathaim.
6 A Horejské na hoře jich Seir, až k rovině Fáran, kteráž leží nad pouští.
And the Horite[s] in hill country of their Seir to El Paran which [is] at the wilderness.
7 A vracejíce se, přitáhli k En Misfat, kteráž již jest Kádes, a pohubili všecku krajinu Amalechitského, také i Amorejského, bydlícího v Hasesontamar.
And they turned back and they came to En Mishpat that [is] Kadesh and they defeated all [the] region of the Amalekite[s] and also the Amorite[s] who was dwelling in Hazezon Tamar.
8 Protož vytáhl král Sodomský, a král Gomorský, a král Adamatský, a král Seboimský, a král Bélamský, to jest Ségorský, a sšikovali se proti nim k bitvě v údolí Siddim,
And he went out [the] king of Sodom and [the] king of Gomorrah and [the] king of Admah and [the] king of (Zeboiim *Q(k)*) and [the] king of Bela that [is] Zoar and they deployed with them battle in [the] valley of Siddim.
9 Proti Chedorlaomerovi králi Elamitskému, a Thádalovi králi Goimskému, a Amrafelovi králi Sinearskému, i Ariochovi králi Elasarskému, čtyři králové proti pěti.
With Kedorlaomer [the] king of Elam and Tidal [the] king of Goyim and Amraphel [the] king of Shinar and Arioch [the] king of Ellasar four kings with the five.
10 (V údolí pak Siddim bylo mnoho studnic klejovatých.) I utíkajíce král Sodomský a Gomorský, padli tam; a kteří pozůstali, utekli na hory.
And [the] valley of Siddim [was] pits pits of bitumen and they fled [the] king of Sodom and Gomorrah and they fell there towards and those [who] survived [the] hill country towards they fled.
11 A pobravše všecko zboží Sodomských a Gomorských, a všecky potravy jich, odtáhli.
And they took all [the] possession[s] of Sodom and Gomorrah and all food their and they went.
12 Vzali také Lota, a zboží jeho, syna bratra Abramova, a odjeli; nebo on bydlil v Sodomě.
And they took Lot and possession[s] his [the] son of [the] brother of Abram and they went and he [was] dwelling in Sodom.
13 Přišel pak jeden, kterýž byl utekl, a zvěstoval Abramovi Hebrejskému, kterýž tehdáž bydlil v rovinách Mamre Amorejského, bratra Eškolova a bratra Anerova; nebo ti měli smlouvu s Abramem.
And he came the fugitive and he told to Abram the Hebrew and he [was] dwelling at [the] great trees of Mamre the Amorite [the] brother of Eshcol and [the] brother of Aner and they [were] [the] partners of [the] covenant of Abram.
14 Uslyšev tedy Abram, že by zajat byl bratr jeho, vypravil způsobných k boji a v domě svém zrozených služebníků tři sta a osmnácte, a honil je až k Dan.
And he heard Abram that he had been taken captive relative his and he drew out trained men his those born of household his eight-teen and three hundred and he pursued to Dan.
15 A odděliv se, připadl na ně v noci, on i služebníci jeho, a porazil je; a stihal je až k Chobah, kteréž leží na levo Damašku.
And divided himself on them - night he and servants his and he attacked them and he pursued them to Hobah which [is] from [the] north of Damascus.
16 I odjal zase všecko zboží; také i Lota bratra svého s statkem jeho zase přivedl, ano i ženy a lid.
And he brought back all the possession[s] and also Lot relative his and possession[s] his he brought back and also the women and the people.
17 Tedy vyšel král Sodomský proti němu, když se navracoval od pobití Chedorlaomera a králů, kteříž byli s ním, k údolí Sáveh, kteréž jest údolí královské.
And he went out [the] king of Sodom to meet him after returned he from defeating (Kedor-laomer *LBH(A)*) and the kings who [were] with him to [the] valley of Shaveh that [is] [the] valley of the king.
18 Melchisedech také král Sálem, vynesl chléb a víno; a ten byl kněz Boha silného nejvyššího.
And Melchi-zedek [the] king of Salem he brought out bread and wine and he [was] a priest of God Most High.
19 I požehnal mu a řekl: Požehnaný Abram Bohu silnému nejvyššímu, kterýž vládne nebem a zemí;
And he blessed him and he said [be] blessed Abram by God Most High [the] creator of heaven and earth.
20 A požehnaný Bůh silný nejvyšší, kterýž dal nepřátely tvé v ruce tvé. I dal mu Abram desátky ze všech věcí.
And [be] blessed God Most High who he has delivered opponents your in hand your and he gave to him a tenth from everything.
21 Král pak Sodomský řekl Abramovi: Dej mi lid, a zboží vezmi sobě.
And he said [the] king of Sodom to Abram give to me the person[s] and the possession[s] take for yourself.
22 I řekl Abram králi Sodomskému: Pozdvihl jsem ruky své k Hospodinu, Bohu silnému nejvyššímu, kterýž vládne nebem i zemí,
And he said Abram to [the] king of Sodom I raise hand my to Yahweh God Most High [the] creator of heaven and earth.
23 Že nevezmu od niti až do řeménka obuvi ze všech věcí, kteréž jsou tvé, abys neřekl: Já jsem obohatil Abrama,
If from a thread and unto a thong of a sandal and if I will take any of all that [belongs] to you and not you will say I I made rich Abram.
24 Kromě toliko toho, což snědli bojovníci, a dílu mužů, kteříž se mnou šli, totiž Aner, Eškol a Mamre; oni nechať vezmou díl svůj.
Apart from me only [that] which they have eaten the young men and [the] share of the men who went with me Aner Eshcol and Mamre they let them take share their.