< 2 Mojžišova 13 >

1 I mluvil Hospodin k Mojžíšovi, řka:
Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 Posvěť mi všeho prvorozeného, cožkoli otvírá každý život mezi syny Izraelskými, tak z lidí jako z hovad, nebo mé jest.
“Set apart all the firstborn males in order that they may belong to me. The firstborn males of the Israeli people and of their animals will be mine.”
3 Protož řekl Mojžíš lidu: Pamatujte na den tento, v kterémž jste vyšli z Egypta, z domu služby; nebo v silné ruce vyvedl vás odsud Hospodin, aniž kdo jez co kvašeného.
Moses/I said to the people, “Do not forget this day! This is the day that you are leaving Egypt. This is the day you [are freed from] being their slaves. Yahweh has brought you out of Egypt by his great power [MTY]. Do not eat any bread that has yeast in it [whenever you celebrate] this day.
4 Dnes vycházíte vy, měsíce Abib.
You are leaving Egypt on this day, which is the first day of the month that is [named] Abib.
5 Když tedy uvede tě Hospodin do země Kananejských, Hetejských, Amorejských, Hevejských a Jebuzejských, tak jakž přisáhl otcům tvým, a dá tobě zemi oplývající mlékem a strdí: tedy vykonávati budeš službu tuto v tento měsíc.
Later, when Yahweh brings you into the land where the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Hiv, and Jebus [now live], the land that he solemnly promised to give to you, a land that will be very good for raising livestock and growing crops [MTY], you must celebrate this festival during this month [every year].
6 Za sedm dní jísti budeš chleby přesné, dne pak sedmého slavnost bude Hospodinova.
For seven days the bread that you eat must not have any yeast in it. On the seventh day there must be a festival to [honor] Yahweh.
7 Přesní chlebové jedeni budou za dnů sedm, aniž spatříno bude u tebe co kvašeného, aniž se uhlédá u tebe kvas ve všech končinách tvých.
For seven days do not eat bread that has yeast in it. You should not have any yeast or bread made with yeast anywhere in your land.
8 A vypravovati budeš synu svému v ten den, řka: Proto, což mi učinil Hospodin, když jsem vycházel z Egypta.
On the day [the festival starts], you must tell your children, ‘[We are doing this to remember] what Yahweh did for our ancestors when they left Egypt.
9 A budeť tobě to jako nějaké znamení na ruce tvé, a jako památka před očima tvýma, aby zákon Hospodinův byl v ústech tvých; nebo v ruce silné vyvedl tě Hospodin z Egypta.
This ritual will remind you how Yahweh brought your ancestors out of Egypt with his great power [MTY]. [The ritual will be like something] you tie on your forehead or on your wrist. It will remind you to recite to others what Yahweh has instructed you.
10 Protož zachovávati budeš ustanovení toto v čas jistý, rok po roce.
So you must celebrate this festival every year at the time [Yahweh] has appointed.’
11 A když by tě uvedl Hospodin do země Kananejských, tak jakž přisáhl tobě a otcům tvým, a dal by ji tobě:
Yahweh will bring you into the land where the descendants of Canaan live, just as he promised you and your ancestors that he would do. When he gives that land to you,
12 Tedy všecko, což otvírá život, oddělíš Hospodinu, i každý plod hovada tvého otvírající život, což by koli bylo samců, Hospodinovo jest.
you must dedicate to Yahweh the firstborn males of all your animals. These all will belong to Yahweh.
13 Každé pak prvorozené osle vyplatíš hovádkem; pakli bys nevyplatil, zlom jemu šíji; každého také prvorozeného člověka mezi syny svými vyplatíš.
You may keep the firstborn male donkeys, but you must buy them back by sacrificing a lamb as a substitute for the donkey. If you do not want to buy back the donkey, you must [kill it by] breaking its neck. You must also buy back every one of your own firstborn sons.
14 A když by se tebe vzeptal syn tvůj potom, a řekl: Co jest to? tedy povíš jemu: V ruce silné vyvedl nás Hospodin z Egypta, z domu služebnosti.
In the future, when one of your children asks, ‘What does this mean?’, you must say to him, ‘Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt with his great power [MTY], and freed us from being slaves there.
15 Nebo když se byl zatvrdil Farao, a nechtěl nás propustiti, pobil Hospodin všecko prvorozené v zemi Egyptské, od prvorozeného z lidí, až do prvorozeného z hovad; i tou příčinou já obětuji Hospodinu všecky samce otvírající život, ale všecko prvorozené z synů svých vyplacuji.
The king of Egypt stubbornly refused to let them leave his country, so Yahweh killed all the firstborn males in Egypt, both the boys and the firstborn of their livestock. That is why we now sacrifice to Yahweh all the firstborn of our livestock, but we buy back our own firstborn sons.’
16 Mějž to tedy jako znamení na ruce své, a jako náčelník mezi očima svýma, že v ruce silné vyvedl nás Hospodin z Egypta.
I repeat that this ritual will remind you about how Yahweh brought our [ancestors] out of Egypt by his great power [MTY]; it will be like something you tie on your wrist or on your forehead [to remind you of that].”
17 Stalo se pak, když pustil Farao lid, že nevedl jich Bůh cestou země Filistinské, ačkoli bližší byla; nebo řekl Bůh: Aby nepykal lid, když by uzřel, an válka nastává, a nevrátili se do Egypta.
When the king [of Egypt] let the [Israeli] people go, God did not lead them to go through the land of the Philistines. That was a shorter way, but God said, “It would be bad if my people change their minds when they realize that they will have to fight [the Philistines to take their land], and then [decide to] return to Egypt.”
18 Ale obvedl Bůh lid cestou přes poušť, kteráž jest při moři Rudém. A vojensky zpořádaní vyšli synové Izraelští z země Egyptské.
Instead, God led them to go around through the desert toward the Red Sea (OR, the Gulf of Suez). When the Israeli people left Egypt, they were carrying weapons to fight [their enemies].
19 Vzal také Mojžíš kosti Jozefovy s sebou; nebo byl přísahou zavázal syny Izraelské, řka: Jistotně navštíví vás Bůh, protož vyneste odsud kosti mé s sebou.
Moses/I [had them] take along the bones of Joseph with them/us, because Joseph long ago had made the Israeli people promise solemnly that they would do that. He had said to them, “God will enable your descendants to leave Egypt. When that happens, you must carry my bones with you.”
20 Vytáhše tedy z Sochot, položili se v Etam při kraji pouště.
The Israeli people left Succoth and traveled to Etham, at the edge of the desert, and they set up their tents there.
21 Hospodin pak předcházel je ve dne v sloupu oblakovém, aby je vedl cestou, v noci pak v sloupu ohnivém, aby svítil jim, aby ve dne i v noci jíti mohli.
[When they traveled] during the daytime, Yahweh went in front of them in a tall [white] cloud to show them the way. During the night, he went in front of them in a tall cloud that looked like a fire. By doing that, he enabled them to travel in the daytime and also at nighttime.
22 Neodjal sloupu oblakového ve dne, ani ohnivého sloupu v noci od tváři toho lidu.
The tall cloud did not leave them. It was always in front of them, as a bright white cloud in the daytime and like a fire at night.

< 2 Mojžišova 13 >