< Skutky Apoštolů 14 >

1 I stalo se v Ikonii, že vešli spolu do školy Židovské, a mluvili slovo Boží, takže jest uvěřilo i Židů i Řeků veliké množství.
It came to pass now in Iconium according to the same entering they into the synagogue of the Jews and speaking so that to believe of Jews both and Greeks a great number.
2 Ale kteříž z Židů nepovolní byli, ti zbouřili a zdráždili mysli pohanů proti bratřím.
The however (disobeying *N(k)O*) Jews stirred up and they poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against the brothers.
3 I byli tu za dlouhý čas, směle a svobodně mluvíce v Pánu, kterýž svědectví vydával slovu milosti své, a působil to, aby se dáli divové a zázrakové skrze ruce jejich.
A long indeed therefore time they stayed speaking boldly about the Lord who is bearing witness (to *n*) the word of the grace of Him, (and *k*) granting signs and wonders to be done through the hands of them.
4 I rozdělilo se množství města, a jedni byli s Židy, a jiní s apoštoly.
Was divided now the multitude of the city, and some indeed were with the Jews, some however with the apostles.
5 A když se obořili na apoštoly i pohané i Židé s knížaty svými, aby je utiskli a kamenovali,
When then there was a rush of the Gentiles both and Jews with the rulers of them to mistreat and to stone them,
6 Oni srozuměvše tomu, utekli do měst Lykaonitských, do Lystry a do Derben, a do toho okolí,
having become aware they fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding region,
7 A tu kázali evangelium.
and there and there evangelising they were continuing.
8 Muž pak nějaký v Lystře, nemocný na nohy, sedával, chromý jsa hned z života matky své, kterýž nikdy nechodil.
And a certain man crippled in Lystra in the feet was sitting, lame from [the] womb of [the] mother of him (being *k*) who never (walked. *N(k)O*)
9 Ten poslouchal Pavla mluvícího. Kterýžto pohleděv naň, a vida, an věří, že uzdraven bude,
This [man] (heard *N(k)O*) Paul speaking, who having looked intently at him and having seen that he has faith to be healed,
10 Řekl velikým hlasem: Postav se přímě na nohách svých. I zchopil se a chodil.
said in a loud (*ko*) voice; do stand on the feet of you (upright! *NK(o)*) And (he sprang up *N(k)O*) and was walking.
11 Zástupové pak viděvše, co učinil Pavel, pozdvihli hlasu svého, Lykaonitsky řkouce: Bohové připodobnivše se lidem, sstoupili k nám.
(And *N(k)O*) the crowds having seen what did (*k*) Paul lifted up the voice of them in Lycaonian saying; The gods having become like as men have come down to us;
12 I nazvali Barnabáše Jupiterem a Pavla Merkuriášem; nebo on mluvil slovo Boží.
They were calling then (one *k*) Barnabas Zeus, other Paul Hermes, because he himself was the leading speaker.
13 Tedy kněz Jupitera, modly té, kteráž byla před městem jejich, přivedl býky a přinesl věnce před bránu, a chtěl s lidem oběti obětovati.
(And *N(k)O*) the priest of Zeus who is being just outside the city (of them *k*) oxen and wreaths to the gates having brought with the crowds was desiring to sacrifice.
14 To když uslyšeli apoštolé, Barnabáš a Pavel, roztrhše sukně své, vyběhli k zástupům, křičíce,
Having heard however the apostles Barnabas and Paul having torn the garments (of them *NK(o)*) (rushed out *N(k)O*) into the crowd crying out
15 A řkouce: Muži, což to činíte? Však i my lidé jsme, týmž bídám jako i vy poddaní, kteříž vás napomínáme, abyste se obrátili od těchto marností k Bohu živému, kterýž učinil nebe i zemi, i moře, i všecko, což v nich jest.
and saying; Men, why these things do you? Also we ourselves of like nature are with you men, evangelising to you from these vanities to turn to (*k*) God (who *k*) is living, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the [things] in them,
16 Kterýžto za předešlých věků všech pohanů nechával, aby chodili po cestách svých,
who in the having past generations allowed all the nations to go in the ways of them;
17 Ačkoli proto nenechal sebe bez osvědčení, dobře čině, dávaje nám s nebe déšť a časy úrodné, naplňuje pokrmem a potěšením srdce naše.
(and yet and yet *N(k)O*) not without witness (Himself *N(k)O*) He has left (doing good, *N(k)O*) from heaven (to you *N(K)O*) rains giving and seasons fruitful, filling with food and gladness the hearts (of you. *N(K)O*)
18 A to mluvíce, sotva spokojili zástupy, aby jim neobětovali.
And these things saying hardly they stopped the crowds not sacrificing to them.
19 A vtom přišli od Antiochie a Ikonie nějací Židé, kteřížto navedše zástupy, a ukamenovavše Pavla, vytáhli jej před město, domnívajíce se, že umřel.
Came however from Antioch and Iconium Jews, and having persuaded the crowds and having stoned Paul they were dragging [him] outside the city (supposing *N(k)O*) him (to have died. *N(k)O*)
20 A když jej obstoupili učedlníci, vstal a všel do města, a nazejtří odšel s Barnabášem do Derben.
When were sorrounding however the disciples him having risen up he entered into the city And on the next day he went away with Barnabas to Derbe.
21 A kázavše evangelium městu tomu, a učedlníků mnoho získavše, navrátili se do Lystry a do Ikonie a do Antiochie,
Having evangelised then the city that and having discipled many they returned to Lystra and (to *no*) Iconium and (to *no*) Antioch;
22 Potvrzujíce duší učedlníků, a napomínajíce jich, aby trvali u víře, a pravíce, že musíme skrze mnohá soužení vjíti do království Božího.
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting [them] to continue in the faith and that through many tribulations it behooves us to enter into the kingdom of God.
23 A zřídivše jim, podle daných hlasů, starší po církvech, a modlivše se s postem, poručili je Pánu, v kteréhož jsou uvěřili.
Having chosen now for them in every church elders, having prayed with fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed.
24 A prošedše Pisidii, přišli do Pamfylie,
And having passed through Pisidia they came to (*no*) Pamphylia,
25 A mluvivše slovo Boží v Pergen, šli do města Attalie.
and having spoken in Perga the word they went down to Attalia;
26 A odtud plavili se do Antiochie, odkudž poručeni byli milosti Boží k dílu, kteréž jsou vykonali.
And from there And from there they sailed to Antioch, from where they had committed to the grace of God for the work that they had fulfilled.
27 A když tam přišli a shromáždili církev, vypravovali jim, kteraké věci Bůh skrze ně učinil a že otevřel pohanům dveře víry.
Having arrived now and having gathered together the church (they were declaring *N(k)O*) how much did God with them and that He had opened to the Gentiles a door of faith.
28 I byli tu za dlouhý čas s učedlníky.
They were remaining then (there *k*) time no little with the disciples.

< Skutky Apoštolů 14 >