< 2 Královská 13 >

1 Léta třimecítmého Joasa syna Ochoziáše, krále Judského, kraloval Joachaz syn Jéhu nad Izraelem v Samaří sedmnácte let.
In year twenty and three year of Joash [the] son of Ahaziah [the] king of Judah he became king Jehoahaz [the] son of Jehu over Israel in Samaria seven-teen year[s].
2 A činil to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma; nebo následoval hříchů Jeroboáma syna Nebatova, kterýž přivedl k hřešení Izraele, a neuchýlil se od nich.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and he walked after [the] sins of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat which he caused to sin Israel not he turned aside from it.
3 I rozhněvala se prchlivost Hospodinova na Izraele, a vydal je v ruku Hazaele krále Syrského, a v ruku Benadada syna Hazaelova po všecky ty dny.
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he gave them in [the] hand of - Hazael [the] king of Aram and in [the] hand of Ben Hadad [the] son of Hazael all the days.
4 Ale když se modlil Joachaz Hospodinu, vyslyšel jej Hospodin. Viděl zajisté trápení Izraelské, že je ssužoval král Syrský.
And he entreated Jehoahaz [the] face of Yahweh and he listened to him Yahweh for he saw [the] oppression of Israel that he oppressed them [the] king of Aram.
5 Protož dal Hospodin Izraelovi vysvoboditele, a vyšli z ruky Syrských, i bydlili synové Izraelští v příbytcích svých jako kdy prvé.
And he gave Yahweh to Israel a deliverer and they came out from under [the] hand of Aram and they dwelt [the] people of Israel in tents their as yesterday three days ago.
6 Však proto neodstoupili od hříchů domu Jeroboámova, kterýž přivedl k hřešení Izraele, nýbrž v nich chodili, ano i háj ještě zůstával v Samaří,
Nevertheless not they turned aside from [the] sins of [the] house of Jeroboam which (he caused to sin *Q(k)*) Israel in it it walked and also the Asherah pole it remained in Samaria.
7 Ačkoli nezanechal Joachazovi lidu, kromě padesáti jízdných a desíti vozů a desíti tisíců pěších; nebo je pohubil král Syrský, a setřel je jako prach při mlácení.
For not he left to Jehoahaz a people that except fifty horsemen and ten chariot[s] and ten thousand foot soldier[s] for he had destroyed them [the] king of Aram and he had made them like the dust to trample.
8 O jiných pak činech Joachazových, a cožkoli činil, i o síle jeho zapsáno jest v knize o králích Izraelských.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Jehoahaz and all that he did and might his ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
9 I usnul Joachaz s otci svými, a pochovali ho v Samaří. Kraloval pak Joas syn jeho místo něho.
And he lay down Jehoahaz with ancestors his and people buried him in Samaria and he became king Joash son his in place of him.
10 Léta třidcátého sedmého Joasa krále Judského kraloval Joas syn Joachazův nad Izraelem v Samaří šestnácte let.
In year thirty and seven year of Joash [the] king of Judah he became king Jehoash [the] son of Jehoahaz over Israel in Samaria six-teen year[s].
11 A činil to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma, neuchýliv se od žádných hříchů Jeroboáma syna Nebatova, kterýž přivedl k hřešení Izraele, ale chodil v nich.
And he did the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh not he turned aside from all [the] sins of Jeroboam [the] son of Nebat which he caused to sin Israel in it he walked.
12 O jiných pak činech Joasových, i cožkoli činil, i o síle jeho, kterouž bojoval proti Amaziášovi králi Judskému, zapsáno jest v knize o králích Izraelských.
And [the] rest of [the] matters of Joash and all that he did and might his which he waged war with Amaziah [the] king of Judah ¿ not [are] they written on [the] scroll of [the] matters of the days of [the] kings of Israel.
13 I usnul Joas s otci svými, a sedl Jeroboám na stolici jeho. I pochován jest Joas v Samaří s králi Izraelskými.
And he lay down Joash with ancestors his and Jeroboam he sat on throne his and he was buried Joash in Samaria with [the] kings of Israel.
14 Elizeus pak roznemohl se nemocí těžkou, v kteréž i umřel. A přišel byl k němu Joas král Izraelský, a pláče nad ním, řekl: Otče můj, otče můj, vozové Izraelští a jízdo jeho!
And Elisha he became sick sickness his which he will die by it and he went down to him Joash [the] king of Israel and he wept on face his and he said O father my - father my [the] chariotry of Israel and horsemen its.
15 Ale Elizeus řekl jemu: Vezmi lučiště a střely. I vzav, přinesl k němu lučiště a střely.
And he said to him Elisha take a bow and arrows and he took to himself a bow and arrows.
16 Řekl dále králi Izraelskému: Vezmi v ruku svou lučiště. I vzal je v ruku svou. Vložil také Elizeus ruce své na ruce královy.
And he said - to [the] king of Israel make ride hand your on the bow and he made ride hand his and he put Elisha hands his on [the] hands of the king.
17 A řekl: Otevři to okno k východu. A když otevřel, řekl Elizeus: Střeliž. I střelil. Tedy řekl: Střela spasení Hospodinova a střela vysvobození proti Syrským; nebo porazíš Syrské v Afeku, až i do konce vyhladíš je.
And he said open the window east-ward and he opened [it] and he said Elisha shoot and he shot and he said an arrow of victory of Yahweh and an arrow of victory on Aram and you will strike down Aram in Aphek until make an end.
18 Opět řekl: Vezmi střely. I vzal. Tedy řekl králi Izraelskému: Střílej k zemi. I střelil po třikrát, potom tak nechal.
And he said take the arrows and he took [them] and he said to [the] king of Israel strike [the] ground towards and he struck three times and he stopped.
19 Pročež rozhněvav se na něj muž Boží, řekl: Měls pětkrát neb šestkrát střeliti, ješto bys byl porazil Syrské, ažbys je i do konce byl vyhladil; nyní pak jen po třikrát porazíš Syrské.
And he was angry towards him [the] man of God and he said to strike five or six times then you have struck down Aram until make an end and now three times you will strike down Aram.
20 Potom umřel Elizeus, a pochovali ho. Lotříkové pak Moábští vtrhli do země nastávajícího roku.
And he died Elisha and people buried him and [the] marauding bands of Moab they came in the land coming a year.
21 I stalo se, když pochovávali jednoho, že uzřevše ty lotříky, uvrhli muže toho do hrobu Elizeova. Kterýžto muž, jakž tam padl, a dotekl se kostí Elizeových, ožil a vstal na nohy své.
And it was they - [were] burying a man and there! they saw marauding band and they threw the man in [the] grave of Elisha and he went and he touched the man [the] bones of Elisha and he lived and he arose on feet his.
22 Hazael pak král Syrský, ssužoval Izraele po všecky dny Joachaza.
And Hazael [the] king of Aram he had oppressed Israel all [the] days of Jehoahaz.
23 A milostiv jsa jim Hospodin, slitoval se nad nimi, a popatřil na ně, pro smlouvu svou s Abrahamem, s Izákem a s Jákobem, a nechtěl jich zahladiti, aniž zavrhl jich od tváři své až do tohoto času.
And he showed favor to Yahweh with them and he had compassion on them and he turned to them on account of covenant his with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and not he was willing to destroy them and not he threw them from on face his until now.
24 I umřel Hazael král Syrský, a kraloval Benadad syn jeho místo něho.
And he died Hazael [the] king of Aram and he became king Ben Hadad son his in place of him.
25 Protož Joas syn Joachazův pobral zase města z ruky Benadada syna Hazaelova, kteráž byl vzal z ruky Joachaza otce jeho válečně; nebo po třikrát porazil ho Joas, a navrátil města Izraelská.
And he returned Jehoash [the] son of Jehoahaz and he took the cities from [the] hand of Ben Hadad [the] son of Hazael which he had taken from [the] hand of Jehoahaz father his in battle three times he struck down him Joash and he restored [the] cities of Israel.

< 2 Královská 13 >