< 1 Samuelova 7 >

1 Tedy přišli muži Kariatjeharim a vzali odtud truhlu Hospodinovu, a vnesli ji do domu Abinadabova na pahrbek, a Eleazara syna jeho posvětili, aby ostříhal truhly Hospodinovy.
And they came [the] people of - Kiriath Jearim and they took up [the] ark of Yahweh and they brought it to [the] house of Abinadab on the hill and Eleazar son his they consecrated to keep [the] ark of Yahweh.
2 Stalo se pak, že od toho času, jakž zůstala truhla v Kariatjeharim, když bylo přeběhlo mnoho dní, a byl již rok dvadcátý, teprv se roztoužil všecken dům Izraelský po Hospodinu.
And it was from [the] day dwelt the ark at Kiriath Jearim and they increased the days and they were twenty year[s] and they mourned all [the] house of Israel after Yahweh.
3 Nebo byl mluvil Samuel ke všemu domu Izraelskému, řka: Jestliže celým srdcem svým obracíte se k Hospodinu, odejměte bohy cizí z prostředku sebe i Astarota, a ustavte srdce své při Hospodinu, a služte jemu samému, a vysvobodí vás z ruky Filistinských.
And he said Samuel to all [the] house of Israel saying if with all heart your you [are] turning back to Yahweh remove [the] gods of foreignness from among you and the Ashtaroth and direct heart your to Yahweh and serve him to only him so may he deliver you from [the] hand of [the] Philistines.
4 A tak zavrhli synové Izraelští Bálim i Astarota, a sloužili Hospodinu samému.
And they removed [the] people of Israel the Baals and the Ashtaroth and they served Yahweh to only him.
5 Byl také řekl Samuel: Shromažďte všecken lid Izraelský do Masfa, a modliti se budu za vás Hospodinu.
And he said Samuel gather all Israel Mizpah towards so I may pray for you to Yahweh.
6 I shromáždili se do Masfa, a vážíce vodu, vylévali před Hospodinem, a postíce se v ten den, řekli tam: Zhřešili jsme proti Hospodinu. A soudil Samuel syny Izraelské v Masfa.
And they gathered together Mizpah towards and they drew water and they poured [it] out - before Yahweh and they fasted on the day that and they said there we have sinned to Yahweh and he judged Samuel [the] people of Israel at Mizpah.
7 Uslyšavše pak Filistinští, že synové Izraelští shromáždili se do Masfa, vytáhla knížata Filistinská proti Izraelovi. Což když uslyšeli synové Izraelští, báli se příchodu Filistinských.
And they heard [the] Philistines that they had gathered together [the] people of Israel Mizpah towards and they went up [the] rulers of [the] Philistines against Israel and they heard [the] people of Israel and they were afraid of [the] Philistines.
8 Pročež řekli synové Izraelští Samuelovi: Nepřestávej volati za nás k Hospodinu Bohu našemu, aby nás vysvobodil z ruky Filistinských.
And they said [the] people of Israel to Samuel may not you keep silent from us from crying out to Yahweh God our so he may deliver us from [the] hand of [the] Philistines.
9 Vzav tedy Samuel beránka jednoho, kterýž ještě ssal, obětoval ho celého v obět zápalnou Hospodinu. I modlil se Samuel Hospodinu za Izraele, a uslyšel jej Hospodin.
And he took Samuel a lamb of milk one (and he offered up it *Q(K)*) a burnt offering a whole offering to Yahweh and he cried out Samuel to Yahweh for Israel and he answered him Yahweh.
10 I bylo, že když Samuel obětoval obět zápalnou, Filistinští přiblížili se, aby bojovali proti Izraelovi, ale zahřměl Hospodin hřímáním náramným v ten den nad Filistinskými, a potřel je, i poraženi jsou před tváří Izraele.
And he was Samuel offering up the burnt offering and [the] Philistines they drew near for battle in Israel and he thundered Yahweh - with a sound great on the day that on [the] Philistines and he routed them and they were defeated before Israel.
11 Vytáhše pak muži Izraelští z Masfa, stihali Filistinské, a bili je až pod Betchar.
And they went out [the] men of Israel from Mizpah and they pursued [the] Philistines and they struck down them to from below to Beth Car.
12 Tehdy vzav Samuel kámen jeden, položil jej mezi Masfa a mezi Sen, a nazval jméno jeho Eben-Ezer; nebo řekl: Až potud pomáhal nám Hospodin.
And he took Samuel a stone one and he put [it] between Mizpah and between Shen and he called name its Eben-ezer and he said until now he has helped us Yahweh.
13 A tak sníženi jsou Filistinští, a netáhli více na pomezí Izraelské; a byla ruka Hospodinova proti Filistinským po všecky dny Samuelovy.
And they were subdued the Philistines and not they repeated again to come in [the] territory of Israel and it was [the] hand of Yahweh on the Philistines all [the] days of Samuel.
14 Navrácena jsou také města Izraelovi, kteráž byli Filistinští odtrhli od Izraele, počna od Akaron až do Gát; i pomezí jejich vysvobodil Izrael z ruky Filistinských. A byl pokoj mezi Izraelem a Amorejskými.
And they went back the cities which they had taken [the] Philistines from with Israel - to Israel from Ekron and to Gath and territory their he delivered Israel from [the] hand of [the] Philistines and it was peace between Israel and between the Amorite[s].
15 I soudil Samuel Izraele po všecky dny života svého.
And he judged Samuel Israel all [the] days of life his.
16 A chodě každého roku, obcházel Bethel a Galgala i Masfa, a soudil Izraele na všech těch místech.
And he went as often as a year in a year and he went round Beth-el and Gilgal and Mizpah and he judged Israel all the places these.
17 (Potom navracoval se do Ramata, nebo tam byl dům jeho, a tam soudil Izraele.) Tam také vzdělal oltář Hospodinu.
And return his [was] Ramah towards for [was] there house his and there he judged Israel and he built there an altar to Yahweh.

< 1 Samuelova 7 >