< 1 Samuelova 31 >

1 A tak potýkali se Filistinští s Izraelem. Muži pak Izraelští utíkali před Filistinskými a padli, zbiti jsouce na hoře Gelboe.
Later, the Philistines again fought against the Israelis. The Israelis ran away from them, and (many Israelis were killed/the Philistines killed many Israelis) on Gilboa Mountain.
2 I stihali Filistinští Saule a syny jeho, a zabili Filistinští Jonatu a Abinadaba a Melchisua, syny Saulovy.
The Philistines caught up with Saul and his three sons, and they killed [all three of] his sons, Jonathan and Abinadab and Malchishua.
3 Když se pak zsilila bitva proti Saulovi, trefili na něj střelci, muži s luky; i postřelen jest velmi od těch střelců.
The fighting was very fierce around Saul. When the Philistine (archers/men with bows and arrows) caught up with Saul, they wounded him badly [with their arrows].
4 I řekl Saul oděnci svému: Vytrhni meč svůj a probodni mne jím, aby přijdouce ti neobřezanci, neprobodli mne, a neučinili sobě ze mne posměchu. Ale nechtěl oděnec jeho, nebo se bál velmi. A pochytiv Saul meč, nalehl na něj.
Saul said to the man who was carrying his weapons, “Take out your sword and kill me with it, in order that these heathen Philistines will not be able to thrust their swords into me and make fun of me [while I am dying].” But the man who was carrying Saul’s weapons was terrified, and refused to do that. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it. [The sword pierced his body and he died].
5 Tedy vida oděnec jeho, že umřel Saul, nalehl i on na meč svůj a umřel s ním.
When the man carrying his weapons saw that Saul was dead, he also threw himself on his own sword and died.
6 A tak umřel Saul a tři synové jeho, a oděnec jeho, ano i všickni muži jeho v ten den spolu.
So Saul, three of his sons, and the man who carried Saul’s weapons, all died on that same day.
7 Když pak uzřeli synové Izraelští, kteříž bydlili za tím údolím, a kteříž bydlili za Jordánem, že zutíkali muži Izraelští, nadto že Saul i synové jeho zahynuli, opustivše města, také utíkali. I přišli Filistinští a bydlili v nich.
When the Israeli people on the north side of the [Jezreel] Valley and on the east side of the Jordan [River] heard that the Israeli army had run away and that Saul and his sons had died, they left their towns and ran away. Then the Philistines came and occupied their towns.
8 A když bylo nazejtří, přišli Filistinští, aby zloupili pobité; i nalezli Saule a tři syny jeho ležící na hoře Gelboe.
The next day, when the Philistines came to take away the weapons of the dead [Israeli soldiers], they found the bodies of Saul and his three sons on Gilboa Mountain.
9 I sťali hlavu jeho a svlékli odění jeho, a poslali po zemi Filistinské vůkol, aby to ohlášeno bylo v chrámě modl jejich i lidu.
They cut off Saul’s head and took his weapons. Then they sent messengers throughout their land, to proclaim the news, in the temple where they kept their idols, and to the other people, [that their army had killed Saul].
10 I složili odění jeho v chrámě Astarot, tělo pak jeho přibili na zdi Betsan.
They put Saul’s weapons in the temple of [their goddess] Astarte. They also fastened the bodies of Saul [and his sons] to the wall [that surrounded] Beth-Shan [city].
11 Tedy uslyšavše o tom obyvatelé Jábes Galád, co učinili Filistinští Saulovi,
When the people who lived in Jabesh in [the] Gilead [region] heard what the Philistines had done to Saul’s corpse,
12 Zdvihli se všickni muži silní, a jdouce celou noc, sňali tělo Saulovo i těla synů jeho se zdi Betsanské; a když se navrátili do Jábes, spálili je tam.
all their bravest soldiers walked all night to Beth-Shan. They took the corpses of Saul and his sons down from the city wall, and they took them back to Jabesh and burned the corpses there.
13 A vzavše kosti jejich, pochovali je pod stromem v Jábes, a postili se sedm dní.
They took the bones and buried them under a [big] tamarisk tree. Then they (fasted/abstained from eating food) for seven days.

< 1 Samuelova 31 >