< 1 Samuelova 30 >
1 Byl pak, když se navrátil David a muži jeho do Sicelechu, den třetí, jakž Amalechitští byli vpád učinili k straně polední i k Sicelechu, a vyhubili Sicelech, a vypálili jej.
And it was when came David and men his Ziklag on the day third and [the] Amalekite[s] they had made a raid against [the] Negev and against Ziklag and they had struck Ziklag and they had burned it with fire.
2 A zajali ženy, kteréž byly v něm. Nezabili žadného, ani malého ani velikého, ale szajímali a odešli cestou svou.
And they had taken captive the women who [were] in it from small and unto great not they had killed anyone and they had driven them away and they had gone to way their.
3 A když přišel David a muži jeho k městu, aj, vypáleno bylo ohněm, a ženy jejich, též synové a dcery jejich zajati byli.
And he came David and men his to the city and there! [it was] burned with fire and wives their and sons their and daughters their they had been taken captive.
4 Tedy David i lid jeho, kterýž s ním byl, pozdvihše hlasu svého, plakali, až již více plakati nemohli.
And he lifted up David and the people which [was] with him voice their and they wept until that not [was] in them strength to weep.
5 Obě také manželky Davidovy zajaty jsou, Achinoam Jezreelitská, a Abigail žena někdy Nábale Karmelského.
And [the] two [the] wives of David they had been taken captive Ahinoam the Jezreelite [woman] and Abigail [the] wife of Nabal the Carmelite.
6 I ssoužen jest David náramně, nebo se smlouval lid, aby ho ukamenovali, (hořkostí zajisté naplněna byla duše všeho lidu, jednoho každého pro syny jeho a pro dcery jeho). Však posilnil se David v Hospodinu Bohu svém.
And it was distress to David exceedingly for they said the people to stone him for it was bitter [the] soul of all the people everyone on (sons his *Q(K)*) and on daughters his and he strengthened himself David in Yahweh God his.
7 I řekl David Abiatarovi knězi, synu Achimelechovu: Medle, vezmi na sebe efod. I vzal Abiatar efod pro Davida.
And he said David to Abiathar the priest [the] son of Ahimelech bring near! please to me the ephod and he brought near Abiathar the ephod to David.
8 Tázal se pak David Hospodina, řka: Mám-li honiti lotříky ty? A dohoním-li se jich? I řekl jemu: Hoň, nebo se jich jistě dohoníš, a své mocně vysvobodíš.
And he enquired David by Yahweh saying will I pursue? after the marauding band this ¿ will I overtake it and he said to him pursue for certainly you will overtake [it] and certainly you will rescue [them].
9 A tak odšed David sám i těch šest set mužů, kteříž byli s ním, přišli až ku potoku Bezor; někteří pak tu pozůstali.
And he went David he and six hundred man who [were] with him and they came to [the] wadi of Besor and those [who] were left behind they remained.
10 I honil je David se čtyřmi sty mužů; nebo bylo pozůstalo dvě stě mužů, kteříž ustavše, nemohli přejíti potoka Bezor.
And he pursued David he and four hundred man and they remained two hundred man who they were [too] exhausted for passing over [the] wadi of Besor.
11 A nalezše muže Egyptského v poli, přivedli jej k Davidovi. I dali jemu chleba, aby pojedl; dali jemu také i vody píti.
And they found a man Egyptian in the open country and they took him to David and they gave to him bread and he ate and they gave to drink him water.
12 Dali jemu též kus hrudy fíků a dva hrozny suché. A tak pojedl a okřál zase, (nebo byl nic nejedl ani nepil tři dni a tři noci).
And they gave to him a slice of fig cake and two bunches of raisins and he ate and it returned spirit his to him for not he had eaten food and not he had drunk water three days and three nights.
13 Zatím řekl jemu David: Èí jsi ty? A odkud jsi? Kterýž odpověděl: Rodem jsem z Egypta, služebník muže Amalechitského, a opustil mne pán můj, proto že jsem stonal, dnes třetí den.
And he said to him David [belong] to whom? you and where? from this [are] you and he said [am] a young man Egyptian I a slave of a man Amalekite and he abandoned me master my if I was sick the day three.
14 Byli jsme zajisté vpád učinili k straně polední Ceretejského, a v tu stranu, kteráž jest Judova, a ku poledni, kteráž jest Kálefova, a Sicelech jsme vypálili ohněm.
We we had made a raid [the] Negev of the Kerethite[s] and on [that] which [belongs] to Judah and on [the] Negev of Caleb and Ziklag we had burned with fire.
15 Tedy řekl jemu David: Mohl-li bys dovésti mne k těm lotříkům? Kterýž řekl: Přisáhni mi skrze Boha, že mne nezabiješ, a že mne nevydáš v ruku pána mého, a přivedu tě na ty lotříky.
And he said to him David ¿ will you take down me to the marauding band this and he said swear! to me by God if you will kill me and if you will deliver up me in [the] hand of master my and I will take down you to the marauding band this.
16 I přivedl ho. (A aj, byli se rozprostřeli po vší té zemi, jedouce a pijíce a provyskujíce nade všemi kořistmi tak velikými, kteréž pobrali z země Filistinské a z země Judovy.)
And he took down him and there! [they were] spread out over [the] face of all the land eating and drinking and celebrating in all the plunder great which they had taken from [the] land of [the] Philistines and from [the] land of Judah.
17 Protož bil je David od večera až do večera druhého dne, aniž kdo z nich ušel, kromě čtyř set mládenců, kteříž vsedše na velbloudy, utekli.
And he struck down them David from the twilight and until the evening of next day their and not he escaped of them anyone that except four hundred man young man who they rode on the camels and they fled.
18 A tak odjal David všecko, což byli pobrali Amalechitští; také obě ženy své vysvobodil David.
And he rescued David all that they had taken Amalek and [the] two wives his he rescued David.
19 A nezhynulo jim nic, ani malého ani velikého, i z synů i ze dcer, i z loupeže a ze všeho, což jim vzato bylo; všecko zase David přivedl.
And not it was missing to them from the small and unto the great and unto sons and daughters and from [the] booty and unto all that they had taken for themselves everything he brought back David.
20 Nadto szajímal David všecka stáda bravů i skotů, kteráž hnali před dobytkem svým, a pravili: Totoť jsou kořisti Davidovy.
And he took David all the sheep and the cattle they drove [them] before the livestock that and they said this [is] [the] booty of David.
21 Přišel pak David k těm dvěma stům mužů, kteříž byli ustali, tak že nemohli jíti za Davidem, jimž byli kázali zůstati při potoku Bezor; tedy vyšli vstříc Davidovi a lidu, kterýž byl s ním. A přistoupiv David k tomu lidu, pozdravil jich přátelsky.
And he came David to two hundred the men who they had been [too] exhausted - for going - after David and they had left behind them at [the] wadi of Besor and they went out to meet David and to meet the people which [was] with him and he approached David the people and he asked of them to welfare.
22 Ale všickni, což jich koli bylo zlých a bezbožných mezi těmi muži, kteříž chodili s Davidem, mluvili, řkouce: Poněvadž nešli s námi, nedáme jim z kořistí, kteréž jsme odjali, toliko každému manželku jeho a syny jeho, aby vezmouce je, odešli.
And he answered every man evil and worthlessness from the men who they had gone with David and they said because that not they went with me not we will give to them any of the booty which we have recovered that except everyone wife his and children his so they may lead [them] away and they may go.
23 David pak řekl: Nečiňte tak, bratří moji, s tím, což nám dal Hospodin, kterýž nás ostříhal a dal vojsko, jenž vytáhlo proti nám, v ruku naši.
And he said David not you must do thus O brothers my [that] which he has given Yahweh to us and he has kept us and he has given the marauding band which came on us in hand our.
24 A kdož vás uposlechne v té věci? Nebo jakýž bude díl toho, kterýž vyšel k bitvě, takovýž bude díl i toho, kterýž hlídal břemen; rovně se děliti budou.
And who? will he listen to you to the matter this for like [the] share of - the [one who] went down in the battle and like [the] share of the [one who] remained with the baggage alike they will share.
25 A tak bývalo od toho dne i potom, nebo to za právo a obyčej uložil v Izraeli až do tohoto dne.
And it was from the day that and on-wards and he made it into a statute and into a judgment for Israel until the day this.
26 A když přišel David do Sicelechu, poslal z těch kořistí starším Juda, přátelům svým, řka: Teď máte dar z loupeží nepřátel Hospodinových.
And he came David to Ziklag and he sent some of the booty to [the] elders of Judah to friend his saying here! [is] for you a blessing from [the] booty of [the] enemies of Yahweh.
27 Těm, kteříž byli v Bethel, a kteříž v Rámat ku poledni, a kteříž byli v Jeter;
For [those] who [were] in Beth-el and for [those] who [were] in Ramoth Negev and for [those] who [were] in Jattir.
28 Též kteříž v Aroer, a kteříž v Sefama, a kteříž v Estemo;
And for [those] who [were] in Aroer and for [those] who [were] in Siphmoth and for [those] who [were] in Eshtemoa.
29 A kteříž v Rachal, a kteříž v městech Jerachmeelových, a kteříž v městech Cinejského;
And for [those] who [were] in Racal and for [those] who [were] in [the] cities of the Jerahmeelite[s] and for [those] who [were] in [the] cities of the Kenite[s].
30 I těm, kteříž v Horma, a kteříž v Korasan, a kteříž v Atach;
And for [those] who [were] in Hormah and for [those] who [were] in Bor Ashan and for [those] who ([were] in Athach. *LA(bh)*)
31 A kteříž byli v Hebronu, i po všech místech, na nichž býval David s lidem svým.
And for [those] who [were] in Hebron and for all the places where he had gone about there David he and men his.