< 1 Korintským 9 >

1 Zdaliž nejsem apoštol? Zdaliž nejsem svobodný? Zdaliž jsem Jezukrista Pána našeho neviděl? Zdaliž vy nejste práce má v Pánu?
I am certainly free [to do all the things that God allows me to do.] [RHQ] I am an apostle. [RHQ] [You] certainly [know that] I have seen Jesus our Lord. [RHQ] It is a result of my work that you [have believed in] the Lord [Jesus]. [RHQ]
2 Bychť pak jiným nebyl apoštol, tedy vám jsem. Nebo pečet mého apoštolství vy jste v Pánu.
And even though other people may think that I am not an apostle, you certainly should know that I am an apostle. [Remember that] your having become Christians [MET] [as a result of my telling you about] the Lord (confirms/shows that it is true) that I am an apostle.
3 Odpověd má před těmi, jenž mne soudí, ta jest:
In order to defend myself, this [is what I say] to those who criticize me [by claiming that I do not act like an apostle].
4 Zdaliž nemáme moci jísti a píti?
As for Barnabas and me, we certainly have the right [as apostles] to receive [from you and other congregations] food and drink [for our work]. [RHQ]
5 Zdaliž nemáme moci sestry ženy při sobě míti, jako i jiní apoštolé, i bratří Páně, i Petr?
[We have the] same right [that] the other apostles and the Lord Jesus’ [younger] brothers and [especially] Peter have. They all take along a wife who is a believer [when they travel various places in order to tell people about Christ. And they have a right that the people whom they work among will support their wives, too]. So Barnabas and I certainly have those same rights. [RHQ]
6 Zdaliž sám já a Barnabáš nemáme moci tělesných prací zanechati?
It would be ridiculous to think that Barnabas and I are the only apostles who must work to earn money to pay our expenses [while we are doing God’s work! [RHQ]]
7 I kdo bojuje kdy na svůj náklad? Kdo štěpuje vinici a jejího ovoce nejí? Anebo kdo pase stádo a mléka od stáda nejí?
Soldiers certainly do not pay their own wages. [RHQ] Those who plant a vineyard would certainly eat some of the grapes [when they become ripe]. [RHQ] Those who care for sheep would certainly drink the milk from those sheep. [RHQ] [Similarly, those who tell others about Christ certainly have a right to receive] ([financial help/food]) [from the people to whom they preach].
8 Zdali podle člověka to pravím? Zdaliž i Zákon toho nepraví?
I am saying that, not only because people think that it is right. [RHQ] [No], I am [RHQ] saying it because it is what [God said] in the laws [that he gave to Moses].
9 Nebo v Zákoně Mojžíšově psáno jest: Nezavížeš úst volu mlátícímu. I zdali Bůh tak o voly pečuje?
Moses wrote in one of those laws, “While an ox is threshing [grain], you must not tie its mouth shut [so that it cannot eat the grain].” (God was not only concerned about oxen [when he gave that law]./Was God [only] concerned about oxen [when he gave that law]?) [RHQ]
10 Èili naprosto pro nás to praví? Pro násť jistě to napsáno jest. Nebo kdo oře, v naději orati má; a kdo mlátí v naději, naděje své má účasten býti.
[No], he was [RHQ] concerned about us, also! Yes, [God caused Moses to] write those words [because he is concerned] about us! Those who plow the ground confidently expect [to eat some of] the crop [that grows]. Those who thresh grain confidently expect [to eat some of the grain that they thresh. Similarly, we who proclaim the message about Christ have the right to confidently expect to receive financial help for our work].
11 Poněvadž jsme my vám duchovní věci rozsívali, tak-liž jest pak to veliká věc, jestliže bychom my vaše časné věci žali?
And because we have proclaimed God’s message to you, we certainly have the right to receive from you the things that we need for our bodies [MET]! [MET, RHQ]
12 Kdyžť jiní práva svého k vám užívají, proč ne raději my? Avšak neužívali jsme práva toho, ale všecko snášíme, abychom žádné překážky neučinili evangelium Kristovu.
Since other people [who preached to you] had that right, certainly Barnabas and I have the same right. [RHQ] However, neither of us insisted [that you give us the things that] we have a right [to receive from you]. Instead, we were willing to endure anything in order that we not hinder [anyone from believing] the message about Christ.
13 Zdaliž nevíte, že ti, kteříž o svatých věcech pracují, z svatých věcí jedí, a kteříž oltáři přístojí, s oltářem spolu díl mají?
You should keep in mind that [the priests and servants] in the Temple eat [some of the food that people bring to] the Temple. [RHQ] Specifically, the priests who work at the altar eat some of [the food that the people bring to sacrifice on] the altar.
14 Tak jest i Pán nařídil těm, kteříž evangelium zvěstují, aby z evangelium živi byli.
So the Lord has commanded that those who proclaim the good message [about him] should receive from [those who hear that] message what they need to live on.
15 Jáť jsem však ničeho toho neužíval. Aniž jsem toho proto psal, aby se to při mně tak dálo, anoť by mi mnohem lépe bylo umříti, nežli aby kdo chválu mou vyprázdnil.
However, I have not requested that you [give me] those things that I have a right [to receive from you]. Furthermore, I am writing this to you, not in order to request you to begin [giving me financial help now]. I would rather die than to [receive help from you]. I do not want anyone to prevent me from boasting [about my proclaiming God’s message to you without receiving financial help from you].
16 Nebo káži-li evangelium, nemám se čím chlubiti, poněvadž jsem to povinen; ale běda by mně bylo, kdybych nekázal.
When I proclaim the message about Christ, I cannot boast [about doing it], because [Christ] has commanded me [to do it]. I would be very miserable (OR, [I am afraid that] God would punish me) if I did not proclaim that message.
17 Jestližeť pak dobrovolně to činím, mámť odplatu; pakli bezděky, úřadť jest mi svěřen.
If I had decided by myself to proclaim it, [God] would reward me. But I did not decide by myself to do that. I am simply doing the work that [God] entrusted to me.
18 Jakouž tedy mám odplatu? abych evangelium káže, bez nákladů býti evangelium Kristovo uložil, proto abych zle nepožíval práva svého při evangelium.
So perhaps you wonder what my reward is. [RHQ] [I will tell you]. When I proclaim the good message [about Christ], I do not ask people for financial help. It [makes me very happy not to ask for help, and being happy is the] reward I get. I do not want to use the rights that I have [when I proclaim] the gospel.
19 Svoboden zajisté jsa ode všech, všechněm sebe samého v službu jsem vydal, abych mnohé získal.
I am not obligated to do what anyone else thinks that I should do. Nevertheless, when I have been with any group of people, I have made myself [do what they believed that I should do, just like a slave does what his master wants him to do]. I have done that in order that I might convince more people [to trust in Christ].
20 A učiněn jsem Židům jako Žid, abych Židy získal; těm, kteříž pod Zákonem jsou, jako bych pod Zákonem byl, abych ty, kteříž pod Zákonem jsou, získal.
Specifically, when I was with fellow Jews, I did the things that Jews [think that people should do]. I did that in order that I might convince some of them [to trust in Christ]. Although I am now not obligated to obey the Jewish laws and rituals, when I was with those who believe that they are obligated to obey those laws, I did the things that they [think that people should do]. I did that in order to convince some of them [to trust in Christ].
21 Těm, kteříž jsou bez Zákona, jako bych bez Zákona byl, (a nejsa bez Zákona Bohu, ale jsa v Zákoně Kristu, ) abych získal ty, jenž jsou bez Zákona.
When I was with (non-Jews/those who do not know those laws), I did the things that non-Jews [think that people should do], in order that I might convince some of them [to trust in Christ]. I do not mean that I disobey God’s laws. No, I obey the things that Christ commanded us to do.
22 Učiněn jsem mdlým jako mdlý, abych mdlé získal. Všechněm všecko jsem učiněn, abych vždy některé k spasení přivedl.
When I was with those who doubt [whether God will permit them to do certain things that others] ([disapprove of/think it is not right to do]), I [avoided doing those things], in order that I might convince some of them [to trust in Christ]. In summary, I have done all the things [that the people I have been with think that others should do], in order that by every possible means I might convince some of them [to trust in Christ].
23 A toť činím pro evangelium, abych účastník jeho byl.
I do all these things in order that [more people will believe] the message about Christ, and in order that I, along with other believers, may receive the good things [that God promises to give us].
24 Zdaliž nevíte, že ti, kteříž v závod běží, všickni zajisté běží, ale jeden béře základ? Tak běžte, abyste základu dosáhli.
When people run in a race, they all run, but only one of them wins the race and as a result gets a prize. You certainly know that [RHQ]. So, [just like] runners [exert themselves fully to win a race] [MET], [you should exert yourselves fully to do the things that God wants you to do], in order that you may receive the reward [that God wants to give you].
25 A všeliký, kdož bojuje, ve všem jest zdrželivý. A oni zajisté, aby porušitelnou korunu vzali, jsou zdrželiví, ale my neporušitelnou.
All athletes exercise their bodies strenuously in many ways. They do that in order to receive a wreath [as a reward to wear on their heads]. Those wreaths fade, but we will receive a reward that will last forever [LIT].
26 Protož já tak běžím, ne jako v nejistotu, tak bojuji, ne jako vítr rozrážeje,
For that reason, I [try hard to please God] [MET], [like a] runner who runs toward the goal [LIT]. I [try hard to accomplish what God wants me to accomplish, like] a boxer tries hard to hit his opponent, not to miss hitting him.
27 Ale podmaňuji tělo své a v službu podrobuji, abych snad jiným káže, sám nebyl nešlechetný.
I beat my body [to make it do what I want it to do] [MET], [as] slaves [obey their masters], in order that, after I have proclaimed [God’s message] to others, he will not [say that I do] not deserve to receive a reward.

< 1 Korintským 9 >