< 1 Kronická 8 >

1 Beniamin pak zplodil Bélu, prvorozeného svého, Asbele druhého, Achracha třetího,
Beniamin also begate Bela his eldest sonne, Ashbel the second, and Aharah the third,
2 Nocha čtvrtého, Rafa pátého.
Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fift.
3 Béla pak měl syny: Addara, Geru, Abiuda,
And the sonnes of Bela were Addar, and Gera, and Abihud,
4 Abisua, Námana, Achoacha,
And Abishua, and Naaman and Ahoah,
5 A Geru, Sefufana a Churama.
And Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram.
6 Ti jsou synové Echudovi, ti jsou knížata čeledí otcovských, bydlících v Gabaa, kteříž je uvedli do Manáhat,
And these are the sonnes of Ehud: these were the chiefe fathers of those that inhabited Geba: and they were caryed away captiues to Monahath,
7 Totiž: Náman, a Achia a Gera. On přestěhoval je; zplodil pak Uza a Achichuda.
And Naaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, he caryed them away captiues: and he begate Vzza, and Ahihud.
8 Sacharaim pak zplodil v krajině Moábské, když onen byl propustil je, s Chusimou a Bárou manželkami svými.
And Shaharaim begate certaine in the coutrey of Moab, after he had sent away Hushim and Baara his wiues.
9 Zplodil s Chodes manželkou svou Jobaba, Sebia, Mésa a Malkama,
He begate, I say, of Hodesh his wife, Iobab and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcham,
10 Jehuza, Sachia a Mirma. Ti jsou synové jeho, knížata čeledí otcovských.
And Ieuz and Shachia and Mirma: these were his sonnes, and chiefe fathers.
11 S Chusimou pak byl zplodil Abitoba a Elpále.
And of Hushim he begat Ahitub and Elpaal.
12 Synové pak Elpálovi: Heber, Misam a Semer. Ten vystavěl Ono a Lod, i vsi jeho.
And the sonnes of Elpaal were Eber, and Misham and Shamed (which built Ono, and Lod, and the villages thereof)
13 A Beria a Sema. Ti jsou knížata čeledí otcovských, bydlících v Aialon; ti zahnali obyvatele Gát.
And Beriah and Shema (which were the chiefe fathers among the inhabitants of Aialon: they draue away the inhabitants of Gath)
14 Achio pak, Sasák a Jeremot,
And Ahio, Shashak and Ierimoth,
15 Zebadiáš, Arad a Ader,
And Sebadiah, and Arad, and Ader,
16 Michael, Ispa a Jocha synové Beria.
And Michael, and Ispah, and Ioha, the sonnes of Beriah,
17 A Zebadiáš, Mesullam, Chiski, Heber,
And Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and Hizki, and Heber,
18 Ismerai, Izliáš a Jobab synové Elpálovi.
And Ishmerai and Izliah, and Iobab, the sonnes of Elpaal,
19 A Jakim, Zichri a Zabdi.
Iakim also, and Zichri, and Sabdi,
20 Elienai, Ziletai a Eliel,
And Elienai, and Zillethai, and Eliel,
21 Adaiáš, Baraiáš a Simrat synové Simei.
And Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrah the sonnes of Shimei,
22 Ispan a Heber a Eliel,
And Ishpan, and Eber, and Eliel,
23 Abdon, Zichri a Chanan,
And Abdon, and Zichri, and Hanan,
24 Chananiáš, Elam a Anatotiáš,
And Hananiah, and Elam, and Antothiiah,
25 Ifdaiáš a Fanuel synové Sasákovi.
Iphedeiah and Penuel ye sonnes of Shashak,
26 Samserai, Sechariáš a Ataliáš,
And Shamsherai, and Shehariah, and Athaliah,
27 Jaresiáš, Eliáš a Zichri synové Jerochamovi.
And Iaareshiah, and Eliah, and Zichri, the sonnes of Ieroham.
28 Ta jsou knížata otcovských čeledí po rodinách svých, kterážto knížata bydlila v Jeruzalémě.
These were the chiefe fathers according to their generations, euen princes, which dwelt in Ierusalem.
29 V Gabaon pak bydlilo kníže Gabaon, a jméno manželky jeho Maacha.
And at Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, and the name of his wife was Maachah.
30 A syn jeho prvorozený Abdon, Zur, Cis, Bál a Nádab,
And his eldest sonne was Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Nadab,
31 Ale Gedor, Achio, Zecher.
And Gidor, and Ahio, and Zacher.
32 A Miklot zplodil Simea. I ti také naproti bratřím svým bydlili v Jeruzalémě s bratřími svými.
And Mikloth begate Shimeah: these also dwelt with their brethren in Ierusalem, euen by their brethren.
33 Ner pak zplodil Cisa, a Cis zplodil Saule. Saul pak zplodil Jonatu, Melchisua, Abinadaba a Ezbále.
And Ner begate Kish, and Kish begat Saul, and Saul begate Ionathan, and Malchishua, and Abinadab, and Eshbaal.
34 Syn pak Jonatův Meribbál, Meribbál pak zplodil Mícha.
And the sonne of Ionathan was Merib-baal, and Merib-baal begate Micah.
35 Synové pak Míchovi: Piton, Melech, Tarea a Achaz.
And the sonnes of Micah were Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz.
36 Achaz pak zplodil Jehoadu, Jehoada pak zplodil Alemeta, Azmaveta a Zimru. Zimri pak zplodil Mozu.
And Ahaz begate Iehoadah, and Iehoadah begate Alemeth, and Azmaueth, and Zimri, and Zimri begate Moza,
37 Moza pak zplodil Bina. Ráfa syn jeho, Elasa syn jeho, Azel syn jeho.
And Moza begate Bineah, whose sonne was Raphah, and his sonne Eleasah, and his sonne Azel.
38 Azel pak měl šest synů, jichž tato jsou jména: Azrikam, Bochru, Izmael, Seariáš a Abdiáš a Chanan. Všickni ti synové Azelovi.
And Azel had sixe sonnes, whose names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan: all these were the sonnes of Azel.
39 Synové pak Ezeka, bratra jeho: Ulam prvorozený jeho, Jehus druhý, a Elifelet třetí.
And the sonnes of Eshek his brother were Vlam his eldest sonne, Iehush the second, and Eliphelet the third.
40 A byli synové Ulamovi muži udatní a střelci umělí, kteříž měli mnoho synů a vnuků až do sta a padesáti. Všickni ti byli z synů Beniaminových.
And the sonnes of Vlam were valiant men of warre which shot with the bow, and had many sonnes and nephewes, an hundreth and fiftie: all these were of the sonnes of Beniamin.

< 1 Kronická 8 >