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1 Tito jsou synové Izraelovi: Ruben, Simeon, Léví, Juda, Izachar a Zabulon,
These [are] the names of the sons of Israel;
2 Dan, Jozef, Beniamin, Neftalím, Gád a Asser.
Ruben, Symeon, Levi, Juda, Issachar, Zabulon, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Nephthali, Gad, Aser.
3 Synové Judovi: Her, Onan a Séla. Ti tři narodili se jemu z dcery Suovy Kananejské. Ale Her, prvorozený Judův, byl zlý před očima Hospodinovýma, protož zabil ho.
The sons of Juda; Er, Aunan, Selom. [These] three were born to him of the daughter of Sava the Chananitish woman: and Er, the firstborn of Juda, [was] wicked before the Lord, and he killed him.
4 Támar pak nevěsta jeho porodila mu Fáresa a Záru. Všech synů Judových pět.
And Thamar his daughter-in-law bore to him Phares, and Zara: all the sons of Juda [were] five.
5 Synové Fáresovi: Ezron a Hamul.
The sons of Phares, Esrom, and Jemuel.
6 Synové pak Záre: Zamri, Etan, Héman, Kalkol a Dára, všech těch pět.
And the sons of Zara, Zambri, and Aetham, and Aemuan, and Calchal, and Darad, [in] all five.
7 A synové Zamri: Charmi, vnuk Achar, kterýž zkormoutil Izraele, zhřešiv při věci proklaté.
And the sons of Charmi; Achar the troubler of Israel, who was disobedient in the accursed thing.
8 Synové pak Etanovi: Azariáš.
And the sons of Aetham; Azarias,
9 Synové pak Ezronovi, kteříž se mu zrodili: Jerachmeel, Ram a Chelubai.
and the sons of Esrom who were born to him; Jerameel, and Aram, and Chaleb.
10 Ram pak zplodil Aminadaba, a Aminadab zplodil Názona, kníže synů Juda.
And Aram begot Aminadab, and Aminadab begot Naasson, chief of the house of Juda.
11 Názon pak zplodil Salmona, a Salmon zplodil Bóza.
And Naasson begot Salmon, and Salmon begot Booz,
12 A Bóz zplodil Obéda, a Obéd zplodil Izai.
and Booz begot Obed, and Obed begot Jessae.
13 Izai pak zplodil prvorozeného svého Eliaba, a Abinadaba druhého, a Sammu třetího,
And Jessae begot his firstborn Eliab, Aminadab [was] the second, Samaa the third,
14 Natanaele čtvrtého, Raddaia pátého,
Nathanael the fourth, Zabdai the fifth,
15 Ozema šestého, Davida sedmého,
Asam the sixth, David the seventh.
16 A sestry jejich: Sarvii a Abigail. Synové pak Sarvie byli: Abizai, Joáb, Azael, tři.
And their sister [was] Saruia, and [another] Abigaia: and the sons of Saruia [were] Abisa, and Joab, and Asael, three.
17 Abigail pak porodila Amazu, otec pak Amazův byl Jeter Izmaelitský.
And Abigaia bore Amessab: and the father of Amessab [was] Jothor the Ismaelite.
18 Kálef pak syn Ezronův zplodil s Azubou manželkou a s Jeriotou syny. Jehož tito synové byli: Jeser, Sobab a Ardon.
And Chaleb the son of Esrom took Gazuba to wife, and Jerioth: and these [were] her sons; Jasar, and Subab, and Ardon.
19 Když pak umřela Azuba, pojal sobě Kálef Efratu, kteráž mu porodila Hura.
And Gazuba died; and Chaleb took to himself Ephrath, and she bore to him Or.
20 A Hur zplodil Uri, a Uri zplodil Bezeleele.
And Or begot Uri, and Uri begot Beseleel.
21 Potom všel Ezron k dceři Machira otce Galádova, kterouž on pojal, když byl v šedesáti letech. I porodila jemu Seguba.
And after this Esron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Galaad, and he took her when he was sixty-five years old; and she bore him Seruch.
22 Segub pak zplodil Jaira, kterýž měl třimecítma měst v zemi Galád.
And Seruch begot Jair, and he had twenty-three cities in Galaad.
23 Nebo vzal Gessurejským a Assyrským vsi Jairovy, i Kanat s městečky jeho, šedesáte měst. To všecko pobrali synové Machirovi, otce Galádova.
And he took Gedsur and Aram, the towns of Jair from them; [with] Canath and its towns, sixty cities. All these [belonged to] the sons of Machir the father of Galaad.
24 Též i po smrti Ezronově, když již pojal byl Kálef Efratu, manželka Ezronova Abia porodila jemu také Ashura, otce Tekoa.
And after the death of Esron, Chaleb came to Ephratha; and the wife of Esron [was] Abia; and she bore him Ascho the father of Thecoe.
25 Byli pak synové Jerachmeele prvorozeného Ezronova: Prvorozený Ram, po něm Buna a Oren, a Ozem s Achia.
And the sons of Jerameel the firstborn of Esron [were], the firstborn Ram, and Banaa, and Aram, and Asan his brother.
26 Měl také manželku druhou Jerachmeel, jménem Atara. Ta jest matka Onamova.
And Jerameel had another wife, and her name [was] Atara: she is the mother of Ozom.
27 Byli pak synové Ramovi prvorozeného Jerachmeele: Maaz a Jamin a Eker.
And the sons of Ram the firstborn of Jerameel were Maas, and Jamin, and Acor.
28 Též synové Onamovi byli: Sammai a Jáda. A synové Sammai: Nádab a Abisur.
And the sons of Ozom were, Samai, and Jadae: and the sons of Samai; Nadab, and Abisur.
29 Jméno pak manželky Abisurovy Abichail; ktéráž porodila jemu Achbana a Molida.
And the name of the wife of Abisur [was] Abichaia, and she bore him Achabar, and Moel.
30 A synové Nádabovi: Seled a Appaim. Ale umřel Seled bez dětí.
And the sons of Nadab; Salad and Apphain; and Salad died without children.
31 Synové pak Appaimovi: Jesi; a synové Jesi: Sesan; a dcera Sesanova: Achlai.
And the sons of Apphain, Isemiel; and the sons of Isemiel, Sosan; and the sons of Sosan, Dadai.
32 Synové pak Jády, bratra Sammaiova: Jeter a Jonatan. Ale umřel Jeter bez dětí.
And the sons of Dadai, Achisamas, Jether, Jonathan: and Jether died childless.
33 Synové pak Jonatanovi: Felet a Záza. Ti byli synové Jerachmeelovi.
And the sons of Jonathan; Phaleth, and Hozam. These were the sons of Jerameel.
34 Neměl pak Sesan synů, ale dceru. A měl Sesan služebníka Egyptského jménem Jarchu.
And Sosan had no sons, but daughters. And Sosan had an Egyptian servant, and his name [was] Jochel.
35 Protož dal Sesan dceru svou Jarchovi služebníku svému za manželku, kteráž porodila mu Attaie.
And Sosan gave his daughter to Jochel his servant to wife; and she bore him Ethi.
36 Attai pak zplodil Nátana, a Nátan zplodil Zabada.
And Ethi begot Nathan, and Nathan begot Zabed,
37 Zabad pak zplodil Eflale, a Eflal zplodil Obéda.
and Zabed begot Aphamel, and Aphamel begot Obed.
38 Obéd pak zplodil Jéhu, a Jéhu zplodil Azariáše.
And Obed begot Jeu, and Jeu begot Azarias.
39 Azariáš pak zplodil Cheleza, a Chelez zplodil Elasu.
And Azarias begot Chelles, and Chelles begot Eleasa,
40 Elasa pak zplodil Sismaie, a Sismai zplodil Salluma.
and Eleasa begot Sosomai, and Sosomai begot Salum,
41 Sallum pak zplodil Jekamiáše, a Jekamiáš zplodil Elisama.
and Salum begot Jechemias, and Jechemias begot Elisama, and Elisama begot Ismael.
42 Synové pak Kálefa, bratra Jerachmeelova: Mésa prvorozený jeho. On byl otec Zifejských i synů Marese, otce Hebronova.
And the sons of Chaleb the brother of Jerameel [were], Marisa his firstborn, he [is] the father of Ziph: —and the sons of Marisa the father of Chebron.
43 Synové pak Hebronovi: Chóre a Tapuach, a Rekem a Sema.
And the sons of Chebron; Core, and Thapphus, and Recom, and Samaa.
44 Sema pak zplodil Rachama otce Jorkeamova, a Rekem zplodil Sammaie.
And Samaa begot Raem the father of Jeclan: and Jeclan begot Samai.
45 Syn pak Sammai byl Maon; kterýžto Maon byl otec Betsurských.
And his son [was] Maon: and Maon [is] the father of Baethsur.
46 Efa také, ženina Kálefova, porodila Chárana a Mozu a Gazeza. A Cháran zplodil Gazeza.
And Gaepha the concubine of Chaleb bore Aram, and Mosa, and Gezue.
47 Synové pak Johedai: Regem, Jotam, Gesan, Felet, Efa a Saaf.
And the sons of Addai [were] Ragem, and Joatham, and Sogar, and Phalec, and Gaepha, and Sagae.
48 S ženinou Maachou Kálef zplodil Sebera a Tirchana.
And Chaleb's concubine Mocha bore Saber, and Tharam.
49 Porodila pak Saafa otce Madmanejských, Sévu otce Makbenejských a otce Gibejských. Též dcera Kálefova Axa.
She bore also Sagae the father of Madmena, and Sau the father of Machabena, and the father of Gaebal: and the daughter of Chaleb [was] Ascha.
50 Ti byli synové Kálefovi, syna Hur prvorozeného Efraty: Sobal otec Kariatjeharimských,
These were the sons of Chaleb: the sons of Or the firstborn of Ephratha; Sobal the father of Cariathiarim,
51 Salma otec Betlémských, Charef otec čeledi Betgaderských.
Salomon the father of Baetha, Lammon the father of Baethalaem, and Arim the father of Bethgedor.
52 Měl pak syny Sobal otec Kariatjeharimských: Haroe otce obyvatelů dílu Menuchotských.
And the sons of Sobal the father of Cariathiarim were Araa, and Aesi, and Ammanith,
53 A čeledi Kariatjeharimských, Jeterských, Putských, Sumatských a Misraiských. Z těch pošli Zaratští a Estaolští.
and Umasphae, cities of Jair; Aethalim, and Miphithim, and Hesamathim, and Hemasaraim; from these went forth the Sarathaeans, and the sons of Esthaam.
54 Synové Salmy: Betlémští, Netofatští, Atarotští z čeledi Joábovy, a Zarští, kteříž užívali dílu Menuchotských,
The sons of Salomon; Baethalaem, the Netophathite, Ataroth of the house of Joab, and half of the family of Malathi, Esari.
55 A čeledi písařů obývajících v Jábezu, Tiratských, Simatských, Suchatských. Ti jsou Cinejští příchozí z Amata, otce čeledi Rechabovy.
The families of the scribes dwelling in Jabis; Thargathiim, and Samathiim, and Sochathim, these [are] the Kinaeans that came of Hemath, the father of the house of Rechab.

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