< Žalmy 98 >
1 Žalm. Zpívejte Hospodinu píseň novou, neboť jest divné věci učinil; spomohla mu pravice jeho, a rámě svatosti jeho.
Sing to Yahweh a new song, because he has done wonderful things! By his power [MTY] and his great strength [DOU] he has defeated [his enemies].
2 V známost uvedl Hospodin spasení své, před očima národů zjevil spravedlnost svou.
Yahweh has declared to people that he has defeated his enemies; he has revealed that he has punished [them], and [people in] all the world have seen that he has done it.
3 Rozpomenul se na milosrdenství své, a na pravdu svou k domu Izraelskému; všecky končiny země vidí spasení Boha našeho.
Like he promised to us Israeli people [MTY], he has faithfully loved us and (been loyal to/not abandoned) us. [People who live] in very remote places in all the earth have seen that our God has defeated [his enemies].
4 Prokřikuj Hospodinu všecka země; zvuk vydejte, prozpěvujte, a žalmy zpívejte.
All you [people] [MTY] everywhere should sing joyfully to Yahweh; praise him while you sing and shout joyfully!
5 Žalmy zpívejte Hospodinu na citaře, k citaře i hlasem přizpěvujte.
Praise Yahweh while you play the lyres/harps, playing [delightful] music.
6 Trubami a zvučnými pozouny hlas vydejte před králem Hospodinem.
[Some of you should] blow trumpets and other horns, [while others] shout joyfully to Yahweh, [our] king.
7 Zvuč moře i to, což v něm jest, okršlek světa i ti, kteříž na něm bydlí.
The oceans and all [the creatures] that are in the oceans should roar [to praise Yahweh]. Everyone on the earth should sing!
8 Řeky rukama plésejte, spolu i hory prozpěvujte,
[It should seem as though] the rivers are clapping their hands [to praise Yahweh] and that the hills are singing together joyfully in front of Yahweh,
9 Před Hospodinem; neboť se béře, aby soudil zemi. Budeť souditi okršlek světa v spravedlnosti, a národy v pravosti.
because he will come to judge [everyone on] [MTY] the earth! He will judge [all] the people-groups [in the world] justly and fairly [DOU].