< 2 Samuelova 10 >
1 Stalo se také potom, že umřel král Ammonitský, a kraloval Chanun syn jeho po něm.
And it came to pass after this that the king of the children of Ammon died, and Annon his son reigned in his stead.
2 I řekl David: Učiním milosrdenství s Chanunem synem Náhasovým, jakož otec jeho učinil milosrdenství nade mnou. Tedy poslal David, aby ho potěšil skrze služebníky své pro otce jeho. I přišli služebníci Davidovi do země Ammonitských.
And David said, I will show mercy to Annon the son of Naas, as his father dealt mercifully with me. And David sent to comfort him concerning his father by the hand of his servants; and the servants of David came into the land of the children of Ammon.
3 I řekla knížata Ammonitská k Chanunovi, pánu svému: Cožť se zdá, že David činí poctivost otci tvému, že poslal k tobě, kteříž by tě potěšili? Zdaliž ne proto, aby shlédl město a vyšpehoval je, a potom je podvrátil, poslal David služebníky své k tobě?
And the princes of the children of Ammon said to Annon their lord, [Is it] to honour your father before you that David has sent comforters to you? Has not David rather sent his servants to you that they should search the city, and spy it out and examine it?
4 A tak Chanun vzav služebníky Davidovy, oholil každému půl brady, a zustřihoval roucha jejich až do polovice, totiž až do zadků jejich, a propustil je.
And Annon took the servants of David, and shaved their beards, and cut off their garments in the midst as far as their haunches, and sent them away.
5 To když oznámili Davidovi, poslal proti nim, (nebo muži ti zohaveni byli velice, ) a řekl jim král: Pobuďte v Jerichu, dokudž neobrostou brady vaše, potom se navrátíte.
And they brought David word concerning the men; and he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly dishonoured: and the king said, Remain in Jericho till your beards have grown, and [then] you shall return.
6 Vidouce pak Ammonitští, že se zošklivili Davidovi, poslavše, najali ze mzdy z Syrie z domu Rohob, a z Syrie Soba dvadcet tisíců pěších, a od krále Maacha tisíc mužů, a od Istoba dvanácte tisíc mužů.
And the children of Ammon saw that the people of David were ashamed; and the children of Ammon sent, and hired the Syrians of Baethraam, and the Syrians of Suba, and Roob, twenty thousand footmen, and the king of Amalec with a thousand men, and Istob with twelve thousand men.
7 Což uslyšev David, poslal Joába se vším vojskem udatných.
And David heard, and sent Joab and all his host, [even] the mighty men.
8 A tak vytáhše Ammonitští, šikovali se k boji u brány, Syrští také, Soba a Rohob, a Istob i Maacha zvláště byli na poli.
And the children of Ammon went forth, and set the battle in array by the door of the gate: [those] of Syria, Suba, and Roob, and Istob, and Amalec, being by themselves in the field.
9 A protož vida Joáb proti sobě sšikovaný boj s předu i s zadu, vybrav některé ze všech výborných Izraelských, sšikoval je také proti Syrským.
And Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him from that which was opposed in front and from behind, and he chose out [some] of all the young men of Israel, and they set themselves in array against Syria.
10 Ostatek pak lidu dal pod správu Abizai bratra svého, a sšikoval jej proti Ammonitským.
And the rest of the people he gave into the hand of Abessa his brother, and they set the battle in array opposite to the children of Ammon.
11 A řekl: Jestliže Syrští budou silnější mne, přispěješ mi na pomoc; jestliže pak Ammonitští silnější budou tebe, také přispěji, abych pomohl tobě.
And he said, If Syria be too strong for me, then shall you help me: and if the children of Ammon be too strong for you, then will we be ready to help you.
12 Posiliž se, a buďme udatní, bojujíce za lid náš a za města Boha našeho, Hospodin pak učiní, což se jemu dobře líbiti bude.
Be you courageous, and let us be strong for our people, and for the sake of the cities of our God, and the Lord shall do that which is good in his eyes.
13 I přistoupil Joáb s lidem svým k bitvě proti Syrským, a oni utekli před ním.
And Joab and his people with him advanced to battle against Syria, and they fled from before him.
14 Tedy Ammonitští vidouce, že utíkají Syrští, utekli i oni před Abizai a vešli do města. I navrátil se Joáb od Ammonitských a přišel do Jeruzaléma.
And the children of Ammon saw that the Syrians were fled, and they fled from before Abessa, and entered into the city: and Joab returned from the children of Ammon, and came to Jerusalem.
15 Ale Syrští vidouce, že by poraženi byli od Izraele, sebrali se vespolek.
And the Syrians saw that they were worsted before Israel, and they gathered themselves together.
16 Poslal také Hadarezer a vyvedl Syrské, kteříž bydlejí za řekou, a přišli k Helam; Sobach pak, hejtman vojska Hadarezerova, vedl je.
And Adraazar sent and gathered the Syrians from the other side of the river Chalamak, and they came to Aelam; and Sobac the captain of the host of Adraazar [was] at their head.
17 I oznámeno to Davidovi. Kterýžto shromáždiv všecken lid Izraelský, přepravil se přes Jordán, a přitáhli k Helam. I sšikovali se Syrští proti Davidovi, a bojovali proti němu.
And it was reported to David, and he gathered all Israel, and went over Jordan, and came to Aelam: and the Syrians set the battle in array against David, and fought with him.
18 Tedy utekli Syrští před Izraelem, a porazil David z Syrských sedm set vozů a čtyřidceti tisíc jezdců. Sobacha také hejtmana vojska toho ranil, i umřel tu.
And Syria fled from before Israel, and David destroyed of Syria seven hundred chariots, and forty thousand horsemen, and he struck Sobac the captain of his host, and he died there.
19 Když pak viděli všickni králové, kteříž byli při Hadarezerovi, že jsou poraženi od Izraele, vešli v pokoj s Izraelem a sloužili jemu. A nesměli již více Syrští táhnouti na pomoc Ammonitským.
And all the kings the servants of Adraazar saw that they were put to the worse before Israel, and they went over to Israel, and served them: and Syria was afraid to help the children of Ammon any more.