< Sefanija 3 >

1 Teško nepokornom, okaljanom, nasilničkom gradu!
This is the scornful city that dwells securely, that says in her heart, I am, and there is no longer any [to be] after me: how is she become desolate, a habitation of wild beasts! every one that passes through her shall hiss, and shake his hands. Alas the glorious and ransomed city.
2 On nikada nije čuo poziva, nikada nije prihvatio pouku; Jahvi on se nikada nije povjerio; svome Bogu nije se nikada približio.
The dove listened not to the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the Lord, and she drew not near to her God.
3 Njegovi su knezovi usred njega - lavovi koji riču; njegovi su suci - vuci večernji koji do jutra nisu kosti glodali;
Her princes within her were as roaring lions, her judges as the wolves of Arabia; they remained not till the morrow.
4 proroci su njegovi - razmetljivci, puki lažljivci, svećenici njegovi skvrne Svetište, krše Zakon.
Her prophets are light [and] scornful men: her priests profane the holy things, and sinfully transgress the law.
5 Usred njega, Jahve je pravedan - on ne čini nepravde; svako jutro iznosi svoju pravicu, u praskozorje ne izostaje; ali bezbožnik srama ne poznaje.
But the just Lord is in the midst of her, and he will never do an unjust thing: morning by morning he will bring out his judgment to the light, and it is not hidden, and he knows not injustice by extortion, nor injustice in strife.
6 “Uništio sam narode, razorena su kruništa kula njihovih, poharao sam njihove ulice: nema više prolaznika! Razoreni su njihovi gradovi: nema ljudi, nema stanovnika!
I have brought down the proud with destruction; their corners are destroyed: I will make their ways completely waste, so that none shall go through: their cities are come to an end, by reason of no man living or dwelling [in them].
7 Govorio sam: 'Ti ćeš se mene ipak bojati, prigrlit ćeš pouku; u njihovim očima ne mogu nestati toliki moji pohodi.' Ali ne! - oni su žurno pokvarili sva djela svoja.
I said, But do you fear me, and receive instruction, and you shall not be cut off from the face of the land [for] all the vengeance I have brought upon her: prepare you, rise early: all their produce is spoilt.
8 Zato mene čekajte - riječ je Jahvina - do dana kad ustanem kao tužilac; jer ja sam odredio da se sakupe narodi, da se saberu kraljevstva, da na vas gnjev svoj izlijem, svu gorčinu svoje srdžbe: u vatri moje ljubomore bit će sva zemlja sažgana.
Therefore wait upon me, says the Lord, until the day when I rise up for a witness: because my judgment [shall be] on the gatherings of the nations, to draw to me kings, to pour out upon them all [my] fierce anger: for the whole earth shall be consumed with the fire of my jealousy.
9 Dat ću narodima čiste usne, da svi mogu zazivati ime Jahvino i služiti mu jednodušno.
For then will I turn to the peoples a tongue for her generation, that all may call on the name of the Lord, to serve him under one yoke.
10 S druge obale rijeka etiopskih prinosit će mi žrtvene darove moji štovaoci.
From the boundaries of the rivers of Ethiopia will I receive my dispersed ones; they shall offer sacrifices to me.
11 U onaj dan nećeš se sramiti svih svojih nedjela koja si protiv mene počinio, jer ću ukloniti iz tebe tvoje ohole hvalisavce; i nećeš se više šepiriti na Svetoj gori mojoj,
In that day you shall not be ashamed of all your practices, wherein you have transgressed against me: for then will I take away from you your disdainful pride, and you shall no more magnify yourself upon my holy mountain.
12 jer ću pustiti da u tebi opstane samo skroman i čedan narod, i u imenu Jahvinu tražit će okrilje
And I will leave in you a meek and lowly people;
13 Ostatak Izraelov. Oni neće više činiti nepravdu, neće više govoriti laži; u njihovim ustima neće se više naći jezik prijevarni. Moći će pasti i odmarati se, i nitko im neće smetati.”
and the remnant of Israel shall fear the name of the Lord, and shall do no iniquity, neither shall they speak vanity; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed, and lie down, and there shall be none to terrify them.
14 Klikći od radosti, Kćeri sionska, viči od veselja, Izraele! Veseli se i raduj se iz sveg srca, Kćeri jeruzalemska!
Rejoice, O daughter of Sion; cry aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem; rejoice and delight yourself with all your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
15 Jahve te riješio tvoje osude, neprijatelje tvoje uklonio! Jahve, kralj Izraelov, u sredini je tvojoj! Ne boj se više zla!
The Lord has taken away your iniquities, he has ransomed you from the hand of your enemies: the Lord, the King of Israel, is in the midst of you: you shall not see evil any more.
16 U onaj dan reći će se Jeruzalemu: “Ne boj se, Sione! Neka ti ne klonu ruke!
At that time the Lord shall say to Jerusalem, Be of good courage, Sion; let not your hands be slack.
17 Jahve, Bog tvoj, u sredini je tvojoj, silni spasitelj! On će se radovati tebi pun veselja, obnovit će ti svoju ljubav, kliktat će nad tobom radosno
The Lord your God is in you; the Mighty One shall save you: he shall bring joy upon you, and shall refresh you with his love; and he shall rejoice over you with delight as in a day of feasting.
18 kao u dan svečani. Odvratio sam od tebe nevolju da na sebi više ne nosiš sramotu.
And I will gather your afflicted ones. Alas! who has taken up a reproach against her?
19 Evo svladavam sve tvoje tlačitelje. U ono vrijeme izbavit ću sve hrome, sabrat ću prognane, pribavit im hvalu i diku po svoj zemlji gdje ih sramota bijaše dopala.
Behold, I [will] work in you for your sake at that time, says the Lord: and I will save her that was oppressed, and receive her that was rejected; and I will make them a praise, and honored in all the earth.
20 U ono vrijeme ja ću vas dovesti, u ono vrijeme ja ću vas sabrati! Tada ću vam dati hvalu i diku među narodima zemlje, kad okrenem vašu sudbinu pred vašim očima” - govori Jahve.
And [their enemies] shall be ashamed at that time, when I shall deal well with you, and at the time when I shall receive you: for I will make you honored and a praise among all the nations of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before you, says the Lord.

< Sefanija 3 >