< Sefanija 1 >

1 Riječ Jahvina upućena Sefaniji, sinu Kušija, sina Gedalijina, sina Amarjina, sina Ezekijina, u vrijeme Jošije, sina Amonova, kralja judejskoga.
The Lord’s message, which came to Zephaniah, son of Cushi, son of Gedaliah, son of Amariah, son of Hezekiah, in the time of Josiah of Judah who was son of Amon.
2 “Da, sve ću zbrisati s lica zemlje” - riječ je Jahvina!
I will utterly destroy everything from off the face of the earth, says the Lord.
3 “Izbrisat ću ljude i zvijeri, ptice nebeske i ribe morske, učinit ću da padnu bezbožnici, istrijebit ću ljude s lica zemlje” - riječ je Jahvina!
I will sweep away human and animal, the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea. I will cause the wicked to stumble, and I will cut off humanity from the face of the earth, says the Lord.
4 “Podignut ću ruku na Judu i na sve stanovnike Jeruzalema i istrijebit ću iz ovoga mjesta ostatak Baalov, ime služitelja idolskih sa svećenicima njegovim;
I will stretch out my hand over Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and I will cut off from this place the last remnant of Baal and the name of the heathen priests,
5 one koji se klanjaju na krovovima vojsci nebeskoj, one koji se klanjaju pred Jahvom a zaklinju se Milkomom;
and those who worship on the housetops to the stars in the sky, and those worshippers of the Lord who also pay homage to Milcom,
6 one koji su se odmetnuli od Jahve, koji ne traže Jahvu i nimalo za nj ne mare.”
and those who turn back from following the Lord, And those who do not seek the Lord nor strive to find him.
7 Tišina pred Jahvom Gospodom, jer je dan Jahvin blizu! Da, Jahve je prigotovio žrtvu, posvetio je svoje uzvanike.
Be silent before the Lord God, for near is the day of the Lord, for the Lord has prepared a sacrifice, he has sanctified his guests.
8 “U dan žrtve Jahvine, kaznit ću knezove, sinove kraljeve, i sve koji se oblače na način tuđinski.
On the day of the Lord’s sacrifice: I will punish the officers and the royal princes, and all those who clothe themselves in foreign apparel.
9 Kaznit ću u taj dan sve koji preko praga poskakuju, koji Dom Gospodara svojega pune nasiljem i prijevarom.”
On that day: I will punish all who leap over the threshold, who fill the house of their lord with violence and deceit.
10 “U onaj dan” - riječ je Jahvina - “vapaj će se podići od Ribljih vrata, urlici iz novog dijela grada, silna lomljavina sa brežuljaka.
Listen on that day, says the Lord: A cry will be heard from the Fish Gate, and a wailing from the New Quarter, and a great din from the hills.
11 Kukajte, stanovnici makteški, jer je satrt sav narod kanaanski, zbrisani su svi mjerači srebra.
Those who live in the Mortar wail, for all the traders are silenced, the money counters wiped out.
12 I u to vrijeme pretražit ću Jeruzalem sa zubljama i pohodit ću kaznom ljude koji miruju na svojoj vinskoj droždini i u svom srcu govore: 'Jahve ne može učiniti ni dobro ni zlo.'”
I will search Jerusalem with a lamp, I will punish those who are at ease, who sit comfortably with their wine, who say to themselves, ‘the Lord brings neither prosperity nor calamity.’
13 Blago njihovo bit će prepušteno pljački, njihove kuće pustošenju. Oni su gradili kuće - neće u njima stanovati; sadili su vinograde - iz njih vina neće piti.
Their wealth will become a prey and their houses a desolation. Though they build houses, they will not inhabit them; though they plant vineyards, they will not drink wine from them.
14 Blizu je dan Jahvin, veliki! Blizu je i žurno dolazi! Gorak je glas dana Jahvina: tada će i junak zajaukati.
Near is the day of the Lord! Near and rapidly approaching! Near is the bitter day of the Lord, and the scream of the warrior.
15 Dan gnjeva, onaj dan! Dan tjeskobe i nevolje! Dan užasa i pustošenja! Dan pomrčine i naoblake! Dan tmina i magluština!
That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 Dan trubljavine i bojne vike na gradove utvrđene i na visoka kruništa.
a day of the trumpet and battle-cry, against the fortified cities and against the high battlements.
17 “Prepustit ću ljude nevoljama i vrludat će kao slijepci (jer su protiv Jahve sagriješili), krv će se njihova prosuti kao prašina, njihova trupla bit će bačena kao smeće.
And I will bring distress upon the people and they will walk as the blind, because they have sinned against the Lord, and their blood will be poured out as dust and their flesh as dung.
18 Ni njihovo srebro ni njihovo zlato neće ih spasiti.” U dan gnjeva Jahvina oganj njegove revnosti svu će zemlju sažeći. Jer on će uništiti, zatrti sve stanovnike zemlje.
Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them. For in the day of the wrath of the Lord and in the fire of his fury the whole earth will be consumed. For he will make a speedy end of all the inhabitants of the earth.

< Sefanija 1 >