< Zaharija 9 >

1 Proroštvo. Riječ Jahvina. Jahve prolazi zemljom Hadraka, Damask mu je počivalište; jer Jahvini su gradovi Arama i sva plemena Izraela.
“This is a declaration of Yahweh's word concerning the land of Hadrak and Damascus, its resting place; for the eyes of all humanity and all the tribes of Israel are toward Yahweh.
2 Hamat također, koji s njim graniči,
This declaration also concerns Hamath, which borders on Damascus, and it concerns Tyre and Sidon, for they are very wise.
3 i Tir i Sidon, tako mudar. Tir podiže tvrde bedeme, zgrnu srebra kao prašine i zlata kao blata s ulica.
Tyre has built herself a stronghold and heaped up silver like dust and refined gold like mud in the streets.
4 Al' evo, Gospod će ga osvojiti, survati u more moć njegovu, a njega će progutati oganj.
Look! The Lord will dispossess her and destroy her strength on the sea, so she will be devoured by fire.
5 Vidjet će to Aškelon i prestrašiti se, a Gaza sva će uzdrhtati, i Ekron, jer ga nada prevari: nestat će kralja iz Gaze, Aškelon će pust ostati,
Ashkelon will see and be afraid! Gaza also will tremble greatly! Ekron, her hopes will be disappointed! The king will perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon shall no longer be inhabited!
6 u Ašdodu stanovat će kopilad! Zatrt ću ponos Filistejaca,
Strangers will make their homes in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.
7 uklonit ću im krv iz usta i gnusobu iz zuba. I oni će pripasti Bogu našem i bit će kao jedna obitelj u Judeji, a Ekron će biti kao Jebusejac.
For I will remove their blood from their mouths and their abominations from between their teeth. Then they will become a remnant for our God like a clan in Judah, and Ekron will become like the Jebusites.
8 Uz Dom svoj utaborit ću se kao straža, protiv onih koji odlaze i dolaze; tlačitelj neće više ovud prolaziti, jer njegovu sam uvidio bijedu.
I will camp around my land against enemy armies, so no one can pass through or return, for no oppressor will overrun them, for now I see with my own eyes!
9 Klikni iz sveg grla, Kćeri sionska! Viči od radosti, Kćeri jeruzalemska! Tvoj kralj se evo tebi vraća: pravičan je i pobjedonosan, ponizan jaše na magarcu, na magaretu, mladetu magaričinu.
Shout with great joy, daughter of Zion! Shout with happiness, daughter of Jerusalem! Behold! Your king is coming to you with righteousness and is rescuing you. He is humble and is riding on a donkey, on the colt of a donkey.
10 On će istrijebit' kola iz Efrajima i konje iz Jeruzalema; on će istrijebit' luk ubojni. On će navijestit' mir narodima; vlast će mu se proširit' od mora do mora i od Rijeke do rubova zemlje.
Then I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow will be cut off from battle; for he will speak peace to the nations, and his dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth!
11 A i tebi, zbog krvi tvoga Saveza, vratit ću sužnje tvoje iz jama bezvodnih.
As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will set your prisoners free from the pit where there is no water.
12 Vratite se u Tvrđavu, izgnanici puni nade, još danas - ja navješćujem - dvostruko ću ti uzvratiti.
Return to the stronghold, prisoners of hope! Even today I am declaring that I will return double to you,
13 Jer, Judu sam kao luk napeo, a Efrajimom luk naoružao: tvoje ću, o Sione, zavitlat' sinove - protiv sinova tvojih, o Javane - i učinit ću te kao mač junaka.
for I have bent Judah as my bow. I have filled my quiver with Ephraim. I have roused your sons, Zion, against your sons, Greece, and have made you, Zion, like a warrior's sword!”
14 Nad njima tad će se pojaviti Jahve i kao munja letjet će mu strijela. Jahve Gospod u rog će zatrubit', hodit će na južnim vihorima.
Yahweh will appear to them, and his arrows will shoot out like lightning! For my Lord Yahweh will blow the trumpet and will advance with the storms from Teman.
15 Jahve nad Vojskama zakrilit će ih i oni će gaziti nogama kamenje praćaka, pit će krv kao da je vino, napojit' se kao škropilo, kao uglovi na žrtveniku.
Yahweh of hosts will defend them, and they will devour them and defeat the stones of the slings. Then they will drink and shout like men drunk on wine, and they will be filled with wine like bowls, like the corners of the altar.
16 Jahve Bog njihov spasit će ih u dan onaj; kao stado on će pasti narod svoj; kao drago kamenje krune oni će blistat' u zemlji njegovoj.
So Yahweh their God will rescue them on that day, as the flock of his people. They are the jewels of a crown that will shine on his land.
17 Ah, kako li će sretan, kako lijep biti! Od žita će rasti mladići, a od slatkog vina djevice.
How good and how beautiful they will be! The young men will flourish on grain and the virgins on sweet wine!”

< Zaharija 9 >