< Zaharija 6 >
1 I podigoh oči i vidjeh: gle, četvera bojna kola izlaze između dviju gora; a gore bijahu od mjedi.
I looked up again, and [in the vision] I saw four chariots coming toward me. [They were coming] between two mountains [that were made] of bronze.
2 U prvim kolima bijahu riđi konji; u drugim kolima crni konji;
The first chariot [was pulled by] red horses, the second chariot [was pulled by] black horses,
3 u trećim kolima bijeli konji, a u četvrtim kolima konji šareni.
the third chariot [was pulled by] white horses, and the fourth chariot [was pulled by] spotted gray horses. They were all very strong horses.
4 Obratih se anđelu koji je govorio sa mnom i upitah ga: “Što je to, gospodaru?”
I asked the angel who had been speaking to me, “Sir, what do those chariots mean?”
5 Anđeo mi odgovori ovako: “Ti kreću u četiri vjetra nebeska pošto su stajali pred Gospodarem sve zemlje.
The angel replied, “They have come from standing in the presence of the Lord who controls/rules the entire earth. They will go across the sky in four directions.
6 Riđani kreću u zemlju istočnu; vranci u zemlju sjevernu; bijelci kreću u zemlju zapadnu, a šarci kreću u zemlju južnu.”
The chariot [pulled by] black horses will go north, the [one pulled by] white horses will go west, the one [pulled by] spotted gray horses will go south.”
7 Krepko oni stupaju, nestrpljivi da obiđu zemlju. On im reče: “Idite, obiđite zemlju!” I oni krenuše obilaziti zemljom.
When those powerful horses left, their [chariot-drivers] were eager to go throughout the world. [As they were leaving, ] the angel said to them, “Go throughout the world [and see what is happening]!” So that is what they did.
8 On me zovnu i reče mi: “Vidi, oni koji su krenuli u sjevernu zemlju umirit će gnjev moj u zemlji sjevernoj.”
Then the angel called to me [and said], “Look/Listen, the [drivers of the] chariots that have gone north will do what the Spirit [of Yahweh wants them to do] there.”
9 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Then Yahweh gave me [another] message.
10 “Uzmi prinose od izgnanika - od Heldaja, Tobije i Jedaje - i pođi danas i uđi u dom Jošije, sina Sefanijina, koji je došao iz Babilona.
He said, “Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah will be bringing some silver and gold from the people who were (exiled in/forced to go to) Babylon. As soon as they arrive, go to the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah.
11 Uzmi srebra i zlata, načini krunu i stavi na glavu Jošui, sinu Josadakovu, velikom svećeniku.
Take [some of that] silver and gold from them and make a crown. Then put it on the head of Jehozadak’s son Joshua, the Supreme Priest.
12 I reci mu: 'Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: Evo čovjeka komu je ime Izdanak; ispod njega će proklijati i on će sazdati Svetište Jahvino.
Tell him that [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say that the man who is called the Branch will come. He will leave the place where he is now, and he will [supervise those who] build my temple.
13 On će sazdati Svetište Jahvino i proslaviti se. On će sjediti i vladati na prijestolju. A do njega će na prijestolju biti svećenik. Sklad savršen bit će među njima.
He is the one who [will tell those who] will build my temple [what to do]. He will wear royal clothing and he will sit on his throne and rule. There will also be a priest [sitting] next to his throne, and the two of them will work together harmoniously.
14 A kruna neka ostane u Jahvinu Svetištu za spomen Heldaju, Tobiji, Jedaji i Jošiji, sinu Sefanijinu.
The crown must be [kept] in my temple to remind people of what Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Josiah [did for them].
15 I oni koji su daleko doći će i sazdat će Svetište Jahvino. Znat ćete tako da me Jahve nad Vojskama k vama poslao.' To će se zbiti ako zaista poslušate glas Jahve, Boga svojega.”
People who are [living] far away will come and [help to] build my temple. When that happens, the people will know that [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, have sent you to them. [That will happen] if they faithfully obey me, Yahweh, your/their God.”