< Zaharija 6 >

1 I podigoh oči i vidjeh: gle, četvera bojna kola izlaze između dviju gora; a gore bijahu od mjedi.
Again I looked up, and saw four chariots come from between two mountains. The mountains were mountains of bronze.
2 U prvim kolima bijahu riđi konji; u drugim kolima crni konji;
The first chariot had red horses. The second chariot had black horses,
3 u trećim kolima bijeli konji, a u četvrtim kolima konji šareni.
the third chariot white horses, and the fourth chariot dappled horses.
4 Obratih se anđelu koji je govorio sa mnom i upitah ga: “Što je to, gospodaru?”
Then I said to the messenger who talked with me, ‘What are these, my lord?’
5 Anđeo mi odgovori ovako: “Ti kreću u četiri vjetra nebeska pošto su stajali pred Gospodarem sve zemlje.
The messenger answered me, ‘These are the four winds of heaven going out after standing before the Lord of all the earth.
6 Riđani kreću u zemlju istočnu; vranci u zemlju sjevernu; bijelci kreću u zemlju zapadnu, a šarci kreću u zemlju južnu.”
The black horses are going toward the north country and the white toward the west and the dappled toward the south country.’
7 Krepko oni stupaju, nestrpljivi da obiđu zemlju. On im reče: “Idite, obiđite zemlju!” I oni krenuše obilaziti zemljom.
The strong horses came out, and were impatient to patrol the earth. So he said, ‘Go, patrol the earth,’ and they did so.
8 On me zovnu i reče mi: “Vidi, oni koji su krenuli u sjevernu zemlju umirit će gnjev moj u zemlji sjevernoj.”
Then he cried out to me, ‘The horses that went to the north country will quiet my spirit in the north country.’
9 I dođe mi riječ Jahvina:
Now this message of the Lord came to me:
10 “Uzmi prinose od izgnanika - od Heldaja, Tobije i Jedaje - i pođi danas i uđi u dom Jošije, sina Sefanijina, koji je došao iz Babilona.
Take the gifts from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah who have come from Babylon and go at once to Josiah the son of Zephaniah.
11 Uzmi srebra i zlata, načini krunu i stavi na glavu Jošui, sinu Josadakovu, velikom svećeniku.
Take their silver and gold and make a crown and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak.
12 I reci mu: 'Ovako govori Jahve nad Vojskama: Evo čovjeka komu je ime Izdanak; ispod njega će proklijati i on će sazdati Svetište Jahvino.
Tell him: ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, the man whose name is the Branch. He will branch out from his place and rebuild the temple of the Lord.
13 On će sazdati Svetište Jahvino i proslaviti se. On će sjediti i vladati na prijestolju. A do njega će na prijestolju biti svećenik. Sklad savršen bit će među njima.
He will rebuild the temple and will sit and rule upon his throne, receiving the honour due to a king. A priest will stand by his throne and they will work together in peace and harmony.
14 A kruna neka ostane u Jahvinu Svetištu za spomen Heldaju, Tobiji, Jedaji i Jošiji, sinu Sefanijinu.
The crown will be a memorial in the temple of the Lord for Heldai and Tobijah and Jedaiah, and Josiah the son of Zephaniah.
15 I oni koji su daleko doći će i sazdat će Svetište Jahvino. Znat ćete tako da me Jahve nad Vojskama k vama poslao.' To će se zbiti ako zaista poslušate glas Jahve, Boga svojega.”
People from far away will come and build in the temple of the Lord and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.’

< Zaharija 6 >