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1 Salomonova Pjesma nad pjesmama
The Song of Songs, which is by Solomon.
2 Poljubi me poljupcem usta svojih, ljubav je tvoja slađa od vina.
[[M.]] O that he would kiss me with one of the kisses of his mouth! For thy love is better than wine.
3 Miris najboljih mirodija, ulje razlito ime je tvoje, zato te ljube djevojke.
Because of the savor of thy precious perfumes, (Thy name is like fragrant oil poured forth, ) Therefore do the virgins love thee.
4 Povuci me za sobom, bježimo! Kralj me uveo u odaje svoje. Igrat ćemo se i radovati zbog tebe, slavit ćemo ljubav tvoju više nego vino. Pravo je da te ljube.
Draw me after thee; let us run! The king hath led me to his chambers! We will be glad and rejoice in thee; We will praise thy love more than wine. Justly do they love thee!
5 Crna sam ali lijepa, kćeri jeruzalemske, kao šatori kedarski, kao zavjese Salomonove.
I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, As the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.
6 Ne gledajte što sam garava, to me sunce opalilo. Sinovi majke moje rasrdili se na mene, postavili me da čuvam vinograde; a svog vinograda, koji je u meni, nisam čuvala.
Gaze not upon me because I am black, Because the sun hath looked upon me! My mother's sons were angry with me; They made me keeper of the vineyards; My vineyard, my own, have I not kept.
7 Reci mi, ti koga ljubi duša moja, gdje paseš, gdje se u podne odmaraš, da ne lutam, tražeći te, oko stada tvojih drugova.
Tell me, thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest thy flock, Where thou leadest it to rest at noon; For why should I be like a veiled one by the flocks of thy companions?
8 Ako ne znaš, o najljepša među ženama, izađi i slijedi tragove stada i pasi kozliće svoje oko pastirskih koliba.
[[Lad.]] If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, Trace thou thy way by the tracks of the flock, And feed thy kids beside the shepherds' tents!
9 Usporedio bih te s konjima pod kolima faraonovim, o prijateljice moja.
[[Lov.]] To the horses in the chariots of Pharaoh Do I compare thee, my love!
10 Lijepi su obrazi tvoji među naušnicama, vrat tvoj pod ogrlicama.
Comely are thy cheeks with rows of jewels, Thy neck with strings of pearls.
11 Učinit ćemo za tebe zlatne naušnice s privjescima srebrnim.
Golden chains will we make for thee, With studs of silver.
12 - Dok se kralj odmara na svojim dušecima, (tada) nard moj miriše.
[[M.]] While the king reclineth at his table, My spikenard sendeth forth its fragrance.
13 Dragi mi je moj stručak smirne što mi među grudima počiva.
A bunch of myrrh is my beloved to me; He shall abide between my breasts.
14 Dragi mi je moj grozd ciprov u vinogradima engedskim.
My beloved is to me a cluster of henna-flowers From the gardens of Engedi.
15 - Gle, kako si lijepa, prijateljice moja, gle, kako si lijepa, imaš oči kao golubica.
[[Lov.]] Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair! Thine eyes are doves.
16 - Gle, kako si lijep, dragi moj, gle, kako si mio. Zelenilo je postelja naša.
[[M.]] Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, lovely; And green is our bed.
17 - Grede kuća naših cedri su, a natkrovlje čempresi.
The cedars are the beams of our house, And its roof the cypresses.

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