< Psalmi 1 >

1 Blago čovjeku koji ne slijedi savjeta opakih, ne staje na putu grešničkom i ne sjeda u zbor podrugljivaca,
Happy are those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, not halting in ways frequented by sinners, nor taking a seat in a gathering of scoffers.
2 već uživa u Zakonu Jahvinu, o Zakonu njegovu misli dan i noć.
But the law of the Lord is their joy, they study it day and night.
3 On je k'o stablo zasađeno pokraj voda tekućica što u svoje vrijeme plod donosi; lišće mu nikad ne vene, sve što radi dobrim urodi.
They are like trees planted by runlets of water, yielding fruit in due season, leaves never fading. In all that they do, they prosper.
4 Nisu takvi opaki, ne, nisu takvi! Oni su k'o pljeva što je vjetar raznosi.
Not so fare the wicked, not so; like chaff are they, blown by the wind.
5 Stoga se opaki neće održati na sudu, ni grešnici u zajednici pravednih.
So the wicked will not stand firm in the judgment, nor sinners appear, when the righteous are gathered.
6 Jer Jahve zna put pravednih, a propast će put opakih.
For the way of the righteous is dear to the Lord, but the way of the wicked will end in ruin.

< Psalmi 1 >