< Psalmi 74 >
1 Poučna pjesma. Asafova. Zašto si, Bože, posve zabacio, zašto kiptiš gnjevom na ovce paše svoje?
God, why have you abandoned/rejected us? Will you keep rejecting us forever [RHQ]? Why are you angry with us, since we are like sheep in your pasture [and you are like our shepherd]? [MET, RHQ]
2 Sjeti se zajednice koju si davno stekao, plÓemena koje namače kao svoju baštinu i brda Siona gdje si Šator svoj udario!
Do not forget your people whom you chose long ago, the people whom you freed [from being slaves in Egypt] and caused to become your tribe. Do not forget Jerusalem, which was (your home/where you dwelt) [on this earth].
3 Korakni k ruševinama vječnim - sve je u Svetištu razorio neprijatelj.
Walk along [and see] where everything has been totally ruined; our enemies have destroyed everything in the sacred temple.
4 Protivnici tvoji vikahu posred skupštine tvoje, znakove svoje postaviše k'o pobjedne znakove.
Your enemies shouted triumphantly in this sacred place; they erected their banners [to show they had defeated us].
5 Bijahu kao oni koji mašu sjekirom po guštari,
They cut down all the [engraved objects in the temple] like woodsmen cut down trees.
6 sjekirom i maljem vrata mu razbijali.
Then they smashed all the carved wood with their axes and hammers.
7 Ognju predadoše Svetište tvoje, do zemlje oskvrnuše Prebivalište tvoga imena.
[Then] they burned your temple to the ground; they caused that place where you were worshiped to be unfit for people to worship in.
8 Rekoše u srcu: “Istrijebimo ih zajedno; spalite sva svetišta Božja na zemlji!”
They said to themselves, “We will destroy the Israelis completely,” and they [also] burned down all the other places where we gathered to worship God.
9 Ne vidimo znakova svojih, proroka više nema, i nitko među nama ne zna dokle ...
All our sacred symbols (OR, miracles) are gone; there are no prophets now/any more, and no one knows how long [this situation will continue].
10 Dokle će se još, o Bože, dušmanin rugati? Hoće li protivnik dovijeka prezirati ime tvoje?
God, how long will our enemies make fun of you [RHQ]? Will they insult you [MTY] forever [RHQ]?
11 Zašto povlačiš ruku, zašto u krilu sakrivaš desnicu svoju?
Why do you refuse to help [MTY, RHQ] us? Why do you keep your hand inside your cloak [instead of using it to destroy our enemies] [RHQ]?
12 No Bog je moj kralj od davnine, on koji posred zemlje spasava!
God, you have been our king [all the time] since we came out of Egypt [HYP], and you have enabled us to defeat [our enemies] in the land [of Israel].
13 Ti svojom silom rasječe more, smrska glave nakazama u vodi.
By your power you caused the [Red] Sea to divide; [it was as though] you smashed the heads of the [rulers of Egypt who were like] huge sea dragons [MET].
14 Ti si Levijatanu glave zdrobio, dao ga za hranu nemanima morskim.
[It was as though] you crushed the head of the king of Egypt [MET] and gave his body to the animals in the desert to eat.
15 Ti si dao da provre izvor i bujica, ti si presušio rijeke nepresušne.
You caused springs and streams to flow, and you [also] dried up rivers that had never dried up previously.
16 Tvoj je dan i noć je tvoja, ti učvrsti mjesec i sunce;
You created the days and the nights, and you put the sun and the moon in their places.
17 ti sazda sve granice zemlji, ti stvori ljeto i zimu.
You determined where the oceans end and the land begins, and you created the summer/hot season and the winter/cold season.
18 Spomeni se ovoga: dušmanin ti se rugaše, Jahve, i bezumni narod pogrdi ime tvoje.
Yahweh, do not forget that your enemies laugh at you, and that it is foolish people who despise you [MTY].
19 Ne predaj jastrebu život grlice svoje, i život svojih siromaha ne zaboravi zauvijek!
Do not let your helpless people [MET] fall into the hands of their cruel enemies; do not forget your suffering/persecuted people.
20 Pogledaj na Savez svoj, jer svi su zakuci zemlje puni tmina i nasilja.
Do not forget the agreement that you made with us; remember that there are violent people in every dark place on the earth.
21 Ne daj da jadnik otiđe postiđen: neka siromah i ubog hvale ime tvoje!
Do not allow your oppressed people to be disgraced; help those poor and needy people in order that they will [again] praise you [MTY].
22 Ustani, Bože, zauzmi se za svoju parnicu, spomeni se pogrde koju ti bezumnik svaki dan nanosi.
God, arise and defend yourself [by defending your people]! Do not forget that foolish people laugh at you (all day long/continually)!
23 Ne zaboravi vike neprijatelja svojih: buka buntovnika još se diže k tebi!
Do not forget that your enemies shout angrily [at you]; the uproar that they make [while they oppose you] never stops.