< Psalmi 72 >
1 Salomonov. Bože, sud svoj daj kralju i svoju pravdu sinu kraljevu.
“For Solomon.” To the king, O God! give thy justice, And to the son of a king thy righteousness!
2 Nek' puku tvojem sudi pravedno, siromasima po pravici!
Yea! he shall judge thy people with equity, And thine oppressed ones with justice.
3 Nek' bregovi narodu urode mirom, a brežuljci pravdom.
For the mountains shall bring forth peace to the people, And the hills, through righteousness.
4 Sudit će pravo ubogim pučanima, djeci siromaha donijet će spasenje, a tlačitelja on će smrviti.
He shall defend the oppressed of the people; He shall save the needy, And break in pieces the oppressor.
5 I živjet će dugo kao sunce i kao mjesec u sva pokoljenja.
They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon shall endure, From generation to generation.
6 Sići će kao rosa na travu, kao kiša što natapa zemlju!
He shall be like rain descending on the mown field, —Like showers which water the earth.
7 U danima njegovim cvjetat će pravda i mir velik - sve dok bude mjeseca.
In his days shall the righteous flourish, And great shall be their prosperity, as long as the moon shall endure.
8 I vladat će od mora do mora i od Rijeke do granica svijeta.
He shall have dominion from sea to sea, And from the river to the ends of the earth.
9 Dušmani će njegovi preda nj kleknuti i protivnici lizati prašinu.
They that dwell in the desert shall bow before him, And his enemies shall lick the dust.
10 Kraljevi Taršiša i otoka nosit će dare, vladari od Arabije i Sabe danak donositi.
The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents; The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts;
11 Klanjat će mu se svi vladari, svi će mu narodi služiti.
Yea, all kings shall fall down before him; All nations shall serve him.
12 On će spasiti siromaha koji uzdiše, nevoljnika koji pomoćnika nema;
For he shall deliver the poor who crieth for aid, And the oppressed who hath no helper.
13 smilovat će se ubogu i siromahu i spasit će život nevoljniku:
He shall spare the weak and needy, And save the lives of the poor.
14 oslobodit će ih nepravde i nasilja, jer je dragocjena u njegovim očima krv njihova.
He shall redeem them from deceit and violence, And their blood shall be precious in his sight.
15 Stog' neka živi! Neka ga daruju zlatom iz Arabije, nek' mole za njega svagda i neka ga blagoslivljaju!
He shall prosper, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba; Prayer also shall be made for him continually, And daily shall he be praised.
16 Nek' bude izobila žita u zemlji, po vrhuncima klasje neka šušti k'o Libanon! I cvjetali stanovnici gradova kao trava na livadi.
There shall be an abundance of corn in the land; Its fruit shall shake like Lebanon, even on the tops of the mountains; And they of the cities shall flourish as the grass of the earth.
17 Bilo ime njegovo blagoslovljeno dovijeka! Dok je sunca, živjelo mu ime! Njim se blagoslivljala sva plemena zemlje, svi narodi nazivali blaženima!
His name shall endure for ever; His name shall be continued as long as the sun. By him shall men bless themselves; All nations shall call him blessed.
18 Blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog Izraelov, koji jedini tvori čudesa!
[[Praised be God, Jehovah, the God of Israel, Who alone doeth wonderful things!
19 I blagoslovljeno slavno mu ime dovijeka! Sva se zemlja napunila slave njegove! Tako neka bude. Amen!
Praised be his glorious name for ever! May his glory fill the whole earth! Amen, Amen!
20 Time se završavaju molitve Jišajeva sina Davida.
Here end the Psalms of David, the son of Jesse.]]