< Psalmi 51 >
1 Zborovođi. Psalam. Davidov. Kad je k Davidu došao prorok Natan poslije njegova grijeha Smiluj mi se, Bože, po milosrđu svome, po velikom smilovanju izbriši moje bezakonje!
“For the leader of the music. A psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after his intercourse with Bathsheba.” Be gracious unto me, O God! according to thy loving kindness; According to the greatness of thy mercy, blot out my transgressions!
2 Operi me svega od moje krivice, od grijeha me mojeg očisti!
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin!
3 Bezakonje svoje priznajem, grijeh je moj svagda preda mnom.
For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is ever before me.
4 Tebi, samom tebi ja sam zgriješio i učinio što je zlo pred tobom: pravedan ćeš biti kad progovoriš, bez prijekora kada presudiš.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, And in thy sight have I done evil; So that thou art just in thy sentence, And righteous in thy judgment.
5 Evo, grešan sam već rođen, u grijehu me zače majka moja.
Behold! I was born in iniquity, And in sin did my mother conceive me.
6 Evo, ti ljubiš srce iskreno, u dubini duše učiš me mudrosti.
Behold! thou desirest truth in the heart; So teach me wisdom in my inmost soul!
7 Poškropi me izopom da se očistim, operi me, i bit ću bjelji od snijega!
Purge me with hyssop, until I be clean; Wash me, until I be whiter than snow!
8 Objavi mi radost i veselje, nek' se obraduju kosti satrvene!
Make me to hear joy and gladness, So that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice!
9 Odvrati lice od grijeha mojih, izbriši svu moju krivicu!
Hide thy face from my sins, And blot out all my iniquities!
10 Čisto srce stvori mi, Bože, i duh postojan obnovi u meni!
Create within me a clean heart, O God! Renew within me a steadfast spirit!
11 Ne odbaci me od lica svojega i svoga svetog duha ne uzmi od mene!
Cast me not away from thy presence, And take not thy holy spirit from me!
12 Vrati mi radost svoga spasenja i učvrsti me duhom spremnim!
Restore to me the joy of thy protection, And strengthen me with a willing spirit!
13 Učit ću bezakonike tvojim stazama, i grešnici tebi će se obraćati.
Then will I teach thy ways to transgressors, And sinners shall be converted to thee.
14 Oslobodi me od krvi prolivene, Bože, Bože spasitelju moj! Nek' mi jezik kliče pravednosti tvojoj!
Deliver me from the guilt of blood, O God, the God of my salvation! That my tongue may sing aloud of thy goodness!
15 Otvori, Gospodine, usne moje, i usta će moja naviještati hvalu tvoju.
O Lord! open thou my lips, That my mouth may show forth thy praise!
16 Žrtve ti se ne mile, kad bih dao paljenicu, ti je ne bi primio.
For thou desirest not sacrifice, else would I give it; Thou delightest not in burnt-offerings.
17 Žrtva Bogu duh je raskajan, srce raskajano, ponizno, Bože, nećeš prezreti.
The sacrifice which God loveth is a broken spirit; A broken and contrite heart, O God! thou wilt not despise!
18 U svojoj dobroti milostiv budi Sionu i opet sagradi jeruzalemske zidine!
Do good to Zion according to thy mercy; Build up the walls of Jerusalem!
19 Tada će ti biti mile žrtve pravedne i tad će se prinosit' teoci na žrtveniku tvojemu.
Then shalt thou be pleased with sacrifices of righteousness, With burnt-offerings and complete offerings; Then shall bullocks be offered upon thine altar.