< Psalmi 5 >
1 Zborovođi. Uz frule. Psalam. Davidov. Čuj, o Jahve, riječi moje, jecaje moje razaberi!
For the leader: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by the flute. Hear my words, Lord: give heed to my whisper.
2 Osvrni se na glas mog prizivanja, o Kralju moj i Bože moj, jer tebe vruće zazivam!
Attend to my loud cry for help, my king and my God.
3 Jahve, zorom glas mi već čuješ, zorom ti već lijem molitve u nadi čekajuć'.
When I pray to you, Lord, in the morning, hear my voice. I make ready for you in the morning, and look for a sign.
4 Jer ti nisi Bog kom je nepravda mila: zlobniku nema boravka s tobom,
For you are no God who takes pleasure in wickedness: no one of evil can be your guest.
5 opaki ne mogu opstati pred tvojim pogledom. Mrziš sve što čine bezakonje
No braggarts can stand in your presence, you hate all workers of wrong.
6 i uništavaš lažljivce. Varalica i krvopija Jahvi se gadi.
You destroy all speakers of lies, people of blood and deceit you abhor.
7 Po velikoj dobroti tvojoj unići ću u Dom tvoj; past ću ničice pred svetim Domom tvojim, Jahve, prepun poštovanja.
But I, through your kindness abundant, may enter your house, and towards the shrine of your temple may reverently bow.
8 U svojoj me pravdi vodi poradi mojih dušmana, svoj put mi poravnaj pred očima.
Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies. Make your way level before me.
9 U njihovim ustima iskrenosti nema, srce im je puno zloće; grlo im je grob otvoren, a jezikom laskaju.
For their mouth is a stranger to truth, their heart is a pit of destruction. Their throat is a wide open grave, their tongue the smooth tongue of the hypocrite.
10 Kazni ih, o Bože! Nek' propadnu oni i osnove njine, otjeraj ih zbog mnogih nedjela njihovih; tÓa oni se digoše na tebe.
Condemn them, God; let their schemes bring them down to the ground. For their numberless crimes thrust them down for playing the rebel against you.
11 Nek' se raduju svi što se utječu tebi, neka kliču sve dovijeka! Štiti ih i nek se vesele u tebi koji ljube ime tvoje,
But let all who take refuge in you ring out their gladness forever. Protect those who love your name, so they may exult in you.
12 jer pravednika, Jahve, ti blagoslivljaš, dobrotom ga svojom k'o štitom zaklanjaš.
For you give your blessing, Lord, to the godly, and the shield of your favor protects them.