< Psalmi 46 >
1 Zborovođi. Sinova Korahovih. Po napjevu “Djevice”. Pjesma. Bog nam je zaklon i utvrda, pomoćnik spreman u nevolji.
To the Chief Musician. For the Sons of Korah, on Alamoth. A Song. God—for us, is a refuge and strength, A help in distresses, soon found.
2 Stoga, ne bojmo se kad se ljulja zemlja, kad se bregovi ruše u more.
For this cause, will we not fear, Though the earth showeth change, Or the mountains slip into the heart of the seas:
3 Nek' buče i bjesne valovi morski, nek' bregovi dršću od žestine njihove: s nama je Jahve nad Vojskama, naša je utvrda Bog Jakovljev!
The waters thereof roar and foam, The mountains tremble with the swelling thereof (Selah)
4 Rijeka i rukavci njezini vesele Grad Božji, presveti šator Višnjega.
A river! whose channels, shall gladden the city of God, The Most High, hath hallowed his habitation.
5 Bog je sred njega, poljuljat se neće, od rane zore Bog mu pomaže.
God, is in the midst of her, she shall not be shaken, God will help her, by the turnings of the morning.
6 Ma bješnjeli puci, rušila se carstva, kad glas njegov zagrmi, zemlja se rastopi:
Nations have roared, Kingdoms have tottered, He hath uttered his voice, Earth melteth.
7 s nama je Jahve nad Vojskama, naša je utvrda Bog Jakovljev!
Yahweh of hosts, is with us, A high tower for us, is the God of Jacob. (Selah)
8 Dođite, gledajte djela Jahvina, strahote koje on na zemlji učini.
Come! view the doings of Yahweh, —Who hath set desolations in the earth;
9 Do nakraj zemlje on ratove prekida, lukove krši i lomi koplja, štitove ognjem sažiže.
Causing wars to cease unto the end of the earth, —The bow, he shivereth, And breaketh in pieces the spear, war-chariots, burneth he up with fire.
10 Prestanite i znajte da sam ja Bog, uzvišen nad pucima, nad svom zemljom uzvišen!
Let be! and know that, I, am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.
11 S nama je Jahve nad Vojskama, naša je utvrda Bog Jakovljev!
Yahweh of hosts, is with us, A high tower for us, is the God of Jacob. (Selah)