< Psalmi 38 >
1 Psalam. Davidov. Za spomen. Jahve, u srdžbi svojoj nemoj ne karati, i nemoj me kazniti u svojemu gnjevu.
A psalm of David to make remembrance. O Yahweh may not in anger your you rebuke me and in wrath your may you chasten me.
2 Strijele se tvoje u me zabodoše, ruka me tvoja teško pritisnu:
For arrows your they have penetrated me and it has come down on me hand your.
3 na tijelu mi ništa zdravo nema zbog gnjeva tvog, od grijeha mojih mira mi nema kostima.
There not [is] soundness in flesh my because of indignation your there not [is] health in bones my because of sin my.
4 Zloće moje glavu su mi nadišle, kao preteško breme tište me.
For iniquities my they have passed over head my like a burden heavy they are [too] heavy for me.
5 Rane moje zaudaraju i gnjiju zbog bezumnosti moje.
They stink they fester wounds my because of folly my.
6 Pogurih se sav i zgrčih, povazdan lutam žalostan.
I am bent down I am bent over up to muchness all the day mourning I have gone about.
7 Moji bokovi puni su ognjice, na tijelu mi ništa zdravo nema.
For loins my they are full burning [pain] and there not [is] soundness in flesh my.
8 Iscrpljen sam i satrven posve, stenjem od jecanja srca svojega.
I am numb and I am crushed up to muchness I roar from [the] groaning of heart my.
9 O Gospode, sve su mi želje pred tobom, i vapaji moji nisu ti skriveni.
O Lord [is] before you all desire my and sighing my from you not it is hidden.
10 Srce mi udara silno, snaga me ostavlja i svjetlost vida očinjeg gasi se.
Heart my it palpitates it has left me strength my and [the] light of eyes my also they not [are] with me.
11 Prijatelji i drugovi od rana mojih uzmakoše, i moji najbliži stoje daleko.
Friends my - and companions my from before plague my they stand and kinsmen my from a distance they have stood.
12 Namještaju mi zamke oni koji mi život vrebaju, koji mi žele nesreću, propašću mi prijete i uvijek smišljaju prijevare.
And they set traps - [those who] seek life my and [those who] seek harm my they have spoken destruction and deceit all the day they devise.
13 A ja sam kao gluh i ništa ne čujem i, kao nijem, usta ne otvaram.
And I [am] like a deaf [person] not I hear and like a dumb [person] [who] not he opens mouth his.
14 Postadoh k'o čovjek koji ne čuje i koji u ustima nema odgovora.
And I have become like a man who not [is] hearing and there not in mouth his [are] arguments.
15 Jer u tebe se, o Jahve, uzdam, ti ćeš me uslišati, Jahve, Bože moj!
For for you O Yahweh I have waited you you will answer O Lord God my.
16 Rekoh: “Nek' se ne raduju nada mnom; kad mi noga posrne, nek' se ne uzdižu nada mnom!”
For I said lest they should rejoice to me when slips foot my on me they magnified themselves.
17 Jer umalo ne propadoh, i moja je bol svagda preda mnom.
For I for stumbling [am] prepared and pain my [is] before me continually.
18 Bezakonje svoje ja priznajem i pun sam žalosti zbog grijeha svojega.
For iniquity my I tell I am anxious from sin my.
19 A koji su bez razloga protiv mene, moćni su, i mnogi su koji me mrze nepravedno.
And enemies my life they are numerous and they are many [those who] hate me falsehood.
20 Za dobro zlom mi uzvraćaju, protive mi se što tražim dobro.
And [those who] repay evil in place of good they accuse me in place of (pursuing my *Q(k)*) good.
21 O Jahve, ne ostavljaj me! Bože moj, ne udaljuj se od mene!
May not you forsake me O Yahweh O God my may not you be distant from me.
22 Požuri se meni u pomoć, Gospode, spase moj!
Make haste! to help my O Lord salvation my.