< Psalmi 3 >

1 Psalam. Davidov. Kad je David bježao pred sinom Abšalomom. Jahve, koliko je tlačitelja mojih, koliki se podižu na me!
A Psalm of David, when he fled from the presence of his son Abessalom. O Lord, why are they that afflict me multiplied? many rise up against me.
2 Mnogi su što o meni zbore: “Nema mu spasenja u Bogu!”
Many say concerning my soul, There is no deliverance for him in his God. (Pause)
3 Ti si ipak štit moj, Jahve; slavo moja, ti mi glavu podižeš.
But you, O Lord, are my helper: my glory, and the one that lifts up my head.
4 Iza sveg glasa Jahvi zavapih, i on me usliša sa svete gore svoje.
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy mountain. (Pause)
5 Sad mogu leć' i usnuti, i onda ustat' jer me Jahve drži.
I lay down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord will help me.
6 Ne bojim se tisuća ljudi što me opsjedaju dušmanski.
I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, who beset me round about.
7 Ustani, o Jahve! Spasi me, o Bože moj! Ti udaraš po obrazu sve neprijatelje moje, opakima zube razbijaš.
Arise, Lord; deliver me, my God: for you have struck all who were without cause mine enemies; you have broken the teeth of sinners.
8 U Jahve je spasenje: na tvom narodu tvoj je blagoslov!
Deliverance is the Lord's, and your blessing is upon your people.

< Psalmi 3 >