< Psalmi 143 >
1 Psalam. Davidov. Jahve, slušaj moju molitvu, u vjernosti svojoj prikloni uho mojim vapajima, u pravednosti me svojoj usliši!
A psalm of David O Yahweh - hear prayer my give ear! to supplications my in faithfulness your answer me in righteousness your.
2 Ne idi na sud sa slugom svojim, jer nitko živ nije pravedan pred tobom!
And may not you go in judgment with servant your for not he is righteous before you any living [person].
3 Dušmanin mi dušu progoni, o zemlju pritisnu život moj; u tmine me baci da stanujem kao oni koji su davno umrli.
For he has pursued an enemy - self my he has crushed to the ground life my he has caused to dwell me in dark places like dead [people] of antiquity.
4 Duh moj već zamire u meni, srce mi trne u grudima.
And it has fainted away on me spirit my in [the] midst of me it is appalled heart my.
5 Spominjem se dana minulih, mislim o svim djelima tvojim, o djelima ruku tvojih razmišljam.
I have remembered days - from antiquity I have meditated on every deed your on [the] work of hands your I meditate.
6 Ruke svoje za tobom pružam, duša moja k'o suha zemlja za tobom žeđa.
I have spread out hands my to you throat my - like a land exhausted [is] to you (Selah)
7 Usliši me brzo, o Jahve, dah moj već je na izmaku! Lica svojeg preda mnom ne skrivaj, da ne postanem kao oni koji u grob silaze!
Hurry answer me - O Yahweh it is exhausted spirit my may not you hide face your from me and I will be equal with [those who] go down of [the] pit.
8 Objavi mi jutrom dobrotu svoju jer se uzdam u tebe. Put mi kaži kojim ću krenuti jer k tebi dušu uzdižem.
Make hear me in the morning - covenant loyalty your for in you I have trusted make known to me [the] way which I will go for to you I lift up desire my.
9 Izbavi me, Jahve, od mojih dušmana, tebi ja se utječem.
Deliver me from enemies my - O Yahweh to you I have covered.
10 Nauči me da vršim volju tvoju jer ti si Bog moj. Duh tvoj dobri nek' me po ravnu putu vodi!
Teach me - to do will your for you [are] God my spirit your good may it lead me in a land of level ground.
11 Zbog imena svog, Jahve, poživi me, zbog svoje pravednosti dušu mi izvedi iz tjeskobe!
For [the] sake of name your O Yahweh you will preserve alive me in righteousness your - you will bring out from trouble life my.
12 Po svojoj dobroti satri moje dušmane, uništi sve moje tlačitelje, jer ja sam sluga tvoj!
And in covenant loyalty your you will destroy enemies my and you will destroy all [the] opposers of life my for I [am] servant your.