< Psalmi 137 >

1 Na obali rijeka babilonskih sjeđasmo i plakasmo spominjući se Siona;
For David, [a Psalm] of Jeremias. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat; and wept when we remembered Sion.
2 o vrbe naokolo harfe svoje bijasmo povješali.
We hung our harps on the willows in the midst of it.
3 I tada naši tamničari zaiskaše od nas da pjevamo, porobljivači naši zaiskaše da se veselimo: “Pjevajte nam pjesmu sionsku!”
For there they that had taken us captive asked of us the words of a song; and they that had carried us away [asked] a hymn, [saying], Sing us [one] of the songs of Sion.
4 Kako da pjesmu Jahvinu pjevamo u zemlji tuđinskoj!
How should we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
5 Nek' se osuši desnica moja, Jeruzaleme, ako tebe zaboravim!
If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget [its skill].
6 Nek' mi se jezik za nepce prilijepi ako spomen tvoj smetnem ja ikada, ako ne stavim Jeruzalem vrh svake radosti svoje!
May my tongue cleave to my throat, if I do not remember you; if I do not prefer Jerusalem as the chief of my joy.
7 Ne zaboravi, Jahve, sinovima Edoma kako su u dan kobni Jeruzalemov vikali oni: “Rušite! Srušite ga do temelja!”
Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase [it], rase [it], even to its foundations.
8 Kćeri babilonska, pustošiteljice, blažen koji ti vrati milo za drago za sva zla što si nam ih nanijela!
Wretched daughter of Babylon! blessed [shall he be] who shall reward you as you have rewarded us.
9 Blažen koji zgrabi i smrska o stijenu tvoju dojenčad!
Blessed [shall he be] who shall seize and dash your infants against the rock.

< Psalmi 137 >