< Psalmi 112 >

1 Aleluja! ALEF Blago čovjeku koji se boji Jahve BET i koji uživa u naredbama njegovim:
Hallelujah. Happy are those who fear the Lord, and greatly delight in his commandments.
2 GIMEL moćno će mu biti na zemlji potomstvo, DALET na pravednu će pokoljenju počivati blagoslov.
Mighty on earth shall be their seed; a blessing shall rest on the race of the upright.
3 HE Blagostanje i bogatstvo bit će u domu njegovu, VAU njegova pravednost ostaje dovijeka.
Wealth and riches are in their houses, their prosperity stands forever.
4 ZAJIN Čestitima sviće k'o svjetlost u tami: HET blag, milosrdan i pravedan Jahve.
To the upright arises light in the darkness; full of favour and pity and kindness are they.
5 TET Dobro je čovjeku koji je milostiv i daje u zajam, JOD koji poslove svoje obavlja pravedno.
It is well with those who show pity and lend, who support all their affairs upon justice.
6 KAF Dovijeka neće on posrnuti: LAMED u vječnome će spomenu biti pravednik.
For they will never be shaken; the just will be forever remembered.
7 MEM Žalosne se vijesti neće bojati, NUN mirno je njegovo srce uzdajuć' se u Jahvu.
They will not be afraid of evil tidings, with steady heart they trust the Lord.
8 SAMEK Hrabro mu je srce, ničeg se ne boji, AJIN neprijatelje svoje prezire.
Their heart is firm and unafraid: they know they will feast their eyes on their enemies.
9 PE On prosipa, daje sirotinji: SADE pravednost njegova ostaje dovijeka, KOF njegovo će se čelo slavno uzdići.
With lavish hands they give to the poor, and their prosperity stands forever. They are lifted to heights of triumph and honour.
10 REŠ Ljutito će to gledati bezbožnik, ŠIN škrgutat će zubima i venuti, TAU propast će želja opakih.
The sight of them fills the wicked with anger: grinding their teeth with despair. The hopes of the wicked will come to nothing.

< Psalmi 112 >