< Psalmi 106 >
1 Aleluja! Hvalite Jahvu jer je dobar, jer je vječna ljubav njegova!
Praise Yahweh - give thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
2 Tko će izreć' djela moći Jahvine, tko li mu iskazat' sve pohvale?
Who? will he tell [the] mighty deeds of Yahweh will he proclaim? all praise his.
3 Blaženi što drže naredbe njegove i čine pravo u svako doba!
How blessed! [are those who] observe justice [one who] does righteousness at every time.
4 Sjeti me se, Jahve, po dobroti prema svome puku, pohodi me spasenjem svojim
Remember me O Yahweh with [the] favor of people your visit me with salvation your.
5 da uživam sreću izabranih tvojih, da se radujem radosti naroda tvoga, da tvojom se baštinom ponosim.
To look - on [the] good thing[s] of chosen ones your to rejoice in [the] joy of nation your to boast with inheritance your.
6 Zgriješismo kao oci naši, činismo bezakonje, bezbožno radismo.
We have sinned with ancestors our we have done wrong we have acted wickedly.
7 Oci naši u Egiptu, nehajni za čudesa tvoja, ne spominjahu se velike ljubavi tvoje, već na Svevišnjeg digoše se na Crvenom moru.
Ancestors our in Egypt - not they considered wonders your not they remembered [the] greatness of covenant loyalti your and they rebelled at [the] sea at [the] sea of reed[s].
8 Al' on ih izbavi rad' imena svoga da pokaže silu svoju.
And he saved them for [the] sake of name his to make known might his.
9 Zapovjedi Crvenome moru, i presahnu ono, provede ih izmed valÄa kao kroz pustinju.
And he rebuked [the] sea of reed[s] and it dried up and he led them in the deeps like the wilderness.
10 Iz ruku mrzitelja njih izbavi, oslobodi iz ruku dušmana.
And he saved them from [the] hand of [one who] hated and he redeemed them from [the] hand of an enemy.
11 I prekriše vode neprijatelje njine, ne ostade nijednoga od njih.
And they covered [the] waters opponents their one from them not he was left.
12 Vjerovahu riječima njegovim i hvale mu pjevahu.
And they believed words his they sang praise his.
13 Zaboraviše brzo djela njegova, ne uzdaše se u volju njegovu.
They made haste they forgot works his not they waited for counsel his.
14 Pohlepi se daše u pustinji, iskušavahu Boga u samoći.
And they craved a craving in the wilderness and they put to [the] test God in a desolate place.
15 I dade im što iskahu, al' u duše njine on groznicu posla.
And he gave to them petition their and he sent a wasting disease on self their.
16 Zavidješe tada Mojsiju u taboru, Aronu, kog posveti Jahve.
And they were envious of Moses in the camp of Aaron [the] holy [one] of Yahweh.
17 Otvori se zemlja, Datana proždrije, Abiramovo pokri mnoštvo.
It opened [the] earth and it swallowed up Dathan and it covered over [the] company of Abiram.
18 Oganj pade na sve mnoštvo njino i zlotvore plamen sažga.
And it burned fire among company their flame it burned up [the] wicked [people].
19 Načiniše tele na Horebu, klanjahu se liku od zlata slivenu.
They made a calf at Horeb and they bowed down to a molten image.
20 Zamijeniše Slavu svoju likom bika što proždire travu.
And they exchanged glory their for an image of an ox [which] eats vegetation.
21 Zaboraviše Boga, koji ih izbavi u Egiptu znamenja čineći
They forgot God deliverer their [who] did great [things] in Egypt.
22 i čudesa u Kamovoj zemlji i strahote na Crvenome moru.
Wonders in [the] land of Ham awesome [deeds] at [the] sea of reed[s].
23 Već namisli da ih satre, al' Mojsije, izabranik njegov, zauze se za njih da srdžbu mu odvrati, te ih ne uništi.
And he said to destroy them if not Moses chosen one his he had stood in the breach before him to turn back anger his from destroying.
24 Prezreše oni zemlju željkovanu ne vjerujuć' njegovoj riječi.
And they rejected [the] land of desire not they believed word his.
25 Mrmljahu pod šatorima svojim, ne poslušaše glasa Jahvina.
And they murmured in tents their not they listened to [the] voice of Yahweh.
26 Zakle se tada podignutom rukom: sve će ih pokosit' u pustinji,
And he raised hand his to them to make fall them in the wilderness.
27 potomstvo njino međ' narode razbacat', njih razasut' po zemljama.
And to make fall offspring their among the nations and to scatter them among the lands.
28 Posvetiše se Baal Peoru i jedoše žrtve bogova mrtvih.
And they joined themselves to Baal Peor and they ate sacrifices of dead [ones].
29 Razjariše ga nedjelima svojim, i on na njih pošast baci.
And they provoked to anger by deeds their and it broke out among them a plague.
30 Al' se Pinhas diže, sud izvrši i pošasti nesta tada.
And he stood up Phinehas and he mediated and it was restrained the plague.
31 U zasluge to mu uđe u sva pokoljenja dovijeka.
And it was reckoned to him to righteousness to a generation and a generation until perpetuity.
32 Razjariše ga opet kraj voda meripskih, i Mojsija zlo pogodi zbog njih,
And they provoked to anger at [the] waters of Meribah and it was bad for Moses because of them.
33 jer mu duh već ogorčiše, nesmotrenu riječ izusti.
For they rebelled toward spirit his and he spoke rashly with lips his.
34 I ne istrijebiše naroda za koje im Jahve bješe naredio.
Not they destroyed the peoples which he had said Yahweh to them.
35 S poganima miješahu se, naučiše djela njina.
And they mixed themselves with the nations and they learned deeds their.
36 Štovahu likove njihove, koji im postaše zamka.
And they served idols their and they became for them a snare.
37 Žrtvovahu sinove svoje i svoje kćeri zlodusima.
And they sacrificed sons their and daughters their to demons.
38 Prolijevahu krv nevinu, krv sinova i kćeri svojih, koje žrtvovahu likovima kanaanskim. Zemlja bješe krvlju okaljana,
And they shed blood innocent [the] blood of sons their and daughters their whom they sacrificed to [the] idols of Canaan and it was polluted the land by the blood.
39 djelima se svojim uprljaše, učiniše preljub svojim nedjelima.
And they became unclean by works their and they played [the] prostitute by deeds their.
40 Na svoj narod Jahve srdžbom planu, zgadi mu se njegova baština.
And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on people his and he abhorred inheritance his.
41 Predade ih u ruke pogana te vladahu njima mrzitelji njini.
And he gave them in [the] hand of nations and they ruled over them [those who] hated them.
42 Mučili ih neprijatelji i tlačili rukom svojom.
And they oppressed them enemies their and they were humbled under hand their.
43 Prečesto ih izbavljaše, al' ga razjariše naumima svojim: pokošeni bjehu za bezakonja svoja.
Times many he delivered them and they they rebelled by plan[s] their and they sank by iniquity their.
44 On pogleda opet na nevolju njinu kad njihove molitve začu
And he saw when it was distress to them when heard he cry of entreaty their.
45 i sjeti se svog Saveza s njima, sažali se na njih u velikom milosrđu svome.
And he remembered to them covenant his and he relented according to [the] greatness of (covenant loyalti his. *Q(K)*)
46 Učini da nađu milost u onih što ih bjehu zarobili.
And he made them into compassion before all captors their.
47 Spasi nas, Jahve, Bože naš, i saberi nas od bezbožnih naroda da slavimo tvoje sveto ime, da se tvojom slavom ponosimo.
Save us - O Yahweh God our and gather us from the nations to give thanks to [the] name of holiness your to boast in praise your.
48 Blagoslovljen Jahve, Bog Izraelov, od vijeka dovijeka! I sav narod neka kaže: “Amen! Aleluja!”
[be] blessed Yahweh [the] God of Israel from antiquity - and until perpetuity and it will say all the people amen praise Yahweh.